big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2074 Scare

Chapter 2074 Scare
"Who is scaring you?" Li Zhao said: "As lazy as you are, relying on having children in exchange for subsidies, you have to know, how many people are there in the Ming Dynasty now?

There are already more than 20 million people.

In a few years, there will be more and more people. Once there are more people, the pressure on the court will be great. The pressure on the court will be great. Do you think the court will continue this policy of providing subsidies for childbirth?
Will not.

At that time, without the subsidies from the court, what kind of work would you do?

Gargong Village is located in the mountains, and the land is barren and little food can be grown.

For breeding, the pasture is not fertile enough.

You don’t want to go out to work, so stay at home. Out of humanitarianism, the court will not let you starve to death, but you have no money, your children can’t get wives, and you can’t afford medical treatment when you are sick. At that time, I can only wait for death in the hospital bed.

I'm not trying to scare you. You all know that I'm from Qianzhou, where news circulates. But I heard from the gossip that the court is likely to adjust subsidies in the next few years.

By then, you will be finished, and you will not even be able to raise your children. "

Gawa also helped, "I told you this when I went to the township for a meeting earlier. You were still not good enough and thought I lied to you. Now that instructor Li has said so, do you still think I lied to you?

Do you really have to wait until the imperial court cancels the strategy before you regret it?
I'm putting the ugly words up front now. If the court really cancels the policy in two years, you can't blame me for not reminding you. "

At this time, many people were a little scared.

Isn't the reason why they are so confident just relying on the subsidies from the court?

The imperial court not only gave them money, but also supplies. With these subsidies, they didn't have to do anything and could live a comfortable life.

But once the subsidies are removed, they will immediately return to their original form.

It is indeed a good thing to have more children, but that is only for children who have grown up.

What can a seven or eight-year-old kid do?
You can go to jail for using child labor.

If you abuse your children, the local government will take action, and you will inevitably get slapped with a slap in the face.

"Then, instructor Xiao Li, what do you think we should do?"

"Yeah, can't you just react like above?"

When Li Zhao heard this, he said calmly: "I'm not your Majesty, how can I have such great ability to change policies?
Even His Majesty has to adjust policies according to the situation.

You can imagine that many subsidies have changed now, which shows that the current situation is constantly changing, and you cannot lie in bed waiting for subsidies.

That's just waiting to die. "

"Oh, Instructor Xiao Li, I spoke too loud just now, don't be angry!"

"Yes, then tell me, what should we do?"

Many people have become anxious, and anxiety is contagious. These people are village women and villagers with little education. They hear some of the above methods from hearsay and think they understand them very well.

In fact, it didn't scare them.

Although Li Zhao has little experience, he has a high vision. After all, he is the king of Qian. He carries a sense of majesty and is not angry.

Wherever he puts the pestle, people feel in awe, and inexplicably feel that what he says makes sense.

"Of course there is a way, but even if I say it, you may not be able to do it, so I won't say it anymore. I'm calling you here this time to give you a vaccination in advance to prevent the imperial court from suddenly canceling the policy. , you were caught off guard!" Li Zhao did not mop the floor directly, but gave Gawa and Laze a wink, and then made a move to leave. Gawa also understood and said: "Yes, I called everyone here this time mainly to talk about this matter. Several instructors came before, but you didn't listen, and it was all in vain. Now everyone should go back.

I estimate that the notification from above will come soon.

You all think about how many people and mouths you have in your family. If you don’t have money to sell food for cooking, the food will not fall from the sky!

The imperial court can control you for a while, but it cannot control you for the rest of your life. "

Hearing this, everyone became anxious at this moment, "Don't go, Gawa, you are from our village, you can't turn your elbows outward."

"It's just that those instructors before were very polite and couldn't say anything for a long time. Our heads hurt when we heard them, and we didn't want to pay attention to them at all.

But instructor Xiao Li is different. He is a person with real abilities. My children all like him.

And what he said is clear-cut and makes sense.

I'm willing to listen to him! "

"I am willing too. If any bastard doesn't listen to Instructor Xiao Li, he is against me, and I can't spare him!" The one who spoke was a well-known overlord in the village. At this moment, he had a fierce look in his eyes, and he really put a lot of pressure on him. People were shocked.

"Instructor Xiao Li, just tell me!"

Everyone begged.

At this time, Raze also began to plead for them, "Instructor Li, please show your kindness and tell me how to help everyone get through this difficult time!"

Li Zhao sighed, "This is what you begged me to say, but I will say something ugly first. If I say it, and you object, I promise not to care about you anymore. When the time comes, the Gong Village will rot in the ground, and the court will I will definitely not send anyone to take care of you.

At that time, you really have no hope! "

"Instructor Xiao Li, tell me, we will definitely support you!"

It's about everyone's job, who dares to disobey?
Li Zhao nodded with satisfaction, "Well, let me tell you, the current village of Gong is poor, backward, with inconvenient transportation, and can't get in or get out.

So if we want to change this situation, the first step is to build roads.

Every household in our village contributed to repairing the road, and the village provided a loan to buy cement and pave the road.

It was originally shared property and needs to be repaid by everyone."

Before Li Zhao finished speaking, someone became anxious and said, "How about not building the road? It's pretty good now, just being able to walk. We don't want to pay back the money."

"That's right, instructor Xiao Li, why are you so evil-minded!"

Gawa cursed: "Shut up, Instructor Xiao Li hasn't finished speaking yet, why are you so anxious?
You are so capable, so when the court informs you, don't cry and beg instructor Xiao Li. "

Gawa also got really angry, and now no one dared to speak.

Li Zhao looked at those people coldly, and then said: "But as long as each household contributes manpower, the debt will be deducted. In other words, if you contribute your efforts and the village contributes money, we will build the road, and it will be repaired." Go to everyone’s door, so that no matter it rains or shines, we won’t get muddy or fall when we walk.”

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turns out that you just need to put in some effort. It scared me to death. Instructor Xiao Li, if you had told me earlier, we wouldn't have objected if you had told me earlier!"

(End of this chapter)

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