big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2064 Menopause

Chapter 2064 Menopause

The rocket took off, which meant that Ming had taken that crucial step.

In forty years, we have completed the journey that others took hundreds of years to complete.

When the satellite entered the predetermined orbit and sent back the information, Qin Mo couldn't express his excitement.

It's like playing a business game and reaching the full level.

But Qin Mo knew very well that this was just the beginning. The rocket was still small and far from being a big rocket.

Moreover, the functions of the satellites launched now are very simple, which means there is a lot of room for improvement.

However, he still wrote a proposal to make this day a national celebration day.

Naturally, Tianxin would not object. This proposal quickly passed the cabinet deliberations and was then circulated throughout the country.

Li Yongmeng also brought Li Cungong to the Longyou launch base. Even though one day had passed since the launch of the rocket, Li Cungong still couldn't calm down. "The rocket was launched in the Longxing land of Daqian. It felt like the Li family Our ancestors are protecting us."

"Maybe." Li Yong smiled fiercely, and then said: "Dad, let's go back to our hometown. Didn't you say you want to go back to farm?"

The reason why he came to Longyou was not only to watch the rocket launch, but the most important thing was to accompany his father on the last journey of his life.

Li Cungong is in good health and can eat and drink. He is in his eighties or nineties and is still in good spirits.

How many people are eighty or ninety years old in this life?

So Li Yongmeng didn't want to go anywhere in the following days, he just wanted to stay with his father.

"Go say hello to Qin Mo and thank you for your care over the years." Li Cungong found Qin Mo and said, "Qin Mo, I will go back to my hometown to farm. You must take good care of Longyou in the future. What do you say here? It’s also your father-in-law’s hometown.

You can't favor one over the other, do you understand? "

"Don't worry, the reason why I put the space base here is to vigorously develop Longyou's aerospace industry. There will definitely be vigorous development here in the future.

I'm not that kind of narrow-minded person, and it's not like you don't know that. Qin Mo took Li Cungong's hand and said, "I feel bad when you leave. I always feel like a little kid." "

"You are not a little kid. You are an adult and the head of the people of the country. You have done a good job." Li Cungong patted the back of his hand. "People have joys and sorrows, and the moon waxes and wanes. Take good care of yourself."

"Go slowly." Qin Mo arched his head, and then hugged Li Cungong, "Take care!"

Li Yongmeng was a little reluctant, "Brother, take care of yourself."

With that said, he led Li Cungong into the car.

The departure of the father and son made Qin Mo feel a little sad. His acquaintances were leaving one by one, and he felt that he was getting more and more lonely.

The newcomer was in awe of him and regarded him as a myth. Even when he spoke, he was respectful, which was so boring.

After leaving the Longyou launch base, Qin Mo returned to the Qinzhuang hut. Just in time for spring, he started planting trees, growing vegetables, picking tea, and frying tea.

When I have nothing to do, I fish in my own fish pond and make wine.

When it was late at night, I sat in front of the coding machine and coded. Writing was too strenuous, so the coding machine was more convenient.

The keyboard made rhythmic tapping sounds, which Qin Mo enjoyed a lot.

Xiao Yurou was wearing silk pajamas and came over with a late-night snack, "It's almost early morning, do you still want to stay up late?"

"I slept for a long time during the day and couldn't sleep at night." Now the court is fine, everything is stable in the Western Regions, and the Central Plains region is being divided. Now the people below are very noisy, and they are not willing to divide their wealthy areas.

Qin Mo also let them make trouble. If someone brought a lawsuit against him, he would push it to the cabinet and let the cabinet bother.

He just said one thing: to ensure that every newly promoted state capital can develop sustainably, and that the city level of each state capital must be fairly judged by then.

Three months later, he will hold the Central Plains Conference in Tokyo, and the same will be done in Xijing. The results of the conference will be made public at that time.

And now, it's his vacation time. "Then you can't stay up too late. Do you still think you are an eighteen-year-old boy?" Xiao Yurou looked a little sleepy.

Qin Mo stretched out and hugged her over. Perhaps because of his age, Xiao Yurou's figure was becoming more and more plump. Although she was not as good as when she was young, her charm was still there.

He thanked Gangzi in his heart more than once.

This health-preserving skill is really a good thing.

In addition, the women of the Xiao family are uniquely endowed, and they are always different from ordinary people in terms of anti-aging.

The same goes for Xiao Xuanji. When he first met her, he was already in his forties or fifties and looked like a thirty-year-old.

"Come with me to finish coding the last chapter. Let's rest in the study tonight."

"Then they will laugh at me for eating alone."

Qin Mo smiled. The older he got, the more he liked to be alone. He decided to give up eating in a big pot this year.

A small stove can be opened for up to three or five people at the same time.

People cannot accept old age.

"Have you eaten enough alone?"

Xiao Yurou rolled her eyes at him, "Do I want to eat it?"

"Don't move around. If you get angry, you are responsible!"

Xiao Yurou shook her head and moved away from his arms, "Who wants to fool around with you at night?"

After saying that, he lay aside and fell asleep, "Hurry up, I'm sleepy."

Qin Mo glanced at the code machine and said, "Damn, I'm not a hardworking author!"

Can the coding machine have the fragrance of a daughter-in-law?
With that said, he got into the mattress.

Xiao Yurou held him down and said, "There is something I want to tell you."

"what's up?"

"I think I'm going through menopause." Xiao Yurou said nervously, "I haven't been here in the past two months."

Qin Mo was stunned, "Really? It won't happen."

"How is it possible, I'm already this old, and I want to wear it without making people laugh to death?" Xiao Yurou rolled her eyes at him, "I asked the female doctor to check my pulse, and also went to the hospital for an examination. She said it was menopause. "In the next few years, I will age at an accelerated rate, and this kind of aging cannot be reversed even by health maintenance."

Qin Mo sighed, "Menopause is just menopause. Compared to others, your menopause has been delayed for more than ten years, which is already very good."

Xiao Yurou sighed, "Maybe, my eyes have been so dizzy recently that I can't see clearly without presbyopia. In a year or two, I'm afraid I will really turn into an old woman.

When the time comes, no one will really like you anymore when you are old and yellow. "

Qin Mo could see through her thoughts at a glance, and it was clear that she was afraid of being nervous.

Who says beautiful women are not afraid of aging?
In fact, beautiful women are more afraid.

A beauty like Xiao Yurou is no exception.

"Speaking of presbyopia, I also have it." Qin Mo said: "Although it is not serious, it is indeed not as good as before, but our bodies are much stronger than those of our peers.

Most people would have been buried long ago when they reached your age! "

(End of this chapter)

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