big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2067: Be a good person in the next life!

Chapter 2067: Be a good person in the next life!

Entering the palace, many people wanted to come and pay homage, but Qin Mo refused.

As long as they know they're coming.

"How is the situation in Qianzhou now?"

"Thanks to you, everything is fine." Li Xin handed over a document, "This is the area that I and the officials below have decided to divide. Except for the five counties near Qianzhou, we will all set aside other places and give them to What do you think about other state capitals?”

Qin Mo glanced at it and said, "In the future, we can completely include these counties and establish five new districts. It is only a matter of time before Qianzhou has a population of over 10 million.

The status of Qianzhou is irreplaceable in the country. As long as the upper limit is broadened, the future will be unlimited. "

"Wei Chen thinks so too." Li Xin sighed secretly in his heart. Qin Mo was Qin Mo. He could see his thoughts at a glance and affirmed them. In this way, he could designate the future direction of Qianzhou. .

That is a super city with a population of tens of millions, or even 20 million!

Qianzhou has its own characteristics. The reason why it does not follow the path of other state capitals, but is dedicated to precipitating and promoting the Central Plains culture here, is to attract more people to settle here.

Coupled with the state's encouragement of childbirth, the number of newborns in Qianzhou exceeds 500,000 every year.

"The tax revenue in Qianzhou is also very good now. We have also re-formulated a document for talent introduction. Please take a look."

Qin Mo looked at it carefully and had to say that Qianzhou was really willing to spend a lot of money to introduce talents.

In all walks of life, as long as the standards are met, the basic necessities of life, food, clothing, housing and transportation are properly arranged.

Even the family members have been arranged.

All standards are the highest in the Daqian column.

"Not bad." Qin Mo put down the document and said, "How is A Si?"

"The situation is not good. I have been using machines to maintain my life. I was in good spirits the past two days, but today I am in a trance. I'm afraid I won't be able to survive these two days." Li Xin sighed.

"Let's go and have a look." Qin Mo stood up and said, "I watched him be born, so now, I send him away from this world, which is worthy of our acquaintance."

"You are righteous!" Li Xin cupped his hands and said.

The group of people arrived at the mansion where A Si was.

The mansion is not big, but it is very exquisite. It can be seen that Ah Si has lived a good life in these years. Although he is not rich, he is well clothed and well-fed.

Entering the room, someone from the Li family was guarding him.

Seeing Li Xin, they stood up hurriedly, but when they saw Qin Mo, the group was also shocked, and they all knelt on the ground, "See the Supreme Emperor!"

Qin Mo waved his hand and walked to the bed.

Looking at Ah Si, who had a crooked mouth and squinting eyes, his eyes were a little lost at this moment, and he looked like he was dying.

Qin Mo felt uncomfortable, remembering the time when Ah Si was a child, holding his thigh and calling his brother-in-law teacher.

But now, it has become like this.

Li Yushu covered her mouth and cried.

Li Lizhen and others also had red eyes.

"Asi, the Supreme Emperor is here to see you." Li Xin leaned in his ear and reminded, "Look and see!"

Ah Si, whose eyes were still dim at first, gradually focused. He looked hard to the side and saw a familiar figure, "Sister, sister, sister, brother-in-law, teacher, you, you, have you come to see me? "

The moment he saw Qin Mo, tears burst out of his eyes.

On his deathbed, what he missed most was not Qin Shuangshuang or his parents, but Qin Mo, whom he had not seen for a long time.

"Yes, I'm here to see you." Qin Mo had a lot to say, and he especially wanted to teach Ah Si a lesson.

"Brother-in-law, teacher, help me." Ah Si was very excited. He thought that Qin Mo would not come back, and was very desperate. But the moment he saw Qin Mo, he felt that his whole body was filled with hope. His mother once told him that no matter what difficulties he encountered, his brother-in-law and teacher would help him.

But he did it wrong.

I disappointed my brother-in-law, the teacher.

After that, he never had to look at himself seriously again.

"Don't get excited first, calm down." Qin Mo said.

"Brother-in-law, teacher, I, I regret it. If only I hadn't been so arrogant at the time, I, I wouldn't have made you angry, and I wouldn't have ended up like this." He seemed to be reflecting on the past, speaking. Become smoother.

He even felt that his neck could move. He looked to the side and saw the third sister, the sixth sister, the seventh sister, and the nineteenth sister.
"Sister, are you coming to see me too?"

Li Yushu walked to the bed and cursed: "You useless thing, look what you have become."

Xiaojiu also scolded her non-stop. She was older than Ah Si and similar in age, so she had the best relationship since childhood.

At this moment, he said with hatred: "You have really broken our hearts. If my father, the emperor, and my empress were still alive, I don't know how sad they would be if they saw you like this!"

You still have the nerve to ask your brother-in-law’s teacher to come see you, are you embarrassed?

Are you worthy of the teachings your brother-in-law’s teacher gave you? "

Ah Si was scolded so hard that he couldn't even lift his head.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong."

Qin Mo suddenly said: "Let him pass by!"

Although Qin Mo didn't forgive him, it didn't matter anymore.

"Brother-in-law, have you forgiven me?" Ah Si tried hard to raise his hand and hold Qin Mo's hand, but his hand was too heavy, weighing more than a thousand gold, and he couldn't lift it up at all.

Qin Mo saw his intention and took the initiative to hold his hand, "I won't talk about the past. As long as you take good care of your body, you will get better."

"Brother-in-law, you are a miracle doctor. You can definitely cure me, right?"

"I knew my brother-in-law would never give up on me. Look, am I much better now?"

"But brother-in-law, why am I getting more and more tired, and my eyelids are so heavy!"

The light in Ah Si's eyes became weaker and weaker, and his words became weak, "Brother-in-law, I have so many things I want to say to you.

I really want to tell you that I was wrong.

I also want to meet Shuangshuang, and I want to admit my mistake to him face to face.

It was me who destroyed our home.

I was wrong, I was really wrong."

"Brother-in-law, thank you for coming."

"Brother-in-law, I remember when I was a kid, every time you came over, you would always bring my favorite food. Did you bring it this time?"

Qin Mo hesitated for a while, then took out a piece of candy from his pocket, "This is your favorite candy!"

Seeing this candy, Ah Si smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, I want to eat candy!"

Qin Mo silently opened the candy and handed it to his mouth. But as soon as it was brought to his mouth, the light in Ah Si's eyes quickly disappeared, and then there was no movement.

The smile on his face also froze at that moment.

"This life is too bitter. Before you die, eat something sweet." Qin Mo put the candy into his mouth, "They say that people will not lose consciousness immediately after death. I think you can hear it. , I must be a good person in my next life!”

(End of this chapter)

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