big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2063 A historic moment!

Chapter 2063 A historic moment!
People in some surrounding cities saw the rockets flying into the sky.

"Look, is that a rocket?"

Someone pointed to the sky and said.

At that moment, countless people looked up to the sky.

"It's a rocket, that's Pangu-1!"

The originally quiet city became lively in an instant.

"Long live the Ming Dynasty!"

Someone took the lead in shouting this sentence!

Then everyone shouted in unison: "Long live the Ming Dynasty!"

"Long live the Emperor, long live Your Majesty!"

The whole city turned into a sea of ​​celebration. They held the national flag, ran wildly in the streets, and shared the joy with strangers.

They sang the national anthem of the Ming Dynasty.

Some even had tears in their eyes.

"The rocket continues to lift off. I declare that this time, the rocket launch is successful!" Li Xuan's slightly accented voice spread to every corner of the Ming Dynasty!
At that moment, every place on the motherland of the Ming Dynasty was filled with the sounds of celebration.

"Long live!"

Countless people jumped up and shouted long live.

"Long live the Great Emperor, may the Ming Dynasty be victorious!"

The overwhelming cheers made everyone's noses sore.

This is the first time in human history to explore the universe and the stars.

They did it!
At this time, Yuan Tiangang was sitting in his yard, listening to the report on the radio.

The cheers of the people in Zhuangzi came to his ears.

Xiao Xuanji said: "It's really amazing."

Yuan Tiangang pinched his fingers and began to calculate. He had not thought about fortune for many years, so he began to calculate Ziweixing in his heart.

"The red dragon has swallowed all the big dragons and became the only ancestral dragon in the world. This is an unprecedented event.

This world is occupied by the Ming Red Dragon.

In the future, this giant dragon will become even stronger. It is far from its peak and prosperity period yet.

Even if there will be some difficulties when it comes, in the end, man will prevail.

In ancient times, there was a country, which lasted for eight hundred years.

The Ming Dynasty Guozuo, I don’t know how many eight hundred years it was.

Can't figure it out. "

Yuan Tiangang smiled.

Xiao Xuanji opened a book in front of him, which recorded some scenes calculated by Yuan Tiangang.

It is said that it has calculated the context of the Ming Dynasty two thousand years later.

And what he can be sure of is that two thousand years later, the Ming Dynasty will still be there.

And the prosperity and strength at that time reached an unimaginable level.

The first picture shows something like a rocket rising into the sky.

"The first picture came true." Xiao Xuanji said: "Your pushing back picture is really amazing."

"It's God who wants you to count, not me." Yuan Tiangang said.

"Don't you always say that secrets cannot be leaked?" Xiao Xuanji said funnyly. She is already over seventy this year. Perhaps because of her years of exposure to Taoism, she looks just like she is in her fifties or sixties, but she is more kind-hearted. .

This push-back diagram was calculated by her and Yuan Tiangang.

"There are things in the century-old plan, and there are also things in the map I recommend. National policies are secrets. Whether they are leaked or not is no longer important.

God admits this, I am just a crown prince! "Yuan Tiangang laughed, "However, I am envious of late autumn, being able to see the rocket take off at the Longyou Space Base with my own eyes. Compared with his divination skills, there will definitely be a huge improvement. "

Xiao Xuanji nodded, "I miss my son a little bit. I've been stuck at home for so long. How about going out for a walk?"

At this age, how long can she live?
"You are also a cruel father. You won't go when your son gets married, and you won't go when your grandson is born. Do you have to wait for your great-grandson to be born before you go?" Xiao Xuanji said with some complaint.

Yuan Tiangang stood up and said, "Then let's go out for a walk, and let my daughter take care of the household affairs."

When Yuan Lili heard this, she immediately quit, "Father, mother, am I still not your biological child? If anything happens, just throw me at home. I won't be the one who picked me up, right?"

"Daughter, don't be stupid. Your mother and I have a daughter. We can't love you enough. How could we leave you at home?" Yuan Tiangang said: "You are still young. Whether you have a family or not, come with us to play wild games. What should I do?
Your mother and I don't want you to marry too far away, so you can stay at home peacefully.

Wait a few months and we'll be back. "

Yuan Li can't control himself anymore, then I'll go to the mountain to find my senior brother and the others!

The Taoist holy land is right next to it, so what about going up the mountain? "How can there be a heavenly master like you? It's so irresponsible to leave your daughter alone.

I have also reached the age of hair. When the time comes, I will find someone to marry. When the time comes, you will be like my brother. I will get married and have children, but you should not come. "

"That's great. It saves you a lot of trouble, old lady!" Yuan Tiangang burst into laughter.

Yuan Li stamped his feet calmly.

Xiao Xuanji rolled his eyes at his husband, "Don't listen to your dad's nonsense. Just stay at home. Your dad and I are going out on a date. It's not appropriate to bring a light bulb like you."

Her comfort was worse than no comfort at all.

Yuan Lili's heart dropped when she said it directly, "Okay, okay, my eldest brother and I are your burdens and light bulbs. Can't I just leave?"

"Look at you, you are so childish." Yuan Tiangang shook his head, "Let's go pack our things, I'll have someone take us to the airport right now!"

When others raise children, it is an elite education, and the two of them focus on one.

However, in recent years, the child's education has been quite good. Anyway, she has already grown up and is an adult.

Yuan Tiangang didn't bother to care about her, she knew what was good and what was bad!
The couple left as soon as they said they wanted, without any delay.

After Yuan Lili was sulky for a while, he went home and found that the house was empty. When he asked the housekeeper, he took a car to the airport half an hour ago.

He immediately made Yuan Li angry.

At this time, Qin Mo also patted Li Xuan on the shoulder, "Congratulations, you did it."

Li Xuan burst into tears. He still remembered how helpless he felt at that time when Ming Dynasty fighter planes flew over Daqian ten years ago.

Even though he put a lot of effort into replicating a first-generation fighter jet, he was gone before he even remembered to assemble and produce it.

At that time, he vowed that he would surpass Xijing.

So he chose to study rockets.

Studying day after day without rest.

Until now, he finally succeeded!
Surpassing the two aviation bases in Xijing, the progress is directly reached.

They finally launched the rocket into the sky without any problems.

The entire space base was drowned in cheers.

Li Xuan was lifted up by everyone and thrown high above their heads.

"Dean Li, you are awesome!"

"Dean Li, invincible!"

They needed to vent so much. Only they understood how hard-earned the success at this moment was.

The time, place and people were favorable, and they took possession of them all.

They successfully launched Pangu-1.

The photographer also captured this historic moment.

The next day, the front page of all newspapers and periodicals was about the soaring rocket!

(End of this chapter)

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