big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2073 We are not scared!

Chapter 2073 We are not scared!

Gawa slapped her head and said in surprise: "This is a good idea, why didn't I think of it?"

La Ze looked at Li Zhao with stars in his eyes, "Instructor Li, you are so smart!"

Li Zhao said modestly: "I just read newspapers on weekdays, read more books, and learn a little bit. In this way, I can not only mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, but also be able to form a rope."

"This is good, I think it can work!" Gawa saw hope. Those who came here in the past tried all kinds of methods, but none of them worked.

Li Zhao is different. He has methods, courage, and courage to take action.

Those people before wanted to do things, but were too timid to do so.

"Well, it's settled, Chief Gawa, you go and call all the villagers to the school gate now. If anyone doesn't come, then any benefits and treatment that will follow will not be given to them." Li Zhao said.

Gawa hesitated for a while, then gritted her teeth and nodded, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

"Instructor Li, what can I do?"

"You come with me to call for help." Regardless of whether it is big or small, Gawa cannot go alone.

"Okay!" La Ze nodded, and then followed Li Zhao to go door to door to inform.

Some people moved, but more people were impatient.

"Instructor Xiao Li, what kind of airplane is he doing? Are you annoyed? He does this every day and his hair is not even long. He still wants to command us?"

"It's just that you've only been here for a long time and you think of shitting on our heads?"

"I think he will leave in a few days."

"Look, he and Laze are so close, they might have gotten together a long time ago. Laze is such a good girl, we can't let him be deceived by Instructor Li!"

These people talked all over the place but did not move.

Li Zhao and Laze ran around hard, but only half of the people came.

When Gawa saw it, she was furious and rushed directly to those people's homes, "I'm warning you, this time the village meeting is held, there are important things to be announced. Anyone who doesn't come will be responsible for the consequences. If there is any benefit in the future, don't Cry and beg me!"

After saying a few words, Gawa left. He felt that maybe he had been so talkative before that these people were not afraid of him at all.

At this time, some people were nervous. Gawa seemed easy to talk to, but the village chief still had great authority.

If Gawa is really pushed into a hurry, they will not end well.

But there are always a few thorns in the village.

These thorns ignored Gawa at all.

"Who are you trying to scare? Everyone must be treated equally by the court. How dare he deny it to me? I will file a complaint and I will put him in jail!"

"That's right, do you really think I haven't heard the radio or watched the TV? I have had propagandists all over the streets in the county talking about it!"

Those people curled their lips with disdain.

Someone advised: "Don't be so stubborn. I'm just asking you to walk a few steps. What if it's really a good thing?"

"Stop talking nonsense. If I go with you, will you be able to make a fortune? Anyway, my wife and I are pregnant, so we will need two more subsidies every month!"

There were two pregnant women beside him, but they looked very haggard. He spent all the subsidies on himself, playing mahjong, smoking and drinking, without caring about his family or the life and death of his wife and children.

The Gong village is famous for its idleness.

"Forget it, leave him alone. He has many children. He relies on subsidies and gets a lot of money every month. It's just a pity for her woman. She hasn't had a day off for so many years. She is either giving birth to a child or preparing to give birth. My child, my belly is feeling loose.

If this continues, I will have to die at home! "

"That's not what it is. You don't even go to the hospital to give birth to your baby, you just have it at home. It's really abominable."

Faced with the whispers from his neighbors, the man didn't take it seriously. Instead, he was very proud of his ability. After all, some people cannot give birth even if they want to.

Gawa looked at the time, took the list and started calling names. In the end, only six or seven families did not come.

He glanced at Li Zhao, who said: "Forget it if you don't come, then you don't have to worry about these people."

He walked to the stage and looked at the villagers below, "Hello everyone, I am Li Zhao, a new instructor. I am here to provide education and lead everyone out of poverty and become rich.

Three instructors came to the village, but none of them persisted. I was the fourth.

Will be the last one too.

To be honest, there are not many people as poor as our village in Nanfan Prefecture. Looking at the whole country, it is one of the poorest.

Do you know how wealthy those wealthy villages are? "

Everyone looked confused.

“It’s more spacious and grand than the best houses in the county. They have private cars when going in and out, and nannies cook when they go home. The beds they sleep on are bigger than your rooms.

Their families can wear clothes that can only be worn by officials. They can eat seafood, meat, and all kinds of delicacies.

Their children can study in spacious schools.

After their children come out of school, they can become officials, do business, and do many, many things.

I also hope that our village can become so wealthy. "

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone below laughed.

"Instructor Xiao Li, please stop bragging. Gagong Village is so poor, and it will never become rich no matter how it develops."

"That's right, the instructors all said when they left that Gagong Village was born to be poor!"


Li Zhao wasn't angry either, he just said: "They say you are poor, do you feel comfortable being poor?
Don't you have any dignity?
As children, have you never thought about letting your parents live a better life and your children?
Even if you don’t consider your parents and children, you will always get sick and grow old, right?

There is no village doctor in the village now, so you can only survive your illness, and those who cannot survive will die.

You don't want to die at home, do you? "

Li Zhao didn't talk about big principles, what he said was closely related to everyone.

At this time, those who were laughing also shut up.

No one is sick.

They still remember what it was like to live and die after being sick.

"You want to marry a more beautiful woman and a more capable man, right? All marriages in the village are internal, and there are very few people from outside.

Many of them are related to each other, and the children born are either stupid or disabled. You all know the harm of having children from close relatives.

Now you can't get out, and outsiders can't get in, the Gong Village will perish sooner or later.

Don't think that the court will continue to pay.

If you give birth to a bunch of idiots, mentally retarded people, and a bunch of disabled people, the court will be afraid.

When the time comes when your support is cut off, I’ll see what you do! "

"Instructor Xiao Li, stop scaring us!"

"That's right, we are not scared!"

(End of this chapter)

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