big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2070 Li Zhao’s reaction

Chapter 2070 Li Zhao’s reaction

Qianzhou published an obituary, and A Si's death attracted some people's attention.

Especially the older generation of Daqian, who once bathed in the emperor's grace.

But they also hated Ah Si.

It was Ah Si who brought about the disaster.

In the eyes of many people, A Si is the king of Daqian who lost his country.

More people regarded Ah Si as a joke.

No one took the initiative to express condolences to him.

After Qin Mo stayed in Qianzhou for seven days, he chartered a flight to take A Si's body to Tokyo and buried him next to the Qianling Mausoleum.

Although Qin Mo deliberately concealed this move, he still leaked it.

Countless people praised Qin Mo for his broad mind.

No one could tell what was wrong with Qin Mo.

A Si's funeral was very grand, with a standard even exceeding that of a prince and comparable to that of an emperor.

This is Lu Yuan's respect for him, and also for Lao Liu and the old man.

This time, ashes return to ashes, dust returns to dust, and there is no need to mention the past.

Qin Shuangshuang didn't come to see him off on his last journey, which Qin Mo could understand.

There is nothing more tragic than heartbreak. A Si has completely made Qin Shuangshuang heartbroken. Not everyone can be as generous as Qin Mo.

And if Qin Mo was not the emperor, he would not come back here.

After lighting a stick of incense, he said: "In the next life, you must be a self-aware person."

After saying that, he turned around and left. He came to Qianling and went to see the old man first. "As for me, I didn't want to see him for the last time. You also know my temper, but I am his teacher after all. Brother-in-law, I really I can't lose face, nor can I forget your kindness to me.

I saw him come into this world and send him off on his last journey. Don't think that I am unkind.

I have done my best. "

With that said, he went to Lao Liu's mausoleum again, "This little guy is here to accompany you now. It's not that I don't want to save him, it's just that I can't save him.

He had a heart disease and had surgery. Zan Ying also said that if he takes good care of himself, he can live for another twenty or thirty years. If not, he can live for more than ten years.

He has lived for so many years and is good enough.

Moreover, he brought this upon himself.

You can live if you do evil by God, but you can't live if you do evil on your own!
He went downstairs, you educate him well.

I have said it a long time ago, if the son does not teach, the father and the son will live.

Although I am his teacher, I am not his father.

You can't throw all the responsibility on me.

I have so many students and so many sons, where can I teach them?
You say I am lazy, but in fact you are lazier than anyone else.

Always thinking about being lazy, always thinking about throwing problems to others.

It's okay now, you taught such a scoundrel.

Don't be upset when I say this.

If you are not happy, come and talk to me in your dreams.

I must scold you. "

Qin Mo sat in front of Li Shilong's tombstone, poured him a glass of wine and poured it on the ground, "In short, I sent him to him, and I will not be ashamed of him in this life.

You are a sensible person, even if both of us didn't come, you know why.

You can't blame her.

It was excusable that my father didn't come.

Li Zhao went down there to practice.

Maybe you still don’t know what it means, let me explain it to you.”

Qin Mo rambled on about his experience at the grassroots level, "That's it. When you were alive, I solved the clan disputes, and now I'm starting to solve the party disputes and the clans.

Much more powerful than you. "

Qin Mo showed off for a while, but suddenly felt boring. A feeling of loneliness came to my heart, "Father-in-law, you said why you don't live for a few more years. Over the years, I have held back a lot of things but I can't find anyone to talk to.

Let me tell you, you can't reply.

Suddenly I can understand your mood.

The me now is the you I once was.

If I put you in your mood now, I can understand what you did.

But I understand, but I still get angry. "

Qin Mo stood up and touched Li Shilong's photo on the tombstone, "I'm leaving and I'll come see you and your mother next time, but I think that although you have done many wrong things in your life, you have also made a lot of contributions.

Have you been reincarnated?
All in all, you are quite a few years old. Are you about to start a family? "

Qin Mo chuckled and left Qianling immediately.

A Si's death was like a gust of wind.

The deaths of Li Shilong and the old man were like a typhoon. Even if the wind stopped, the injuries left behind would still be there.

When Li Zhao, who was far away in the Western Regions, learned the news of his father's death, he was stunned for a moment, and then an indescribable sadness swept over him.

He wanted to cry but couldn't.

As a father, he has failed in his duty.

It was his uncle who made up for his lack of fatherly love, and it was his grandfather who taught him how to be a man.

But he is his father after all.

From his father's perspective, he can understand why his father has changed so much.

He also understood that he had violated his original intention.

His father's death was like a storm that could not calm down in his heart for a long time.

He wanted to go back, but if he went back now, all his previous experience would be wasted.

Moreover, the uncle also said that the uncle has already arranged the funeral arrangements with his father.

He was very grateful to his uncle.

But when he asked about his mother, his mother's reaction made him feel helpless.

He even heard that his grandmother was still celebrating in the palace when she learned about his father's death.

This news made Li Zhao feel a little tormented.

On one side is his grandmother who loves him the most, and on the other side is his father.

In fact, he knows how to choose.

But he just couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

He gave up on himself and didn't even leave his room for several days.

The village chief noticed something was wrong with him and asked, "Instructor Li, are you feeling unwell? If so, do you want to rest for a few days and I'll have someone take you to the county hospital for a checkup?"

Gargong Village is one of the few poor villages in Nanpan.

Although Nanfanzhou is developing very well, there are still many people who are unwilling to leave their hometown and go to the more prosperous Luoxue City.

Even though the income of people in Nanfan Prefecture has reached the per capita level, the per capita income here is far lower than the per capita income.

Moreover, the land here is barren, making planting and breeding very difficult.

"Village Chief, I'm fine. Maybe I haven't gotten used to the high altitude here yet." Li Zhaoqiang forced a smile.

"Then you need to go and see it." The village chief said sternly: "High altitude sickness is no joke, serious cases can kill people, how come you, a little instructor, are not afraid at all.

The prosperity of our village depends on you. If something happens to you, won't the villagers scold me to death? "

Because Li Zhao is the king of the state, he is the instructor when he comes, which can be regarded as taking care of him.

Ordinary people who work at the grassroots level eat and live with the villagers.

"Village Chief, I'm really fine." Li Zhao said impatiently.

"Then, how about I give you a few days off." Gawa Village Chief said, "Don't go to class these days. I will notify other supporting teachers."

Li Zhao became anxious when he heard this, "No, I won't take a vacation!"

(End of this chapter)

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