big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2068 must be celebrated!

Chapter 2068 must be celebrated!

"Back then, I accepted you as my disciple and taught you with all my heart. With fifteen and sixteen in my hands, one became a master of agriculture, and the other launched Pangu-1 and was admired by the world.

Maybe it's because you started too high, and becoming the emperor overshadowed all the glory. "

As Qin Mo said this, he sent Li Yulan and others out and asked Li Xin to call the Li clan members over.

While Ah Si's body was still stiff, he fetched warm water and wiped his face and body.

"Teacher, please clarify my doubts and teach me the truth. I originally thought that you might be more suitable to be an emperor than others, but I was wrong.

I haven't learned three points of human appearance, but I have learned everything about the seven points of emperor's majesty. "

The Li clan members knelt there, listening to Qin Mo's words, with complicated expressions in their eyes.

Only Li Xin felt unspeakable emotions in his heart.

"It's never a good thing for a young man to succeed. The same goes for Lao Ba. I pushed him up with one hand, but in the end I forgot my true intentions. The same goes for you.

This is probably the human heart, human nature. "

With that said, Qin Mo put on clothes for him. It was a serious four-clawed python robe instead of a shroud.

"My father asked me to take you in, but I was actually reluctant, but my father said that I taught Fifteen and Sixteen so well, I should be able to teach you well too.

The queen mother also said, "You are so young, no one can worry about you except me."

I can't refuse. "

There was some sadness in Qin Mo's eyes, "I watched you being born, and now I am personally sending you away from this world, don't blame anyone.

Father, Queen and Mother, I am worthy of you.

Brothers and sisters, I look up to you.

You pushed away your wife and children with one hand.

As a fellow teacher, I am worthy of you.

All the grudges and grudges between you and me will be wiped out.

As the saying goes, people die with grudges.

Today, I will take the place of my father, Shuangshuang, and forgive you.

I hope you get a good pregnancy and become a good person. "

Qin Mo tied his hair and put his hands in front of him.

These words were meant for A Si, and especially for the Li clan members.

Li Xin knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, "The Supreme Emperor is so righteous!"

The Li clan members also cried loudly: "Your Majesty, your kindness is as great as a mountain!"

Comparing one's feelings with one's own, if it were them, would they be able to repay evil with kindness?


If it were them, at this time, not only would they not add insult to injury, but they would personally sort out Ah Si's remains, which they couldn't do.

Qin Mo did it.

At this moment, they could really understand Qin Mo's hidden kindness.

He is both a teacher and a father.

Qin Mo can afford it.

I don't know how many people in the Li clan are convinced by Qin Mo. At this moment, they feel ashamed of their shallowness.

"In the spring of the fifth year of Yongle, King Qian died, and he was buried with royal rites. He was buried in Tokyo, to the right of Qianling Mausoleum, always with his father, the queen, and his mother." Qin Mo said with slightly red eyes.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Everyone said in unison.

Qin Mo didn't say anything and left the room without looking back. It was enough for him to do this.

Unlike those old ministers, he would keep vigil and see them off on their last journey. Ah Si couldn't bear it, and he didn't deserve it.

If he can show kindness, he is already thinking about old feelings.

Li Xin didn't say anything, and he knew very well that this time, all the old feelings of Qin Mo were used up.

Next, if the Li clan members dare to commit any crime, they will definitely die.

Qin Mo will not hold back anymore.

This thing is like an hourglass, leaking more and less.

Even more so with favors.

You can't decide someone based on past favors.

Qin Mo is even more so.

Li Yulan, Li Yushu and others also started crying.

Back in Qin Garden, Qin Mo told Lao Qin the news of A Si's death.

Although obituaries will be issued in Qianzhou.

On the other end of the phone, Lao Qin was silent for a while, and then the sound of a lighter lighting up came from inside.

As Lao Qin took a deep breath, a sigh came from the phone, "This beast is pure after death. Li Zhao is also at peace, and both of us are at peace."

"Death is like a lamp going out. Forget about the past, don't worry about it anymore." Qin Mo said: "Shuang Shuang, please also say that although the two of them are no longer related, for Li Zhao's sake, Still have to send a wreath.

In order to prevent brother and sister Li Zhao from thinking about this incident in the future, they would feel hurt. "

Brother and sister Li Zhao did suffer when they were young, but after so many years, that feeling has long gone.

He only knew that Ah Si was his father. After his father died, his mother didn't even send a wreath, which was very heartless.

Although he knew what an asshole his father had done to his mother, that was human nature.

"Perhaps this is the bad root of Lao Li's family. It is hidden in the bones. No amount of teaching will help!" Lao Qin said with some anger: "If he is not my nephew, I don't care if he dies."

No matter how good a nephew is, he is just a nephew, how can he be as important as his own daughter?
Qin Mo could only persuade patiently, "If you don't consider Li Zhao, consider others as well. You can't be ignored. I've already arranged for people to make wreaths, and they will be sent there when the time comes."

Lao Qin was also helpless. People are like this, especially the royal family. Every move they make will be infinitely magnified by the world.

"Send one to me too." After saying that, Lao Qin hung up the phone.

Immediately afterwards, Lao Qin found Qin Xiuying, who was working on a sewing machine.

And it is the latest model. With this sewing machine, making clothes is much faster than before. As long as the fabric is cut, multiple sets of clothes can be made in one day.

"The beast died of a stroke. I just called back to tell him." Qin Xiangru said.

Qin Xiuying was stunned, "Which beast?"

"That beast from the Li family!" Qin Xiangru said.

"Dead?" Qin Xiuying stopped stepping on the machine, "It's better to die. If this kind of scourge is left in the world, it will be a waste of food. It's better to die.

We must celebrate tonight. "

"Okay, let's stop celebrating. It won't be good if it reaches Li Zhao's ears in the future." Qin Xiangru said.

"What's wrong? His mother worked so hard to give birth to him, but what does his bastard father do?
How much contribution has his uncle made to Daqian wholeheartedly?

Without you, father and son, would Daqian be where it is today?
What happened to Li Zhao? "Qin Xiuying always had a hot temper. When she heard this, she immediately became angry.

"You always have to consider your child's mood, don't you? Do you want to recognize this nephew in the future? Are you interested in competing with a dead man?" Qin Xiangru sat on the threshold, smoking a dull cigarette and said: "That's it. It’s settled, let’s not look at the monk’s face but the Buddha’s face. Li Zhao is now that old, and his sister is getting married.

Although we have watched him since childhood, he has his own ideas and is not as close to us as before. "

"I don't care, I want it!" Qin Xiuying just refused to let go, "I'm going to cook today, so I must celebrate!"

(End of this chapter)

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