big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2066 Arriving in Qianzhou

Chapter 2066 Arriving in Qianzhou
"Then please, for my sake and for Li Zhao's sake, how about taking one last look at him?" Li Xin begged shamelessly. He knew that he had no sympathy at all for Qin Mo.

Listening to the busy signal on the phone, Li Xin sighed. It seemed that Qin Mo was not willing to come over at all.

It's also A Si's own fault for doing things so badly that he ended up where he is now.

At this time, Qin Mo was a little irritable.

He had long since given up hope for Ah Si, but why was he feeling uneasy?

Are you remembering the advice from Lao Liu and your mother, or are you thinking about the past friendship?

After all, he watched him grow up and was taught by himself.

Once a teacher, always a father.

But he really couldn't take this step.

"What's wrong with you?" Li Yulan couldn't help but ask as she looked at Qin Mo walking out of the phone room.

Qin Mo rarely showed his emotions on his face.

"Ah Si suffered a stroke and is about to die." Qin Mo said, "Your elder brother asked me to see him for the last time, but I don't want to go."

After all, Li Yulan was his biological sister, so it wouldn't be good if she didn't tell her.

"How could this happen?" Li Yulan frowned, "He is not even forty!"

"Drinking, taking drugs, playing with women, and ruining myself!" Qin Mo shook his head, "I shouldn't have performed heart surgery on him in the first place. It would have been better if he died. After all, maybe he wouldn't be like this now. ”

Li Yulan had also been disappointed with this younger brother for a long time, "He is a younger brother after all, and I want to see him for the last time. At least I won't feel guilty when I go to pay homage to my father, the emperor, and my mother."

He can be ruthless and unjust, but we can't, what do you think? "

Qin Mo was conflicted in his heart, but after thinking for a while, he said: "I haven't been to Qianzhou for a long time. It is said that the population there is now approaching five million. Let's go and have a look."

"Okay, I'll go and notify Sixth Sister and Seventh Sister right away," Li Yulan said.

Soon, Li Yushu, Li Lizhen, Xiaojiu, Li Xue, and Li Jingya all knew.

As members of the Li clan, even if Li Xue and Li Jingya didn't like Ah Si at all, they still wanted to go for the sake of Li Yulan and others.

Otherwise it would be too ugly.

Although Qin Mo was using the excuse of traveling, he was also trying to reconcile with himself and release his friendliness towards Li.

As Li Yulan said, Ah Si can be ruthless, but they cannot be unjust.

When the plane landed, no one knew that Qin Mo and his party had arrived at the capital of Qianzhou.

He also bought property here.

But it was purchased by the Royal Foundation a long time ago, but now the foundation is no longer allowed to hoard assets such as land. The purpose is to prevent Ming Dynasty from following the same old path.

And even if others knew about this kind of thing, who would dare to check it?
No one dares to check.

It is necessary to make restrictions in advance.

After staying in Qinyuan, the group disguised themselves and went to the busiest place in Qianzhou.

Qin Mo said: "It's quite lively here, more than ten times more lively than before."

"Originally, there were only five to six million people in Qianzhou. Now there are five million people. The number of people has increased tenfold. How can it not be lively?" Li Yushu said, "But it seems that the buildings here are all built in the Central Plains. Even the buildings are so unique." "

What are you thinking about here?

Like an enlarged version of Hongya Cave.

Modern buildings are rarely seen.

It can be seen that Qianzhou still promotes the localized architectural concept of the Central Plains.

But this is also good. The traffic lights, cars and light signs on the road give Qin Mo a cyberpunk feeling.

It's like entering a magical world. Some people wear improved modern clothes, while many people are keen on traditional clothes, and they don't feel out of place at all.

Qin Mo liked this feeling very much.

The elements of Ming Dynasty here are even stronger than those in Tokyo.

The Xijing side is more modern.

The trams here are very developed and double-decker.

The group of people sat on the second floor, feeling the enthusiasm of Qianzhou.

The warm spring wind blew on his face, making Qin Mo feel much better.

Li Yulan said: "Shall we go tomorrow?"

Qin Mo nodded silently, "Go and have a look tomorrow. Let's have some fun today and don't think about other things."

Li Yulan actually didn't care, but Li Yushu was not in a good mood. After all, he was the younger brother of the same mother. Even if they didn't interact with each other for these years, he would always feel uncomfortable.

Qin Mo took them for a tour and transformed back into Qin Garden.

Early the next morning, we took a bus to the capital of Qianzhou.

Li Xin is working at the moment and is currently planning Qianzhou. He is making choices.

In addition, the government agencies of the twelve states must be streamlined, that is to say, the system of one hundred civil and military officials cannot be retained, and there will be no more officials such as state prime ministers.

Everything is in accordance with the imperial court's appointment standards.

A lot of work piled up on his paperwork, which made Li Xin a little overwhelmed.

He took a painkiller and rested for a while. After feeling that the pain in his back was less, he continued to work.

At this moment, someone came over to report, "Governor, His Majesty, His Majesty is here!"

Li Xin frowned, thinking he heard wrongly, "What did you say? Who is here?"

"Your Majesty, the Supreme Emperor is here. He is just outside. He also brought Princess Jingyang, Princess Yonghe and the others with him." The person who came was also from the Li family. He recognized the people around Qin Mo at a glance and was extremely nervous at the moment. .

Li Xin stood up quickly and said, "Hurry, welcome the Supreme Emperor in quickly, no, no, wait, I will greet him personally."

He never expected that Qin Mo would come. He thought Qin Mo would never come.

Sure enough, Qin Mo is still the same Qin Mo as before.

After all these years, he still hasn't changed.

He straightened his clothes and tried to straighten his back to make himself look less rickety.

I quickly came to the door and saw a young, shameless man standing there with several beautiful women.

Twenty years ago, he was like this, and twenty years later, he is still like this.

Li Xin sighed in his heart, and hurriedly stepped forward, "I'm here to see the Emperor and the Queen Mother."

"Okay, we're all acquaintances, so don't do this." Qin Mo waved his hand.

Li Yulan also said: "Brother, there is no need to be polite!" '

"That's not okay, the etiquette cannot be discarded!" Li Xin hurriedly made a gesture of invitation, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please come in."

Qin Mo nodded, looked at Li Xin and said, "I haven't seen you for a few years. Why have you become so old? If you don't take good care of yourself, I will come to express my condolences to you in a few years."

"I am already an old man in his seventies. Now I can earn an extra year by living." Li Xin grinned, showing the sparse teeth in his mouth.

Qin Mo was also a little sad, vaguely seeming to see the high-spirited prince, the reformed county boy who dared to go to sea alone.

But back to reality, he is an old man!

(End of this chapter)

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