big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2081 Expulsion

Chapter 2081 Expulsion

At this time, Dawa was riding a tiger and could not get off, and he seemed to be going crazy.

"I really didn't lie to you. I take care of my parents and children at home every day, so I don't have time at all." The woman knelt on the ground, heartbroken.

She gave birth to Dawa's children and took care of her parents-in-law, but in the end she was charged with unwarranted charges.

At this moment, she was extremely heartbroken.

Dawa's parents are also trying to persuade Dawa.

But it was no use. Dawa waved his hatchet and threatened everyone not to pass.

Ga Wa also looked livid. If this bastard really hurt Li Zhao, Ga Gong Village would be completely destroyed.

How could he let the happy lives of thousands of people in the village be destroyed in Dawa's hands.

He was cruel and raised his hand to shoot, but before shooting, he asked for the last time: "Dawa, I ask you one last time, will you put down the knife in your hand?"

Dawa frowned and said, "I won't let you go!"

"Okay, then don't blame me."

When the villagers heard this, their hearts tightened. They knew Gawa was about to shoot.

At this time, Laze suddenly stood up, stopped Gawa, and then said to Dawa: "Brother Dawa, I am Laze. I can testify that my sister-in-law has nothing to do with instructor Xiao Li."

"Bah, who didn't know you were together?"

'Yes, we are together because I am instructor Xiao Li's girlfriend. He spends all his free time with me and cannot be with his sister-in-law.

I don’t know who you listened to to come here to trouble him, but I can assure you that instructor Xiao Li and his sister-in-law are innocent! '

As soon as these words came out, all the villagers present were shocked.

Even Raze's parents looked shocked, but what followed was worry.

Li Zhao is from Qianzhou and will leave sooner or later. What will happen to Laze then?
The gap between them is too big, and La Ze is simply not worthy of Li Zhao.

Dawa was also stunned, "Are you serious?"

"Is this still false?" Raze stepped forward and said, "Brother Dawa, this is a misunderstanding. Please put down the knife in your hand first."

Li Zhao in the room also sighed when he heard this. What a good girl. In order to save him, she would not hesitate to ruin her innocence.

But what can he do to make up for it?
Dawa suddenly became embarrassed. He knew that Gawa would definitely shoot him if he didn't put the knife.

Although he is impulsive, he is not stupid.

He was just angry at his wife's resistance and wanted to show his hegemony as the head of the family.

He put down the knife in his hand, and Gawa and others rushed over and pressed Dawa to the ground.

Then Gawa picked up the butt of the gun and hit Dawa on the head hard, "You bitch, you are looking for death. If you dare to trouble instructor Li, I will beat you to death, you bastard."

Not only Gawa, but also the villagers kicked and beat Dawa in anger.

Everyone's life is getting better and better, but this guy still dares to trouble Li Zhao. Isn't he going against them?
Dawa was beaten repeatedly and begged for mercy.

At this time, Li Zhao also came out and grabbed everyone. Looking at the bruised Dawa, he also sighed, "Thank you everyone for coming to save me. Li Zhao is grateful!"

"Instructor Xiao Li, this is what we should do!"

"That's right, this bastard doesn't even take a pee to show himself."

"Mom and dad Dawa, we're not talking about you, look at what your son looks like!"

Dawa's parents could only kneel on the ground and beg everyone for forgiveness.

Gawa said coldly: "In view of the current situation, Dawa is no longer suitable to stay in Gagong Village, so I decided to expel Dawa from Gagong Village and never allow him to come back." As soon as these words came out, everyone started talking. Show your hands in favor.

Dawa was also scared. He knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, "Brother Gawa, please forgive me because this is my first offender. I won't dare to do it again!"

"Forgive you, you don't know why the previous instructors left?" Gawa slapped him on the head, "It was you who spread rumors behind them, ruined their reputations, and incited everyone to boycott them.

That’s why Gong Village has been unable to get rid of poverty.

You are a sinner in Gagong Village.

Now, instructor Xiao Li is kind to us from the bottom of his heart and leads us to live a good life.

You're still talking nonsense here. I didn't shoot you to death. It's all for the sake of your parents and children. Take your things and get out of Gong Village.

Otherwise, I will send you to the Yamen, and I will keep you locked up for the rest of your life! "

"Brother Gawa, I still have children to raise, and my parents must be filial."

"Stop being like this. When have you ever taken care of your parents and children? If it weren't for your wife, they would have died!" Gawa said angrily.

At this time, Dawa’s wife also said: “I want to divorce you, I don’t want to live with you anymore, and I don’t want to have any more children.

Don't worry, I will take care of the child. With the subsidies from the court, I can survive. "

"What, what did you say?" Dawa looked at his wife in disbelief.

The people around him were also in a trance.

In their village, there is no such thing as divorce.

"I said, I want a divorce, and everyone present can bear witness to me!" The woman felt that she had been living too hard for these years, and the moment Dawa humiliated her, she was completely desperate.

"How dare you!" Dawa was about to explode when Gawa shot him and knocked him to the ground.

"She really dares." Gawa said: "Even if she is divorced, she is still from Gagong Village. All your land belongs to him. Get out now, otherwise, I want you to die!"

Gawa loaded the gun again and fired suddenly. The bullet grazed Dawa's ear.

Everyone exclaimed.

Dawa was so frightened that he peed, "I'm leaving, I'm leaving now."

As he spoke, he rolled and disappeared into the darkness.

As for Dawa's parents, they were also heartbroken.

But they also knew that their son had done something unforgivable, and if he stayed here, all the villagers would not let him go.

Gawa snorted coldly, walked to Li Zhao, and asked eagerly: "Instructor Xiao Li, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Li Zhao thanked everyone again.

Gawa said: "It's not safe tonight. This kid will probably come back. I'll be guarding your door tonight. If this guy dares to come back, I'll kill him with one shot!"

Li Zhao also nodded and did not refuse, but invited Gawa to sleep with him.

He is currently practicing and there is no security around him, so safety is still necessary.

A bastard like Dawa is destined to die, so there is no need to take him seriously.

However, he also had lingering fears. If he hadn't been quick-witted, he might have been chopped down just now.

Gawa looked at the others again, "I hope this is the first and last time such a thing happens. If anyone dares to be disrespectful to instructor Xiao Li in the future, I want him to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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