big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2077 Li Zhao’s business experience

Chapter 2077 Li Zhao’s business experience
Gawa is enjoying the most comfortable hair washing service in his life, which is more caring than his mother-in-law washing his hair.

The boss not only provided considerate service, but also brought tea and snacks.

Li Zhao sat there, looking at the tea and snacks and got angry again, "What kind of crappy snacks are you fooling us with?
Do you think we can't afford a tip? "

"Wait a moment, let's change it now!" The boss glared at the apprentice and whispered: "Bring the best snacks and tea quickly!"

Then he asked: "What hairstyle does the boss want?"

Gawa was a little embarrassed. The cheapest one on the price list cost sixty or seventy yuan, which was simply not within the reach of ordinary people.

"Stop talking nonsense, just use the most expensive and best cut." Li Zhao said impatiently.

"Okay, I'll do it myself!" The boss likes this kind of upstart the most.

I directly gave Gawa a 288 set meal.

This price is almost half the monthly income of local people.

Absolutely high consumption.

Soon Gawa had her hair cut.

"Boss, are you satisfied?"

"Yeah!" Gawa had never seen herself so neat and tidy, but thinking of Li Zhao's words, she just responded softly.

As expected, he is a big boss and his requirements are high.

Li Zhaoze came over and said dissatisfiedly: "The skills are far inferior to those in the capital of Qianzhou. Boss, let's go!"

He took the five hundred yuan and was about to leave.

Gawa looked at the five hundred yuan, and her heart was bleeding.

Although he was confused, he still didn't say anything.

The owner of the barber shop was overjoyed when he saw it. He was so generous.

He hurriedly walked over and took out his business card, "Boss, this is the store's business card. It has my contact information on it. If you need it, you can call me at any time. I will be happy to come to your door for service!"

Immediately afterwards, some people around handed over their business cards, "Boss, please meet me. I'm in the wool business!"

"I used to do cross-border trade."

In one moment, seven or eight people handed Gawa their business cards.

Not only is there a telephone, but there is also a fax machine.

These people are the real big bosses.

Gawa didn't expect that she would receive so many business cards just for cutting her hair.

Seeing that Gawa was a little overwhelmed, Li Zhao reminded: "Boss, we have to go shopping for clothes. The distinguished guests will arrive soon, so we can't dress so rudely."

Only then did Gawa react and smiled at those people as a sign.

Many people present sighed. As expected, he was a big boss in charge of thousands of people, but their level was still a little lower than him.

That's how business is done, whatever level you are at depends on what level you are at.

It is very difficult for you who earn 100,000 yuan a year to enter the circle of millionaires.

After walking out of the hair salon, Gawa gasped for breath, but Li Zhao reminded him, "Don't slump your shoulders. Come on, I'll open the door for you."

Li Zhao opened the passenger car and Gawa got in.

After getting in the car, Gawa let out a sigh of relief, "I'm so nervous."

"What's so stressful? Businessmen are no longer human beings? Village chief Gawa, how did you feel just now?" "Although I'm nervous, it's good!" Gawa said.

"That's good. Remember the feeling just now. Just treat those people as cabbage and carrots. Also, keep these business cards in your hands. They will be of great use in the future." Li Zhao said.

Gawa nodded, and now he suddenly understood why Li Zhao spent a lot of money to cut his hair.

Soon, Li Zhao took him to the best clothing store in the city and bought Gawa a set of the best traditional clothing from the Nanfan area.

Gawa has never been so handsome.

Dressed like this, he really has the temperament of a big boss.

Li Zhao nodded with satisfaction, "Not bad, let's go to the industrial zone to find someone to negotiate!"

Soon, Li Zhao took Gawa to the industrial zone. He made Gawa the boss and he became the negotiation secretary. He entered the industrial zone with great airs.

When the guard at the door saw it, he was extremely polite.

Gawa's eyes were complicated and she said: "When I came to these places before, those people looked at me through their nostrils and regarded me as a beggar, and they were not willing to look at me seriously at all.

Now, they all regard me as their father-in-law! "

"When you meet their factory director or boss, you will brag to death. You will say that you are dealing with people from above and you have found a rural area to do the pilot. There will be a lot of benefits!"

"Isn't this a scam?"

"How could it be?" Li Zhao said: "We get semi-finished products from them at wholesale prices, and then sell them exclusively. How can it be a fraud? We didn't give them any money?
Even if it is a credit account now, it will be settled later when you make money.

Village Chief Gawa, remember, doing business is all about flipping, buying low and selling high.

They guarantee their profits when they leave the factory, and we can also guarantee profits when we sell them.

You can never make money by being a middleman in the downstream business.

So we want to be an intermediary.

Just like the owners of hair salons, most of them are traders. They buy good things from the Central Plains to the Western Regions and sell them at high prices.

The same goes for us, we package it here, and then buy it through them to the Western Regions, and we will make money as soon as we resell it.

This is business! "

Village Chief Gawa scratched his head and said, "What you said makes sense. Although I still don't quite understand it, I am definitely right to listen to you."

Li Zhao smiled and then took Gawa into the office.

During the negotiation, Li Zhao was the one who spoke, while Gawa rarely spoke and was very arrogant. Those who didn't know better thought he was here to give Party A alms.

In the next few days, Li Zhao took Gawa around the industrial area and successfully obtained many business cards. He also missed these people and gained a certain reputation.

Then, he began to integrate resources, record them in a book, take credit, buy goods, sign contracts, and return to the village.

Looking at the car full of goods, Gawa said excitedly: "Is this done?"

"This is only half the battle. Next, we have to make good goods and train the villagers well." Li Zhao said.

"But why do we need to rent a car? It's so expensive, and it will only cost us two more trips!" Gawa said.

"Then don't we show our cowardice?" Li Zhao said: "We have to create an atmosphere where we are the big boss. If you drive a car to pick up the goods, others will see through us at a glance.

So we must do our best to save face, and these people will do this. "

Gawa sighed, "If it weren't for you, I would never have thought of doing business this way. I really learned a lesson."

"It's nothing. Many people know it. It's just that I don't have the courage to take the first step." Li Zhao smiled, "Let's go back quickly. If we don't cash these goods as soon as possible, we will die when the time comes to repay the debt." !”

(End of this chapter)

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