big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2078 The meaning of assistance

Chapter 2078 The meaning of assistance

"Folks, Village Chief Gawa and Instructor Xiao Li are back!"

"They still came back with a new car!"

The children playing at the end of the village were running wildly with the car. Li Zhao could only slow down carefully to avoid running into these children.

But their voices also attracted many people to watch.

Soon, the car stopped at the entrance of the village primary school, and the appraising villagers gathered around, one by one reaching out to touch the Universiade car.

"Gawazi, where did this big car come from?"

"My dear, it's still a new car."

Everyone was talking a lot. In this day and age, if that village had a car, others would be envious of it.

The village chief of Gawa said: "Everyone, please be quiet and listen to instructor Li!"

Li Zhao climbed onto the roof of the car and looked down at everyone, "Folks, this time we went to the city, not only did we win cooperation, but we also brought a lot of goods. These goods are opportunities for our village to prosper.

Next, each household will be allocated goods, and then the village will come out to sell the goods.

The goods sold will be counted according to each person's contribution.

The village will establish a cooperative and distribute dividends uniformly at the end of the year.

As long as we work hard, tens of thousands of households will not be a problem! "

Everyone became excited.

What is the concept of a household worth ten thousand yuan here?
They couldn't even think about it.

If we could really become a household worth 10,000 yuan, and every household would build a building and buy a car, I would never dare to think about such a life.

"Instructor Xiao Li, are you serious?"

"Even in the city, there aren't many households worth ten thousand yuan, right?"

"Of course what I said is true, but before that, let's unload the goods from other trucks first, and be sure to handle them with care.

After the goods are moved, I will distribute the goods. "

After saying that, everyone went to move the goods.

Li Zhao called six or seven large trucks this time, and it really took the whole village to move the goods.

Fortunately, there were many people, and the unloading was completed in about an hour.

Immediately, Li Zhao began to register names and distribute goods.

After the goods are distributed, unified training begins.

He first selected some smart young people, and after they were successfully trained, he then asked them to train, so that he could get twice the result with half the effort.

Laze said to Li Zhao: "Instructor Li, you are really capable!"

"This is nothing. We have just set up a stall now. What is really rare is to open the market." Li Zhao said: "Next, the village chief of Gawa will stay in the village to arrange construction, and I will go to the market with samples. You Educate your children well in the village.

When Gargong Village gets rid of poverty, more volunteer teachers will be willing to come.

By then, you won’t have to work so hard. "

Raze said: "You have worked harder than me."

Li Zhao smiled. He could see that Laze had a good impression of him. This girl, who was slightly older than him, always kept her eyes on him.

But he already has a wife, so if he doesn't intend to marry her, it's better not to flirt with her.

He said: "Teacher Raze must be in his twenties this year. Why haven't you found a partner yet?"

Laze blushed, "Maybe it's because the fate has not come yet?" Li Zhao said: "Teacher Laze is a kind-hearted person, but his requirements must be too high. What do you like? I can help you introduce him. I have some friends. , the conditions are very good, if you like, I can help you connect, and you can go to the capital of Qianzhou in the future. "

"But I don't want to leave Gagong Village." Laze's eyes darkened, "I like teaching, I like these children, and I like the mountains. The outside world is good and prosperous, but I always feel that it doesn't belong to me. ”

Li Zhao was stunned. This was a girl with the highest faith.

Her own thoughts, in front of her pure heart, seemed a little dirty.

"With talents like you, Kagong Village will definitely get better and better." Li Zhao said: "Although I am not from Kagong Village, I also like this land.

Did you know that there are still many backward villages like Gagong Village in the Ming Dynasty? "

"How much is a lot?"

"No less than a thousand!" Li Zhao said, "But there will be fewer and fewer in the future. In a few years, we will be able to completely win this tough battle. By then, even the folks in the village will be able to live a good life." day.

There is nothing wrong with following the imperial court and His Majesty. "

Lazi looked at the setting sun on the mountainside and said, "I heard from my grandmother that Nanfan is a very poor place. It is so poor that the people have no food to eat and they can only live in leaky tents. Every winter is a disaster and people get sick." I can only find a way to pick the medicine by myself. If I'm lucky, I can survive. If I'm not lucky, I can only wait to die.

She said that things are now countless times better than before. They have enough food and clothing, and their children have books to study. Although they are still poor, in their eyes, this is already a kind of wealth.

Instructor Li, I know that in your eyes, many people in the village are hopeless, but they don’t have bad intentions.”

Li Zhao nodded. At this moment, he suddenly felt a little ashamed.

In his eyes, Gagong Village is a village that has been defeated by many instructors, a village that cannot hold up the wall and is resigned to self-destruction.

She lived on subsidies from the court and having children.

But Raze's words changed his mind.

Perhaps it is precisely because some people have experienced the suffering of the past that they know how good life is now.

Even in his eyes, Gagong Village was still poor and backward to the core, but in their eyes, this was the good life they had never been able to ask for.

At this moment, he realized how great Ming Dynasty was, or in other words, how great his uncle was.

He is a person who truly cares about the poor people.

Only then did he understand what innovation meant.

Why is Ming so powerful yet he still keeps struggling.

Fall from the top, constantly innovate, and constantly transform these people.

Because of these weaklings.

The powerful never have to worry about living. What they have to consider is not what they should eat today or whether the house will leak when they sleep at night.

Over time, these poor people naturally disappeared from their eyes.

This is the most fundamental reason for coming to the grassroots level for training.

Because of their different visions, they are basically people from two worlds.

When Li Zhao looked back on his previous life, he saw that the frugality he thought he had was a life he could not even dream of in the eyes of the villagers.

After all, the royal palace where he lives, with access to cars and servants, is already better than most people in the world.

Although what he ate was not delicacies from mountains and seas, they were the freshest offerings.

Even the clothes he wears are specially supplied by the Li Chamber of Commerce and are made of the finest fabrics. A set of clothes is worth thousands of yuan or even more.

"They are just too poor. Not only are they poor in life, but their thoughts are even poorer. If we just look down on them and abandon them, then the meaning of assistance will not be so important."

(End of this chapter)

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