big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2076 Pulling the tiger’s skin to pull the flag

Chapter 2076 Pulling the tiger’s skin to pull the flag
Li Zhao just smiled at Gawa's praise and said, "I'm just doing what I should do."

After finishing speaking, Li Zhao looked Gawa up and down and said, "Village Chief Gawa, your outfit is not good enough. Come on, I will take you to buy some clothes."

"Ah, I don't need it, right?" Gawa was startled and waved her hands repeatedly.

"This is a must. As the saying goes, people rely on clothes, and Buddha relies on gold. If you dress like this to discuss business with people, people will look down on you at the first sight.

It's not other people's reality, and people don't know who you are, so they can only judge your identity through your outfit.

Also, your hair is too long. You need to trim it. You must make yourself a successful person. "Li Zhao said while touching his chin.

"I can't do it, why don't you do it." Gawa waved her hands nervously.

Li Zhaodao: "Don't be afraid, there is a first time for everything, just listen to me."

As he said that, he drove Gawa to the best hair salon in the county. Nanpan was actually not poor, especially with the support from the court over the years, Nanfan was one of the best developed states.

Even this less developed county seems relatively prosperous.

And thanks to the Silk Road, there are many merchants in the small county.

There are cars passing by here constantly, and it looks very lively.

Hair salons generally serve wealthy businessmen or middle-class families. Ordinary people still prefer to go to barbers to get their hair trimmed. The main reason is that it is cheap, the workmanship is good, and the services they should enjoy are not bad at all.

It was the first time for Gawa to come to such a high-end place. Sitting there, she felt a little cramped.

What kind of world has Li Zhao not seen?

When he saw that the clerks in these hair salons didn't like to talk to him, he said: "Give my boss the best and most expensive haircut. We don't want it if it's not good or not!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked, and several guests laughed after hearing this.

He was even underestimating in a low voice, "Where did this country bumpkin come from?"

But after seeing Li Zhao, those people shut their mouths again.

After all, Li Zhao has his own aura. He comes from an extraordinary background. Standing next to Ga Wa, he seems to be from two different worlds.

They didn't want to talk to Ga Wa, but they didn't dare to ignore Li Zhao.

"Instructor Li, this is so expensive. A haircut costs 99. It's too expensive. I can trim it myself for free." Gawa said in a low voice, too embarrassed to let others hear her.

Li Zhao smiled and said, "Chief Gawa, don't worry about anything, just keep silent. This is just a hair salon, a place to cut your hair and serve customers.

If you can't even pass this level, how can you convince those wealthy businessmen to cooperate with you?

You have to make yourself change. Think about the money you have in your pocket. You are also a rich man. What do you have to be afraid of? "

Gawa sighed. Although she didn't know what Li Zhao wanted to do, he was a capable person and she just had to do what he said.

"In a moment, if I ask you something, you just answer me gently."

Li Zhao blinked at Gawa.

Gawa nodded.

Soon, a young man walked up to Gawa, looking a little disgusted, "Come and get a haircut."

Li Zhao could tell at a glance that this man was still a hair-washing boy, barely an apprentice.

He immediately said angrily: "Is this how you fool people, asking a hair-washing boy to wash my boss's hair?

Call your boss over. "

Li Zhao shouted so loudly that Gawa was so nervous.

This is not a Gong village, but a county town. There are many big shots here, and it is not good to offend anyone. "Where are the people? Are they all dead?"

But the more arrogant Li Zhao became, the less people around him dared to look down upon him. The boss quickly came out and walked up to Li Zhao, "This distinguished guest, what are your orders?"

"Cut my boss's hair. Who is he? My boss has a big client to meet later. What if he cuts my boss's hair and ruins it?" Li Zhao said bluffingly.

The people around are listening with their ears pricked up, big business, how big a business?
The owner of the hair salon is also a discerning man. The young man in front of him is gentle, not angry and has no authority. At first glance, he has a good background.

The slovenly middle-aged man you're looking at is actually this young man's boss?

He was able to open the first store in the county, and he was also a flexible and adaptable boss.

He glanced at the apprentice, told him to go away, and then said with an apologetic look: "I was negligent. What if I wash your boss's hair myself?"

"That's pretty much it." Li Zhao nodded with satisfaction, "Let me tell you, my boss, a wealthy businessman, is from the capital of Qianzhou. Does the Li Chamber of Commerce know?"

"Are you talking about the Li Chamber of Commerce that is related to the king of the state?"

"That's right, this is the Chamber of Commerce!" Li Zhao didn't say anything. This Li Chamber of Commerce was originally established by his uncle for the Li family.

Its predecessor is very complicated, first it was his eighth uncle, and then it was handed over to him by Grandpa Huang.

Although he is not the president of the Chamber of Commerce, he can use all the resources of the Chamber of Commerce as he wishes.

The boss took a deep breath. Not only that, but others were also secretly frightened.

There are many Li's Chamber of Commerce, but the most powerful one is the Li's Chamber of Commerce in the capital of Qianzhou.

Who doesn’t know that this chamber of commerce was transformed from the Daqian Royal Family Foundation?
It is a large chamber of commerce across the country.

There are countless industries under its control, and it is a behemoth.

How could this unattractive middle-aged man be able to negotiate business with Mr. Li?
No matter what, they put away their contempt.

"Dare I ask this little brother, what does your boss do?"

"My boss manages thousands of people and has a huge business. Why would he go out on weekdays and stay in the mountains to mine?"

Damn it, it turns out to be the mine boss!

That makes sense.

Many mine bosses have this kind of behavior. They are slovenly on weekdays and like to go out in sloppy clothes. If you dare to offend them, they will make you miserable.

Some people like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers.

This is also related to the general policy of the imperial court.

Mines are not allowed in the two capitals, including the twelve state capitals.

These mining operations are located far away.

It also created many local bosses.

The owner of the hair salon became even more nervous. He walked to Gawa and said, "Lie down and I will wash your hair right now."

Gawa was extremely nervous. He knew that Li Zhao was lying, so he thought to himself, "This instructor Li really does one thing after another, and what he says seems to be more true. If someone exposes him, wouldn't it be a shame?"

However, he didn't dare to show it. He remained expressionless, ignored his boss, and just lay on the chair minding his own business.

Seeing this staged scene, the owner of the hair salon became even more convinced!

(End of this chapter)

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