big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2072 There are always more solutions than difficulties!

Chapter 2072 There are always more solutions than difficulties!
Li Zhao was full of confidence, while La Ze looked at him and his face turned red inexplicably.

Listening to the prospects described by Li Zhao, she felt that the future of Gongcun Village was promising.

But before that, Li Zhao had to take the class first.

After class, Li Zhao and Laze went to the village head of Gawa and told them about the incident.

The head of Gawa Village said: "This is a good thing. Transporting goods is also a troublesome matter. It will be very troublesome if we rely on donkey carts to transport goods.

The cycle will be lengthened, and if the goods cannot be delivered on time, wages will be deducted. "

Gawa was one of the first batch of student village officials, but the other students had all gone to the county town or inland.

Only he remained in his hometown.

This stay lasted for more than ten years, and he devoted all his youth to his hometown. He also married the sister next door and had three lovely children.

Therefore, he is knowledgeable, but not as good as Li Zhao.

"You can use a loan in the name of the village to buy a truck. Now the court provides subsidies to support poverty alleviation. A truck can be bought at half the price," Li Zhao said.

"Even so, it still costs three to four thousand yuan." Gawa felt very melancholy.

With the currency innovation, while the Ming Dynasty currency still maintained its value, prices continued to rise.

An ordinary mobility scooter, the cheapest one costs 5,000.

The truck is more expensive, costing 8,000.

"There are only two thousand yuan in the village's account, and these two thousand yuan still need to be used in many places." Gawa sighed, "I have seen the plan you gave me, including pulling water pipes, pulling electricity, and pulling telephone lines. This is a good thing that is convenient for the residents of Gong Village, but the village has no money and the township government offices are also in short supply. I have gone there many times and made many reports, but no one has ignored me.

Each time, I was told to go back and wait for news. "

Hearing this, Li Zhao frowned.

Gargong Village is indeed appallingly poor.

In fact, the best way is to leave here.

But people are always like this and find it difficult to leave their hometown, especially since the people here are very conservative, so they are even more reluctant to leave.

If they had advanced ideas, they wouldn't be here.

Laze also said nervously: "Uncle Gawa, can't you think of a way to buy a car first, and wait until the villagers get rich before you think of a way?"

Gawa smiled bitterly, "One more thing is that most of the people in the village are relatively content with the status quo. They are not willing to struggle, and doing handicrafts requires preliminary training. I'm afraid they won't be willing.

Of course, Instructor Li’s starting point is good, and I agree with it.

But this is the reality. "

Laze believed that she was originally from here. She could read and write because she had good parents. Otherwise, she would have had no choice but to marry and have children early like her friends.

Her friend got married at the age of fourteen and now has five or six children. He has no rest at all and looks like someone in his thirties or forties.

Because the imperial court encourages childbirth, they live on childbirth subsidies. Although they are not rich, they are not hungry.

Almost all the people in the village are like this. They work hard to have children and even compete with each other.

Some people with advanced ideas will go to big cities to find jobs and never come back.

But there are more people who are not motivated.

For Lazi, the court should cancel a large number of subsidies.

There are many people who just give birth to children and don’t care about their education. They just feed and clothe them, and that’s it.

Many children are like beggars, wallowing in the mud every day and not even understanding the most basic manners.

She saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Li Zhao said: "I still have some money on me. I can put it on first, and then return it to me when I make money!" "No!" Gawa shook her head to stop, "That's your money, it can't be lumped together. You can help me for a while. You can’t help forever, you have to solve the problem at its root.”

Speaking of this, Gawa said: "Actually, a long time ago, like you, I went to the county to seek cooperation opportunities, but the people here were too lazy.

They simply don't fit.

The failure of Gagong Village to develop is a human problem. "

Li Zhao scratched his head in pain. If he said this, wouldn't it block all his roads?
So if you come here, is it just to hang out and teach?
As long as we are out of poverty and the conditions are good, there will be many volunteer teachers willing to come here.

Now the environment in the village is not good, the conditions are not good, the people are unruly, the living conditions of the supporting teachers are very poor, let alone the people, the dogs are not willing to come.

If you want to attract the Golden Phoenix in a place like this, unless there is a gold mine underground, it will be a dead end.

"Village Chief Gawa, a serious illness requires heavy medicine. I want you to gather everyone together. Let's hold a meeting. At the same time, collect all the common assets in the village and distribute them uniformly.

Let every household contribute labor force, and those who do not will have their assets taken back.

Whoever contributes the most will be given the best land and pasture.

Not only that, we also let them take care of their children, as long as they can work hard in peace and contentment.

We can find ways to solve the problem of supporting education, and we can also find ways to solve the problem of water and electricity.

As long as we work together, we can always solve it.

But Gagong Village cannot continue to be in ruins.

We have to show courage.

There are always more ways than difficulties.

What do you think? "

Gawa smiled bitterly. Although he wanted to say it was difficult, he didn't want to pour cold water on Li Zhao. He knew very well that once Li Zhao was discouraged, there might really be no chance for Gong Village in the future.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

"Besides, you have to buy a truck. Traveling here is inconvenient. If there are volunteer teachers coming over in the future, they have to be picked up and dropped off, right?

Having a car is convenient for us to travel, or for villagers to go to towns and villages to buy supplies.

Whether it's telephone lines, water or electricity, we can all get loans on credit. Let's buy these things first.

But we have to say upfront that all these accounts must be settled on the heads of residents. "

When Gawa heard this, she immediately became anxious, "That won't work, let them pay, and they will fight you tooth and nail."

"Don't worry, listen to me!" Li Zhao smiled, "When I say flat, I don't mean to ask them to pay, but to ask them to contribute their efforts and work!

There are 150 households and more than 1,000 people in Gagong Village.

If you borrow 1,000 yuan, then the amount paid to each household will only be about 6 or 7 yuan.

They don't want to pay, but they want to enjoy the benefits. If that's impossible, let them work.

As long as the work is done on time, they will be paid.

You can enjoy the treatment.

Secondly, if we negotiate a cooperation, we can also make money with them.

And whoever works the hardest, we will raise funds to build houses for those who work hard.

I don’t believe that there are people in this world who don’t work hard and are not envious!

What do you think? "

(End of this chapter)

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