big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2082 Explanation

Chapter 2082 Explanation
Even though Gewa usually swallows his anger, he thinks that he is a fellow villager and is unwilling to put on airs.

He has been on the battlefield and has a few lives in his hands. If you really make him angry, you can kill him with just one shot and you won't be able to deal with it.

Moreover, even if he shot and killed Dawa, no one would dare to say a word about such a bad thing as killing the instructor.

Everyone said yes.

"Let's all disperse." Gawa waved her hands and everyone dispersed.

After La Ze returned home, her parents couldn't help but ask, "Have you really become friends with Instructor Xiao Li?"

Laze blushed furiously, "No, no, I, I just wanted to help instructor Xiao Li, and Patawa hurt him, so..."

"Did Instructor Li really attack Madam Dawa?" Laze's father said.

"Abba, what are you talking about? Is Instructor Xiao Li that kind of person?" She thought a little aggrievedly, Li Zhao couldn't even like herself, how could he like Mrs. Dawa? "Also, I have seen Xiao Li The photo of the instructor's wife is very beautiful. She is as beautiful as those celebrities. He is just here to practice, and he does not want to be here for the rest of his life.

Sooner or later he will go back. "

"That's good." Raze's father said: "Laze, you are very good, but you and Instructor Xiao Li are from two different worlds. You are not worthy of him. Don't have too deep communication with him. I'm afraid you'll get hurt!"

Although what my father said was unpleasant, it was all true.

Laze nodded, full of melancholy, "I understand, Abba!"

"Old man, instructor Xiao Li is good, but isn't my daughter good?" Laze's mother accused her husband of speaking so harshly and belittling her daughter.

"I just don't want her to get hurt. Besides, my daughter is not bad either. Does she have to be someone else's little wife?" Raze's father said.

Listening to his parents' conversation, Laze tossed and turned in the dark, unable to sleep.

"Tomorrow, I must explain it clearly to Li Zhao to avoid misunderstanding." La Ze thought.

But that night, she had a very outrageous dream. She dreamed that she and Li Zhao were married, and then she did something embarrassing.

When I woke up, I hurriedly changed my clothes.

She covered her hot face and warned herself, "Don't be delusional. You and Li Zhao are from two different worlds. His wife is so beautiful, just like a swan, and you are just an ugly duckling."

After drying his pants, La Ze came to the school dormitory.

Today is a day off, no classes.

So the students are helping with crafts at home.

Today is also the day when Li Zhao goes out to sell goods.

Sure enough, as soon as they arrived at the school, they saw Li Zhao and the village chief Gawa dealing with goods.

"Instructor Li, head of Gawa Village." Laze called out abruptly.

"It's Laze." Gawa glanced at Li Zhao and suddenly said, "By the way, there are still a few families whose goods have not been handed over. I'll go over and see what's going on."

When passing by Laze, Gawa winked at her, which made Laze blush.

Seeing that the village chief misunderstood, La Ze wanted to explain, but Gawa did not stop.

La Ze walked to Li Zhao and saw that Li Zhao looked as usual, as if he didn't take what happened last night to heart at all.

"Li, instructor Li, let me help you." Laze said.

"Okay, then you hand me the goods and I'll code them." Li Zhao stood in the trunk and lifted the handmade goods up. If the goods go well this time, it can bring a profit of 3,000 yuan.

It's only been a few days.

Because everyone is not familiar with the operation.

If things go well in the future, the village will be able to make trains once every two days. In a month, it will earn at least 40,000 to 50,000 yuan.

In a year, it's hundreds of thousands.

Spread equally among one hundred and fifty households, one household's annual income would definitely exceed 5,000.

Five thousand yuan is not bad even compared to those in big cities.

Thinking of this, Li Zhao also breathed a sigh of relief. He hoped that the delivery would go smoothly and he would find a way to create a brand belonging to Gonggong Village.

Laze was also working hard to deliver the goods. She kept thinking about how to say something. Seeing that the goods were almost delivered, if she didn't say anything, the village chief of Gawa would have come back, and then there would be no chance to explain.

"Well, Li Zhao, what happened last night"

"Thank you for helping me out last night. If you hadn't given Dawa a step up, he might have continued to go crazy. The village chief of Gawa might have beaten him to death. I don't want him to die during my tenure. Someone died because of me." Li Zhao was actually thinking about how to talk to Laze, but if he told him, it would inevitably hurt Laze's heart.

Moreover, this girl is really nice.

Although she is not a character beauty, she is very attractive and has an innate simplicity and purity that makes her soul feel purified when she is with her.

This made Li Zhao realize that he might have been a vegetarian for so long that he developed some feelings.

"This is what I should do. You are the biggest treasure of our village now. If you make any mistake, our village will be doomed." La Ze smiled, but felt a little disappointed in his heart.

It turns out that he knows everything, no wonder he is so calm.

"But don't explain what the villagers said. If it reaches Dawa's ears, he might go crazy again," Raze said.

"What about you? Do you want to lose your reputation?" Li Zhao looked at this pure girl, her eyes as bright as stars.

Gargong Village is a very conservative place. Once you fall in love, it is no different than getting married.

So if this misunderstanding is not resolved, La Ze will suffer a lot of pain and hurt after he leaves. Li Zhao does not want to, nor is he willing to do this.

"No, it's okay, we didn't do anything." Lazi said: "Besides, Ming Dynasty is not Daqian. Marriage and love are free. It's just falling in love, not getting married.

Even if you get married, there will be divorce, right? "

Li Zhao sighed, "If, I mean if, I may be a bit greedy, if you are willing, I"

La Ze knew what Li Zhao wanted to say. At that moment, her heart was in her throat, but soon her reason took over.

She hurriedly interrupted Li Zhao, "No, needless to say, I, I'm fine on my own, instructor Li, don't forget, you have a wife.

The lover in my heart must love me alone, so, so, you are not my type! "

Laze said these words against her will, and she even pretended to be nonchalant.

But that smile looked particularly bitter to Li Zhao.

Li Zhao also gave a bitter smile, "I have overthought it, so I will wrong you these days. I will finish the work as soon as possible and leave Gong Village early!"

(End of this chapter)

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