big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2079 Ask him for an explanation!

Chapter 2079 Ask him for an explanation!
La Ze gathered her scattered hair to her ears and said: "There are still more than a dozen families in the village who have not participated. They are indeed lazy and selfish, but in my opinion, the meaning of assistance is to help people like them who are poor. to complete the change.

Although we are not rich, we are rich in spirit. They are people who live in poverty and are also poor in spirit.

Perhaps in your eyes, they are just plundering the imperial court's wool.

However, in my eyes, they are pitiful people.

Because the court will continue to subsidize them.

They were doing okay.

Their children can also go to school for free.

They feel that their efforts are useless, which is the scariest thing. "

Laze's words shocked and enlightened Li Zhao.

At that moment, Li Zhao realized how wrong he was.

Perhaps those instructors who were offended did not fundamentally understand the meaning of grassroots experience.

Even at this moment, if it weren't for Laze's words, he would still be proud of his wit.

Being poor is not scary, what is scary is being poor.

He took a deep breath and solemnly said to Raze: "You are right, I was wrong before. I just wanted to make everyone rich financially, and I didn't think so much.

But as the old saying goes, if they don’t have the ability to keep money, they won’t be able to keep their wealth even if they are rich.

The meaning of experience is to help them broaden their horizons, enrich their spirits, and enable them to keep money.

I can help them achieve short-term wealth, but I cannot help them for a lifetime.

I came here not for good-looking data on paper, but to actually change them.

Use my own power to sow seeds.

just like you.
Teacher Raze, thank you for teaching me this! "

Li Zhao stood up and bowed solemnly to Laze.

This time, Laze blushed deeply and said, "Hey, instructor Li, what are you doing? We are just chatting."

"It's just a small talk, but you helped me a lot." Li Zhao looked at her sincerely, "Many times, I wonder why the court has to do these thankless things. I only saw the surface before, but now I see it A deeper meaning.

The imperial court is not here for good-looking data or a slogan, but for the real good of the people. "

"The imperial court is really good." Laze looked at Li Zhao's serious look and burst into laughter, "If it weren't for the imperial court, I would have given birth to five or six children at my age. How could I be here?" Be a support teacher!”

Li Zhao also scratched his head, "That makes sense!"

The two young men looked at each other and smiled.

into the night.

After working hard, the man lay aside, smoking a cheap cigarette, while the woman cleaned up silently.

The dim oil lamp made it difficult for her to see clearly, so she could only fumble by feeling.

She is only in her twenties this year, and she is a little dazzled. It may be because she has had too many children and lacks nutrition.

"Master, I want to go to the village tomorrow to get goods to make. I heard them say that you can make a penny for each product. You can easily earn twenty or thirty a day. In a month, you can make five or six hundred.

In this way, you can earn six to seven thousand a year, which is almost as good as the people in the city.

With this money, I can buy a new set of clothes for my parents and the children.

Moreover, I heard from them that there will be dividends at the end of the year, and every household will probably get a lot of it. With this money, and the subsidies from the court, we may be able to build a new house next year! "The woman said tentatively.

The man turned sideways and said nothing.

The woman added: "Now the people in the village are working hard to build the road, which will be paved soon. By then, our house will be bypassed, and there will be no water and electricity. We will be laughed at. Moreover, I heard them say, whose house If you don’t contribute, don’t take the cement road.

We will definitely be squeezed to death.

Even if we don't think about ourselves, we still have to think about our children. They are still so young and will always grow up.

Now the children in the village don't like to take them to play.


"Shut up!" The man slapped the woman on the face, "What's wrong with you? Your job is to give birth to children for me. The more children you have, the better. The court may even award me a hero father award. title.

Have you read the newspaper?
There was a woman who gave birth to fifteen children. The court directly awarded her the title of Heroic Mother, and she had everything in the garage.

We have already given birth to seven children. If we work hard to give birth to seven or eight more children, won't we be able to easily get what others have?
They fools work so hard every day.

You are so good, wherever you go, you will be there. "

The woman covered her face and cried, "I don't want to give birth!"

"What did you say?" The man raised his voice, "Do you believe I will beat you to death?"

"Even if you beat me to death, I don't want to give birth anymore." The woman cried uncontrollably. "I am only twenty-five years old and have already given birth to seven children. My belly is already more flabby than that of a seventy-year-old woman." Be awesome.

I went home to see my grandma, who hugged me and cried. She said I was even older than she looked.

Even if I really could give birth to fifteen children, I would not live to see the day when the imperial court awarded me the title of Heroic Mother.

It's all about death anyway, you might as well beat me to death, go ahead, beat me to death! "

The woman who had been swallowing her anger suddenly burst out, "I have been married to you for so many years and I have never had a good day. What did you say when you first married me?

You said our days would be as sweet as soaking in a honeypot, but what did you give me?
You gave me a life of pain, beat me with your fists and slaps.

Instructor Xiao Li has worked hard to think about us, but you have to go against him.

If you go against him, what good consequences will you get?

Now people in the village are getting better and better, only our family is getting worse.

Don't blame others for looking down on us, I even look down on myself. "

The woman fell to the ground, seemingly in despair.

The children were also woken up and started crying.

The man’s parents also tried to persuade him, “Don’t hit me, otherwise others will hear the joke!”

The man let go of the woman, feeling an unknown fire in his heart, "Instructor Xiao Li, I know instructor Xiao Li every day, are you having an affair with that pretty boy?"

With that said, he picked up his clothes and rushed out.

"Dawa come back!"

"Dawa, where are you going this late at night?"

His parents shouted from behind, and Dawa angrily rushed out of the house with a woodcutter.

His wife was always obedient and did whatever he was told.

I will never disobey myself like I did today.

It must have been something that pretty boy said to her that made his good wife turn evil.

He wanted to find Li Zhao for an explanation.

If Li Zhao doesn't give him an explanation today, he will kill him!

(End of this chapter)

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