big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2075 Become bigger and stronger and create greater glory

Chapter 2075 Become bigger and stronger and create greater glory

"Everyone be quiet and listen to instructor Li." Gawa spoke again, and everyone shut their mouths.

Li Zhao then said slowly: "Not only do we need to build roads, we also need to provide electricity. The principle is the same. The village pays for materials, and we provide manpower to connect the circuits ourselves to reduce pressure on the village.

Then connect the water. The stream at the foot of the mountain is too far away and it is too inconvenient to get water. So I suggest that you build an aquatic product at the foot of the mountain and connect tap water to every household. With the same effort and no money, you can enjoy convenient water. No more running down the mountain to fetch water.

But let me say it up front, those who did not come today will not enjoy any of the above policy benefits.

Those who did not contribute any effort or money were directly expelled from the village.

If our village wants to live a good life, we don’t need lazy people.

I have reached a consensus with the village chief of Gawa on this point. Anyone who dares to obstruct it is going against all the villagers! "

Everyone started thinking.

Building roads, providing water, and providing electricity are all good things.

It would be of great convenience to all of them.

The village bully immediately said: "It's a good thing, instructor Xiao Li really thinks about us. We can't stay away from home all our lives. We always have to go shopping and walk. It's also good for us to build roads."

It is also very convenient to light a lamp, and it is even more convenient to have running water, which saves us all trouble. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone spoke up one after another.

"I support!"

"I also support instructor Xiao Li!"

For a time, Li Zhao became the backbone of everyone.

Li Zhaodao: "In addition, we and the head of Gawa Village will discuss cooperation with enterprises in the county and will bring various handicrafts to the village. In other words, you can make money at home without leaving home.

All the money earned belongs to you, and the village is also responsible for purchasing and selling goods.

I can guarantee that as long as everyone works hard, you will definitely earn much more than the court subsidies.

Moreover, the money earned by the village every year will be shared with everyone.

Not only that, priority will be given to helping advanced workers build new houses. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

"Instructor Xiao Li, what you said about building a house and sharing the money is true?"

"Instructor Xiao Li, please don't lie to us."

They automatically ignore work and focus on splitting money and building a new house.

“Listen clearly, there are conditions for sharing money to repair houses, that is, every household must participate.

You don’t have to participate, but the dividends from the village will not go to your family.

When the time comes, every household will have access to water and electricity, and new houses will be built. Only your family will still live in a wooden house. No one will marry into your family without water or electricity.

But when the village is rich, daughters from all over the country are willing to visit.

If you are poor, who would want to come over and suffer with you? "

Having said this, Li Zhao glanced at Laze and said, "If you want to participate, just ask Laze to sign up. It's only today. You won't wait until the deadline.

If it's too late, you'll have no chance. "

"I want to sign up!"

"I want to participate!"

For a while, everyone signed up enthusiastically, but some people watched coldly.

How much does it cost to build roads, provide electricity, water, and build houses?

If these fools participate, they will not be able to change the money, and people from the bank will definitely make trouble for them. It is a wise choice to get out now.

Soon, the list came out.

No more, no less, exactly one hundred and thirty households.

In other words, there are still more than 20 households that have not participated.

Li Zhao called their names one by one, "Don't worry about the others who didn't come, and you don't need to contribute in the future. Gagong Village will not give them any benefits in the future. The meeting is adjourned now and we will wait for notification at any time!"

Everyone left.

Gawa said to Li Zhao: "Instructor Li, you are really yours. This is the first time I have seen them so united."

Li Zhao smiled and said, "Without your cooperation, it would be difficult for me to convince them so smoothly.

However, this is just the beginning. When we start working in the future, some people will definitely quit.

So we must prepare all the subsequent work. "

With that said, Li Zhao and Ga Wa prepared the materials and walked towards the village while it was still dark.

They arrived at the town at night, and Laze did not come. After all, it was inconvenient for a girl to follow two grown men around.

Early the next morning, Li Zhao and Gawa went to the bank and, relying on their village qualifications, managed to get a loan of 10,000 yuan.

Ten thousand yuan is too little and can barely repair the road.

"What should I do? There is only so much." Gawa said: "Building roads requires a lot of cement, at least 20,000 yuan!"

Li Zhao thought for a while, "Then let's open the road to the main road first. We will dig out the mountains, cut rocks, and pave the road. This will save some cement.

I still have some money here, so I can buy materials and install electricity myself.

I remember that the imperial court now provides assistance to rural areas. Cadres who go to the grassroots level to gain experience can apply for subsidies. They can only apply once a year, and the maximum they can apply for is 20,000 yuan.

I still have a quota in hand that I can apply for. I can pay for the materials when I get the money.

In this way, we can do a lot of things.

Then take the remaining money and buy a car. "

"Instructor Li, you are still smart!" Gawa said happily: "Then what should we do now, buy materials or..."

"No, go buy a car!" Li Zhao said: "The car is a facade. You have failed when you went to the county to discuss business before, right?"

"Yes, they all failed. They are unwilling to deliver goods and think the profit is low!" Gawa said: "But if we buy a car now, will we be criticized?"

"You have to buy it sooner or later, what's the difference? And buying a car is for better negotiation, which is also beneficial to the GCP village." Li Zhao said vigorously.

Soon, they applied and spent 4,000 yuan to drive a large truck from the township assistance department.

There weren't many equipments in the car, and compared to Li Zhao's own car, it looked crude and unattractive.

But this car is durable and has strong load-bearing capacity. With it, there is hope for the development of Gongcun Village.

"Instructor Xiao Li, what if they are unwilling to cooperate?" Gawa asked worriedly.

"Then let's buy our own materials, make our own crafts, sell them, and lay out channels. Instead of working for others, we should do the upstream work ourselves.

It may be a little difficult in the early stage, but once the market is opened, the decision is in our hands.

At that time, we were setting up a cooperative and putting all funds in one account for supervision. In this way, the villagers could see the daily profits and everyone would be full of energy. "

Gawa felt that Li Zhao was doing the same thing. Although it sounded scary, it made sense.

He sighed: "It's really different in big cities. A brain like mine wouldn't be able to come up with such a good idea.

Instructor Xiao Li, you are the benefactor of Gong Village! "

(End of this chapter)

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