Chapter 2083

"This way, I won't delay you for too long." Li Zhao smiled and became more open-minded. He thought it would be better not to cause trouble to such a good girl.

Even if one day she goes to Qianzhou with him, it may not be what she wants.

Laze was a little sad, but still smiled and nodded.

At this time, there was a cough from behind, and Laze looked back and saw Gawa walking over with the goods, "I'm not disturbing you, right?"

"No, no," Lazi said hurriedly.

Gawa chuckled and handed the goods to Li Zhao, "The goods for the whole village are here. Instructor Li, I'll leave it to you this time."

Li Zhao smiled and said, "This is what I should do. If everything goes well, I will return tomorrow."

Now that there is a car in the village, it is much more convenient to travel, and the road is being built in the village. Although the cement has not been completely paved, it is much easier to walk than before.

"Okay, I'll wait for you in the village. Please pay attention to safety on the road." Gawa said.

"Li Zhao, protect yourself."

"Laze, you, my girlfriend, don't you want to go with Li Zhao?" Gawa said with a half-smile.

"No, it can't be done. We have classes tomorrow." Lazi was startled and said hurriedly.

Li Zhao smiled and drove away.

After the two watched Li Zhao leave, Gawa said: "Laze, instructor Li is a talent, you must grasp it."

"Village Chief Gawa, if I said that Instructor Xiao Li and I had nothing, would you believe it?"

"Of course I do. I know you were trying to excuse him last night, but I want to tell you that there is no such shop after this village.

Although he started a family at a young age, he is a potential stock, so you should seize the opportunity.

Gargong Village is too poor, you have to go outside to see the world. "

"So, you know everything?" Raze was stunned.

"Little girl, can you hide your little thoughts from me?" Gawa laughed, "Think carefully about what I say. Don't let the village tie you up. With Li Zhao here, the village will soon be able to Once you have achieved great success, it won't make much sense for you to stay here.

Compared to the village, your happiness is equally important. "

After saying that, Gawa left.

Laze was left in a daze.

Li Zhao drove out of the village, went to the township, and wrote relevant letters to the cadres.

Because to the outside world, Gawa is a big boss in helping poverty alleviation, so those businessmen are willing to cooperate.

After all, the general environment is like this. With this letter, they can offset the tax deduction when selling goods.

After getting the letter, Li Zhao rushed to the county seat without stopping. It was already afternoon when he arrived at the county seat.

He found the traders and gave them the goods.

After getting the letter and counting the goods, the money and goods were cleared.

Without this letter, I would definitely not get the money.

It is good if it is endorsed by the Yamen.

At this time, someone also asked Li Zhao from the side whether their boss had negotiated a deal with Li. Naturally, Li Zhao boasted that it had been settled.

Moreover, they will jointly create a product that will be released next month, and they also asked them to support it when the time comes.

Upon hearing this, everyone was envious.

Everyone handed Li Zhao cigarettes and tea, hoping that Li Zhao could help introduce him.

Although they have a small fortune, in front of the Li Chamber of Commerce, they are just minions.

"In fact, cooperating with our boss is equivalent to cooperating with the Li Chamber of Commerce. If the two parties do not have a deeper relationship, our boss will introduce you rashly, and the people from the Li Chamber of Commerce will definitely feel rude."

When Li Zhao said this, these people really believed it.

After all, a circle has its own rules. There is a way to curry favor.

For a behemoth like the Li Chamber of Commerce, some people are flattering, but do they want to recognize the flattery of any of them?
"What product is it?"

"It's mountain spring water. You will know when the time comes. Next month we will distribute the goods throughout the county. Please take care of it when the time comes."

After the conversation, Li Zhao drove to the next county where he found some packaging machines and used the same trick to win one of the machines.

In addition, there are also equipment for water quality filtration and testing.

If completed, this entire set of equipment would cost six to seven hundred thousand.

Even if Li Zhao was sold, it would be impossible to raise so much money.

He is not in Qianzhou now.

However, just use installment payment.

He first paid the deposit, and after confirming that it was correct, he drove back to the county. Because it was too late, he lived in the car in order to save money.

It wasn't until the afternoon of the next day that he drove back to Gagong Village.

"Come back, instructor Xiao Li is back."

"Everyone, come out quickly. Instructor Xiao Li is back."

The children at the entrance of the village also screamed when they saw the truck.

Then every family came out, and they spontaneously arrived at the gate of the primary school.

Gawa also dared to come after hearing the news. When she arrived, the villagers had already surrounded the place.

After finally squeezing in, Gawa said: "Instructor Xiao Li, how are the sales of the goods going?"

Li Zhao didn't say anything. He took out a thick stack of brand new coins from his pocket, all of which were fifty notes.

Three thousand yuan, every penny is a lot!
"Chief Gawa, please take a look!"

Seeing a large stack of coins in Li Zhao's hand, everyone in Gagong Village exclaimed.

Then everyone's breathing became rapid.

God, that's so much money, they've never seen so much money in their lives.

Gawa was also very excited. He wiped his hands on his clothes, then carefully took them, and then counted them one by one in front of the whole village.

I counted it three times in total, and everyone was extremely excited.

"Gawa, count again.

"Yeah, we haven't had enough yet!"

"Fuck you, I've already counted it three times and I'm going to break the count again." Gawa laughed and cursed, then said: "There are three thousand yuan here in total, which is the collective property of our village, but these three thousand yuan are the collective property of our village." The money cannot be distributed to you yet because it has to pay for road construction, electricity and water supply in the village.

You have to work hard at crafts. Only by working hard can you earn more than three thousand yuan.

By the time. Each of you has three thousand dollars in hand.

Living in a high-rise building, driving a car, and marrying a beautiful wife are no longer problems! '

Everyone was so excited that they rushed forward, lifted Li Zhao up, and threw him high.

"Long live Instructor Xiao Li!"

"Instructor Xiao Li, you are so awesome. From now on, if I don't obey anyone, I will obey you!"

At this moment, without saying anything, Li Zhao had already impressed all the villagers with the three thousand yuan.

Not far away, Lazi laughed excitedly when he saw this scene.

Only she and the village chief Gawa knew how much Li Zhao had suffered these days.

Li Zhao said with a smile: "This is just the beginning. I went to the city in the past two days and discussed another business. By then, let alone three thousand, thirty thousand, or three hundred thousand, it will not be a dream!"

(End of this chapter)

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