big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2071 Raze

Chapter 2071 Raze
The head of Gawa Village also said seriously: "Instructor Li, you can't teach students well even if you go to class in this state."

Li Zhao took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry, village chief. I just had something happen at home that affected my mood. I will adjust to my condition soon."

He is an instructor and a supporting student in the village.

There is only one female supporting teacher in the village, and the pressure is very heavy. She has to teach several subjects by herself, and she cannot cope with it at all.

If she takes a vacation, she can't bear it as a girl.

Gawa said: "Is everything really okay?"

"It's really okay." Li Zhao stood up and even performed a set of punches. After being here for a while, he got a tan and a plateau red on his face, making him look exactly like a local.

Gawa nodded, "Okay, if you have any questions, tell me as soon as possible and I will try my best to satisfy you."

After the head of Gawa Village left, Li Zhao patted his face. He knew that he still had too little experience. Even if he became the king of the state, it would be difficult to manage a state capital well.

In recent years, if his uncle hadn't helped him, Qianzhou would never have been able to develop so well.

Now that my father has left, what will happen even if I go back?
Is it just to gain the reputation of being a filial son?

What should this village do with these children?
If they can't touch themselves, they may remain poor for the rest of their lives.

Li Zhao washed his face with cold water again and felt a little better. Then he picked up his lesson plan and went to the only Hope Primary School in Gagong Village.

There are more than 40 students in the village, more male than female.

Now the sound of Lang Lang's reading came from inside.

When passing the teacher, a girl wearing traditional Nanfan clothes was standing on the podium.

Seeing Li Zhao outside, she asked the students to continue reading the textbook, and then walked out of the teacher.

The girl is twenty years old, a little older than Li Zhao. Her hair is tied up in a jet black color, her face is rosy without makeup, and her eyes are big and bright. She looks a little timid when looking at Li Zhao. Some accents, "Li, instructor Li, are you feeling well? I heard from the village chief that you are not feeling well."

Her name is Raze, which means fairy.

She is a native of Nanfanzhou. She walked out of the mountains. After completing her studies, she resolutely returned to the mountains.

She said that if she did not come back, these children would probably not be able to get out for the rest of their lives.

The old people in the village have traditional ideas. Even if the staff above come to provide guidance, they feel that studying is useless.

Many people leave their children at home to herd cattle and farm.

These children were acquired through her visits to each household.

She came back when she was sixteen, and she is twenty this year. She has not obtained the qualification certificate yet, and only has a meager subsidy, which is not even enough for her to support herself.

But she was very dedicated to her work every day and never took a break. Even when she was sick, she dragged her sick body to teach the children.

For as soon as she rests, the children go to work.

So she didn't dare to rest.

Since Li Zhao arrived, the smiles on her face have grown more and more.

"I'm fine, very good." Li Zhao smiled. For some reason, seeing Raze's smile made him feel much better. ,
"You must take care of yourself. The children like your class very much. Moreover, you are much better than me in class. You know a lot. You have seen a lot about the world and the children all like to listen." La Ze has a little inferiority complex. She has been there The farthest place is the city where I go to school.

But Li Zhao was different. She came from the capital of Qianzhou and was someone who had seen the world.

Some people used to come here to practice, but they were intimidated by the hardship here.

I would rather leave than risk being punished.

This also makes this already poor place even poorer. She didn't know how long Li Zhao could stay here, but she hoped that when Li Zhao was here, he could tell the children more about the prosperity outside, so that they could study hard and get out of the mountains.

"Knowing more does not necessarily mean teaching well. Raze, you are better than me." Li Zhao admired this girl very much. She was tenacious and determined, unlike himself, who could easily waver.

"Thank you." Laze blushed and said, "I'm going back to class. We'll chat later."

Li Zhao went back to the office to write lesson plans and think about how to change the village.

The village is built on a mountain, and there is a river at the foot of the mountain. It is difficult to get water.

Therefore, if we want to change poverty in villages, we must solve the drinking water problem.

The problem of drinking water is solved, which is the problem of roads into the village.

Road construction is free, but Gagong Village is too remote and has not yet had its turn.

So the road problem also needs to be solved.

In addition, the issue of electricity consumption is also important.

The nearest town is thirty miles away, and the town and town government has not laid out the line yet due to cost considerations.

Therefore, this aspect must also be resolved.

And here we are poor, so even if there is electricity, they are likely to refuse to use it because they cannot afford the electricity bill.

Therefore, increasing income is also very important.

Li Zhao thought.

Forget about industry, this small village cannot develop at all.

Breeding and planting are not suitable here.

Then there is only one way.

He can find those big factories, move those handicrafts to the village, and then work in exchange for rewards.

After the transfer, let the township government provide a third-party guarantee, so you don't have to worry about these people not paying.

Thinking of this, Li Zhao burst into tears with joy.

At this moment, he saw Raze, who was staring intently at the side.

Seeing Li taking care of him, La Ze hurriedly said: "Instructor Li, I didn't mean to watch you write the plan. I called you just now, but you were too involved and ignored me."

"It doesn't matter, you came just in time." Li Zhao handed over the plan in his hand, "Laze, please help me see if this plan is feasible!"

Raze took the plan and read it carefully, and then his face was filled with excitement, "How can we bring the handicraft industry here?
If this is true, then every household can increase their income. Now many grandparents have nothing to do at home. Even if they farm and raise cattle and sheep, they can barely feed the family.

It would definitely be a good thing to have more income! "

"It depends on people. I don't know yet, but I will fight for it." Li Zhao said, "However, I still need help."

""Can I? "Laze said: "If it succeeds, I will do anything. As long as the villagers' income increases, they will definitely be happy to let their children go to school. "

"Of course." Li Zhao said: "Tomorrow is your day off, and you and I will go to the county seat and call the head of Shanggawa Village, and we will go to the county seat to seek cooperation!

With any luck, this problem will be solved in a few days! "

(End of this chapter)

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