big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2065 The wind is about to blow

Chapter 2065 The wind is about to blow

"Qin Mo, you think I am immortal, right?" Xiao Yu said softly.

"My conscience, I tell the truth." Qin Mo smiled bitterly and said: "At our age, what else do we ask for so much? No illness, no disaster, no pressure in life, and living the rest of our lives happily is more important than anything else. .

Look at how young A Si is. He suffered a stroke and became paralyzed when he was in his thirties or forties. He will probably be dead soon.

That kid had already had heart surgery, and now he has a stroke and basically won't live long. "

"Why do I feel that you are taking pleasure in others' misfortune?" Xiao Yu said judo.

"Is there any?" Qin Mo touched his chin, "I'm just giving an example."

Ah Si suffered a stroke after Li Zhao left. He only received the news a few days ago. It is said that after drinking wine, he forced himself to have sex with his concubine. He suddenly had a stroke and went to the hospital for rescue. He was saved, but he was sideways. His mouth was crooked and his eyes were crooked, his whole body was paralyzed, and life was more uncomfortable than death.

"Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking." Xiao Yurou snorted, and then sighed, "I used to think that aging is a very slow thing, but when it really happens, I can't ignore it. You see My skin, even though I exercise so hard, can't stop it from becoming saggy.

Even your favorite one cannot avoid going down."

What could Qin Mo do but coax her.

But he is indeed young now, and he and Xiao Yurou are like two generations together.

No wonder Xiao Yurou was worried.

Li Yulan also has this concern recently.

He couldn't imagine how miserable his life would be when all these women went through menopause.

Just thinking about it, Qin Mo felt that he was approaching menopause.

At the same time, Dongdu, but this time, Dongdu will be renamed Qianzhoufu.

Li Xin was visiting Ah Si at his residence. Looking at his brother who was lying on the bed, Li Xin said: "I have called Li Zhao, but he is out training and may not be able to come back for a while.

If you have any wishes, you can tell me and I will find a way to help you realize it. "

Although he himself had half his neck buried in the ground, he also knew that A Si would not live much longer.

"Big, big, big brother. I, I, I, I want to see Li Zhao!" Ah Si struggled with all his strength to say these words clearly.

"If Li Zhao can't come back, please make another request." Li Xin sat by the bed and remembered Ah Si when he was a child. At that time, Ah Si was well-behaved and cute, which was completely different from what he is now.

"Big brother, can, can, can, save, save me. Send, send me to East Tokyo, let my brother-in-law, save, save me."

Ah Si didn't want to die. Although he was paralyzed and his brain was not functioning smoothly, his strong desire to survive forced him to speak.

"You still have the nerve to mention your brother-in-law? He is no longer your brother-in-law!" Li Xin shook his head, "Back then, if you had thought that he was your brother-in-law and teacher, you would not have ended up like this."

"Only, only sister and brother-in-law can save me. I beg you. Brother, please help me. I don't want to die!" Ah Si cried and begged.

"There are so many people who don't want to die. Can they be saved?" Li Xin said with hatred: "If you had been better, why would you have ended up like this?"

Ah Si cried and said: "Brother, I'm still young, not yet forty. I don't want to die. I really don't want to die. I want to die. These stinky bitches will definitely get married.

I don’t want them to cuckold me, so I beg you. "

Hearing this, Li Xin became even more furious, "You and Shuangshuang have been divorced for more than ten years. Why are you angry here? What kind of cuckold did they put on you?" He immediately heard the meaning behind A Si's words. Subtext.

It is said that on that day, Ah Si knew that Shuang Shuang had remarried. Although there was no big deal, the high-level officials of Ming Dynasty knew about it.

After Ah Si found out, he drank heavily for a day, drank heavily while drunk, and took strong medicine. He called his two concubines over and forced him to have fun, which led to the bitter consequences.

"What qualifications do you have to make irresponsible remarks here?" Li Xin was completely disappointed with Ah Si, "If it hadn't been for my mother's repeated instructions before she died, I wouldn't have cared about you at all.

Now that you are like this, you are still thinking about what you have and what you don’t have. You deserve what you have today. "

He stood up and wanted to leave, but looking at Ah Si's pitiful appearance of begging, he couldn't help but sigh, "I will tell Qin Mo for you, if Qin Mo is willing to see you."

See Qin Mo?

A glimmer of hope flashed in Ah Si's eyes. In his heart, his brother-in-law was omnipotent and no matter how great the difficulty was, it was impossible for Qin Mo to be stumped.

"Thank you, thank you, brother."

Ah Si's hope for life ignited. As long as Qin Mo came to see him, he would definitely be able to save him and make him better.

Li Xin shook his head, walked out of the room, looked at the two concubines kneeling outside, and sighed.

These two concubines have not had a good life with Ah Si in the past few years. They look sallow and thin, and they have to endure Ah Si’s curses and beatings. “When he dies, I will give you a sum of money, and you can go find your own way.” People."

For so many years, they have not given birth to another child for Ah Si, probably because of Ah Si's poor health.

"Thank you!" The two women knelt on the ground and cried bitterly. Only they understood how painful they had been through these years.

They are also young. They were the concubines that A Si later took, and are still only thirty.

Unlike before, they became grandmothers at the age of thirty, but now they can still start over.

After Li Xin left, he thought for a while and called Qin Mo.

"Is something wrong?" After a while, Qin Mo's voice came from inside.

"Your Majesty, A Si is about to die, can you do anything to save him? Or, can you come to Qianzhou and see him for the last time?" Li Xin said in embarrassment.

"Is it that serious?"

"The doctor said that the situation is not optimistic, and it may only last a few days." Li Xin said: "His heart is not good, and he has symptoms of heart failure this time. Even if the heart is replaced, he will not survive. His body is simply not strong enough." To support him in this major surgery.”

Heart surgery has been proposed a long time ago, but so far, there has not been a single successful operation in the country.

It’s not just because of technical difficulties and backward equipment.

Qin Mo has been vigorously developing this area, but medicine, like technology, is one step at a time, and there are no shortcuts.

"In what capacity should I go?" Qin Mo asked.

"Then you just consider him as your closed disciple, okay?" Li Xin begged.

"Does he regard me as his teacher?" Qin Mo sneered, "That's not what a good person does, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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