big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2080 The idea of ​​building a brand!

Chapter 2080 The idea of ​​building a brand!

At this time, Li Zhao was checking accounts under a kerosene lamp. Without electric light, he was really uncomfortable.

In the past few days, everyone's enthusiasm has been high, and he will go to sell goods next.

Fortunately, he had found some buyers in the county a few days ago, and all he had to do was transport the goods there.

At that time, you can quickly get a payment back, then pay the manufacturer a fee, and then continue to purchase goods and sell them to those trading experts.

As long as a virtuous cycle is formed, everything will be fine.

However, opening this situation relies on low prices and volume. If the price is too high, it is impossible for them to buy their three-no products.

In addition, we need to build a factory as soon as possible, connect water and electricity, and build roads.

Make a name for yourself as a cooperative.

Cooperatives have emerged in Ming Dynasty for more than 30 years. At that time, my uncle used cooperatives to revitalize villages one after another. The people who benefited the most were the people of Lingnan.

They are the first to eat crabs.

It is precisely because of this that the cooperative model has become very mature.

You just need to copy it yourself.

The work-point model can also increase everyone's enthusiasm.

So in the first month, everyone must see the money.

Only when you see money and rewards for your efforts can this business continue.

Li Zhao took a deep breath and rubbed his swollen head. Now the village has tens of thousands in debt, but the liquidity is less than two thousand.

Every sum of money must be broken in half and spent.

He really wanted to write to Qianzhou, but if he could help Gongcun, could he help other people?

Moreover, this is prohibited by the order.

No matter how powerful he is, can he be more powerful than the imperial court?
Thinking of this, he encouraged himself, "We have to find a way to make money. This car is not enough. We have to buy more cars one after another. Only by making everyone feel prosperous can there be hope.

Just focusing on towns and counties is not enough.

Just making these handmade products will certainly not make Gagong Village reborn and make it rich.

Those nobles in Xijing all rely on their own fiefdoms to create brands, and the brand management is particularly good.

Their fiefdom has some specialties, but these specialties are not enough to form a huge industrial chain, which requires operations.

So I also need to run a product.

For food, clothing, housing and transportation, the simpler the product, the better.

For example, wine, these do not require complicated machinery, just materials and labor.

This is a high mountain, and the water is very pure. If it is made into a unique local mountain water, it should be very marketable.

With the advent of freezers, mineral water has become more and more popular, as well as various alcoholic beverages, all of which are hugely profitable products.

Non-staple food such as French fries requires equipment and the cost is too high. There is no electricity in the village now, so it is undoubtedly too far to think about it. "

Thinking of this, Li Zhao collected the account books and gradually had a general direction in his mind.

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish. It is just a brokerage business, which is not easy.

Without a flexible mind, it is difficult to run a business. Therefore, it is imperative to operate a brand. As long as you package a brand and build a reputation, it will be easy to make money.

Li Zhao jumped up, feeling a little excited.

But just then, footsteps came from outside, followed by curses, "Instructor Xiao Li, get out of here!"

Li Zhao's face darkened, it's so late, who is here?
He stood behind the door. The other person was unkind and obviously came for him. He didn't open the door immediately and went out. Instead, he said to the door: "Who is it so late?"

"Don't worry about who I am, get the fuck out of here, I have something to ask you!"

Li Zhao hurriedly blocked the door. He was still worried, so he moved a desk and leaned it against the door. "I don't even know who you are, why should I go out?"

At this moment, the glass of the room was smashed open. The place where he lived was one of the few concrete buildings in Gong Village, and the iron windows directly blocked visitors.

"You bastard, you seduced my wife, I will chop you to death."

Looking at the ferocious face on the window, Li Zhao finally knew who it was.

"Dawa, what nonsense are you talking about? Who seduced your wife?" As one of the few thorns in the village, Li Zhao still remembered it clearly.

Li Zhao's face darkened when he heard what he said. He didn't even dare to provoke Laze, so how could he provoke these village women?
Besides, this Dawa’s wife looks older than his mother, with dark skin and a malnourished appearance.

No matter how hungry or thirsty he is, he can't keep his mouth shut.

"You didn't seduce me, why didn't you dare to come out?" Dawa kept waving the hatchet in his hand, "You bastard, get out of here, I will chop you to death!"

Li Zhao knew that there were unruly people in remote areas, but these people were so unruly that it left people speechless.

He was not afraid of panic, but instead pulled up a stool and made it. His calm look only stimulated Dawa even more.

"I have a wife, and my wife is beautiful. No matter how badass I am, I can't seduce a married woman.

There are many single girls in the village. I will leave the innocent girls alone and go to your mother-in-law. Am I sick, or are you sick?
Moreover, I am busy every day, and there are always people around me. Your wife should be around the children and your parents every day, and she has no time to come to me.

Dawa, I don’t know whose words you listened to and came to trouble me.

But let me tell you, if you don’t leave, today’s matter will never end.

Not only is there no way to end it, I will also sue you for attempted murder and I will make you go to jail.

Do you know what the crime is for killing an instructor sent by the imperial court?

capital offense!

You didn't even have any evidence, so you came to kill me rashly. When the time comes, you will be taken away, and your wife, children, and parents will be left alone.

Can your wife raise seven children?
What about your parents?
At that time, your wife was cruel and ran away with others. Your children's parents were the most pitiful people. "

"Don't fart here, I'm going to chop you to death." Dawa was already afraid in his heart, but he was coming with such force and made such a big noise. If he went back in despair, wouldn't others laugh at him?

Just here, a large number of villagers came over carrying torches.

Gawa also took out the village musket and pointed it at Dawa, "Dawa, what the hell do you want to do? Put down the knife in your hand quickly. If you hurt instructor Li, I will shoot you to death!" "

Dawa's wife was so frightened that she knelt on the ground, "Dawa, come back quickly and don't hurt instructor Li. He and I are innocent and nothing has happened!"

Everyone thought it was ridiculous. How could they not know what Dawa’s wife looked like?

Not to mention that Li Zhao doesn't like him, even the villagers in this village do not like him.

"If you say you don't, then you won't. Stop lying to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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