big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2061 Encouragement

Chapter 2061 Encouragement
Because basically everyone present is on the list.

No wonder Li Xin called them over this time, they were waiting for him here.

"Let's finish reading. Do you have any objections?"

"no disagreement!"

Who dares to resist?

Didn't you see what happened to those people?
It's no better than death.

It is basically impossible to turn around in this life.

"That's good. Now let's hand over the work on hand. We will leave Dongdu in three days. I have arranged the flight. When we arrive in Xijing, someone will arrange it for you." Li Xin said.

He has already agreed with Tianxin that these people will be assigned to the poorest places.

If the transformation is good, they will still have a future. If the transformation is not good, they will continue to reform.

There is absolutely no chance of a comeback.

But Xijing is not the eastern capital, and they can't borrow any power over there.

Moreover, he has already said hello to the clan, and absolutely no one will dare to support them.

This is the result of harboring evil intentions.

After everyone left, Li Xin continued to listen to Qin Mo's speech.

“Here, I would like to express my gratitude to those unknown researchers, who are changing our current lives through progress time after time.

I’m not just talking about the rocket development team, but also members of other scientific research teams.

Without you, there would be no Ming Dynasty now, so I sincerely thank you here.

Even if the rocket launch fails this time, I don't think I will blame them.

Because we are taking a road that no one has traveled before.

No one will tell us how to go.

How to build a rocket.

I think that if the rocket fails this time, many people may stand up and say that these scientific researchers and personnel are taking risks with people's tax dollars.

But what I want to say is that every adventure is to get closer to success.

Take the tram we are riding now as an example. It was achieved by scientific researchers after tens of thousands of experiments.

The same goes for airplanes.

The drawings of the first-generation fighter jets were placed on my desk twenty and five years ago. The drawings of the first-generation fighter jets were drawn by me.

But in what year did the first-generation fighter jets take flight?
That happened more than ten years ago. It took us a whole country, several years, and tens of thousands of people working day and night to get fighter planes in the sky!
The hardest thing is not going from one to two, but going from zero to one.

As long as there is one, there will be two and three.

So failure is not terrible. After terrible failure, you don’t have the spirit to face difficulties. "

Having said this, Qin Mo paused, "So, let me reiterate one last time, even if the rocket launch is not successful this time, everyone should not blame it.

Because all scientific researchers want to succeed more than we do.

I don't want to hear the voice of accusation. Everyone should be more tolerant and encourage them.

Although, with the launch imminent, it would be unlucky to say this.

But, I think it needs to be said.

I want to cheer for every scientific researcher! "

At this time, the scientific researchers who were listening in front of the radio burst into tears after hearing this.

Every achievement is achieved through countless efforts.

Every failure almost crushed them, and then they had to regroup and study harder.

Qin Mo's understanding and encouragement are what they need most.

It was like someone lit a light in the darkness, giving them direction. In Nanfanzhou, Li Shuangan has already picked up Princess Jing'an.

Although Princess Jing'an said that she would never travel again in this life, Princess Jing'an is getting older and her health is getting worse day by day.

Although Qin Mo and Li Xue are here, people always want to stay by their son's side when they grow old.

Li Shuangan specially asked for leave, flew to Tokyo, and brought Princess Jing'an here.

Princess Jing'an thought that she would feel particularly uncomfortable and rejected.

But after actually setting foot on this land, Princess Jing'an suddenly felt relieved when she saw the old people from Nanfan coming to greet her. They knelt on the ground and praised her for everything she had done.

What was wrong was that Lobu gathered together, not these common people.

Moreover, Luo Bu has been dead for so many years, what else should he care about?
Even Daqian is gone.

However, he did not live in the Red Palace, a building built for her by Luo Buzadui, but in the temple he built himself.

It's not very far from the Red Palace, and Li Shuangan would run back and forth every day.

His wives and concubines will accompany Princess Jing'an.

They all grew up listening to the story of Princess Jing'an, and they all have great admiration and respect for this former Mengzan.

However, Princess Jing'an is not very willing to let them serve her. She likes to be quiet.

Perhaps the most comfortable thing about Nanfan is its purity.

They all said that this is the place closest to the sky.

Princess Jing'an thought it was right. She stood in the temple and stared into the distance every day, and she could always think of what happened when she was young.

"Mom, there are still two minutes left. The rocket is about to be launched. I asked my brother-in-law. If we are lucky, we should be able to see it from here." Li Shuangan said.

Princess Jingan came to her senses and listened to Qin Mo's speech on the radio, "Tell me, are there really gods in the sky?"

"No, scientists have long said that the Moon Palace is deserted and has nothing. The so-called gods are just used by the rulers to deceive the people."

Li Shuang'an sighed, "Now I understand why my brother-in-law wants to demolish most of the temples in Nanpan. If they are not demolished, the consequences will be disastrous after the rocket takes off."

"When has your brother-in-law ever acted recklessly?" Princess Jing'an said calmly: "No matter what he does from now on, just do it. There will definitely be nothing wrong with him."

"That's what you said." Li Shuang'an nodded, "I don't know if that kid can be a state king in the future."

"If you can do it, just do it. If you can't do it, come down. Why force it?" Princess Jing'an was very open-minded. "You must not think that the position of King of Nanfan Prefecture is occupied by our family. If you have this kind of thinking, Sooner or later something will happen.”

"I understand." Li Shuangan nodded.

At this time, Qin Mo looked at the time and was not speaking.

Instead, let Li Xuan speak.

The tense countdown begins.

Everyone's heart was in their throats.

"Now, countdown to launch, one minute."

"Countdown to launch, thirty seconds."

"Countdown to launch, ten seconds!"

On the radio, the announcer was counting down the seconds.

At the observation deck not far away, everyone was holding their breath and concentrating, for fear of missing a certain detail.

In Xijing, Tianxin, Feng Geer, Huo Lin'er and others were also listening to the radio in Fengtian Hall.

"The exciting moment is coming." Huo Lin'er rubbed his hands and said, "Next we have to witness a miracle!"

"Third brother, calm down." Tianxin said.

"Brother, can you stop shaking your legs?" Huo Lin'er laughed, "If you shake any more, the floor tiles will be broken by your steps!"

(End of this chapter)

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