big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2084 Heart to Heart

Chapter 2084 Heart to Heart
Everyone has a bright future and a bright future.

Li Zhao gave them hope and for the first time let this poor village know that hard work will pay off.

They no longer focus on the barren one-third of an acre of land, nor do they rely on livestock.

Gawa gave all the three thousand yuan she got to the material dealer so that they could continuously deliver the materials.

"In two days, people from the factory will deliver water purifiers and other equipment. I have also ordered a lot of plastic bottles. I have to work overtime these days to find a location for the water factory. The location will be at the foot of the mountain.

In this way, it can not only solve everyone's drinking water problem, but also save materials.

But this is high-tech and requires a certain amount of technical talent. People from the factory will come for training in the early stage, and we must take good care of them. "Li Zhao said.

"Don't worry, I won't treat others badly." Gawa said: "Our village is getting better little by little. It's better than ever before. This is all due to you."

Li Zhao smiled and said, "Without the support of the village chief, even if I have an idea, it will be difficult to implement it.

During this period, let the villagers work harder. The men will go to work and the women will do handicrafts to complete the infrastructure construction of Gagong Village. I will take care of the rest. "

"Thank you for your hard work." Gawa said, "But don't push yourself too hard. Your body is more important."

"I know it well." Li Zhao smiled, and then dragged his tired body back to the dormitory, where he slept all day.

In the next few days, he randomly checked the quality of the workmanship and supported teaching. He handed over the statistics of the goods to Raze.

Laze called a few children with good grades to help.

It also counts as their work points.

In addition, Li Zhao also has to supervise the project because he is afraid that someone will be lazy. The infrastructure of Gagong Village must be grand, otherwise others will show their timidity when they come.

The circuit was connected first, and the first light in the village was Li Zhao's dormitory.

When the lights came on, Li Zhao breathed a sigh of relief. He could finally use electricity at night.

And then, the phone call came up.

The only telephone was placed in the village committee.

Li Zhao specially found a young girl to serve as a telephone operator.

And she was trained.

In this way, he can leave his phone number when he goes out to discuss business.

In this way, people will believe it more, and there will be no need to brag and say that it is inconvenient to give.

After doing this, the people from the factory also sent the machine over.

The factory building was also built, but it was very crude.

Just the installation took three or four days.

Then test.

The test lasted another six or seven days, and the preliminary work alone took nearly half a month.

Then there is training on the use of the machine, simple maintenance and so on.

By the time everything is finished, more than half a month has passed.

In these days, Li Zhao also shipped several goods, bringing in 20,000 yuan to the village.

Li Zhao did not pay the manufacturer the money immediately. Instead, he used some of it to reward the whole village and sent a hundred yuan red envelope to every household to show his appreciation.

“Everyone, although the village still owes millions in debt, with our current earning power, it won’t take long to pay off the debt.

Now, our village not only has handicrafts, but will also soon have its own water plant.

With this water plant, we can produce common water. I have already discussed it with the village chief of Gawa, and the brand name will be Zhengfu.

I have opened up the sales market, and the next step is to see the shipment volume. It will be summer soon, and it is the peak period of water consumption. If everything goes well, we may be able to ship hundreds of boxes a day, or even more.

By then, with the money from the water plant and everyone's money from handicrafts, we may be able to pay off the debt within this year.

Therefore, the village chief Gawa and I agreed to use half of our monthly profits to pay off our debts, and then we would share the dividends uniformly at the end of the year.

And you are paid for the workmanship, which is equivalent to two cents. "

In fact, the wages for manual work are equivalent to weakening the villagers' dividends.

After all, there are wages and dividends to be paid, and there is only so much profit. Even if Li Zhao is hacked, it cannot be created out of thin air.

But the villagers don't care. The monthly labor wages vary according to the speed of their work. For some people, the wages are even more than 500 per month.

There are as few as three hundred people.

Coupled with the dividends at the end of the year, they might earn six or seven thousand a year.

Isn’t this the income that city dwellers can get?
Thinking of this, they also supported Li Zhao's decision.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Li Zhao smiled and said, "Come on, let's raise our glasses. As long as everyone works hard, the future will be better!"

On this day, Li Zhao got drunk under the toasts of everyone.

Gawa was even drunk and unconscious.

He is too tired. Over the years, he has put so much thought into the future of Gong Village.

But today, he finally cleared the clouds.

His mother-in-law carried him home on her back.

But Li Zhao was alone, so La Ze volunteered to help Li Zhao back to his dormitory.

Everyone didn't mean it. After all, in their eyes, Li Zhao and Laze were already partners. In Gagong Village, partners were husband and wife. Even if the two of them slept together, no one would say anything.

As the most beautiful girl in the village, everyone is happy to see her with Li Zhao.

Some people even wanted to tie up Li Zhao with Laze, hoping that Li Zhao would stay in Gagong Village for a long time.

Li Zhao felt uncomfortable drinking. He vomited several times and wet his clothes.

With a blushing face, Raze changed his clothes, then brought him hot water to wash his face and feet, and poured water for him to drink.

Li Zhao also benefited from this meticulous care.

In the past, in Qianzhou, when I came to wear clothes and opened my mouth, I didn't think there was anything wrong.

Although the education he received since childhood was self-reliance, it was only after he came to Gong Village that he realized what true self-reliance looked like.

He was very conscious. When Raze wiped his feet, he didn't know where the courage came from. He took Raze's hand and said, "Is it okay if you don't leave tonight?"

Laze trembled all over, "Li, Li Zhao, you, me, me."

"I like you." Li Zhao said: "I drank, but I was not drunk. I didn't say this impulsively, but after careful consideration.

I know that you want to stay in Gagong Village and the mountains to give back to the hometown that gave birth to you and raised you.

But I promise you, even if you want to come back after you are with me, I will not stop you.

Of course, I have a wife, and it is indeed selfish of me to say this.

So I want to ask you if you will marry me.

These days, I have spoken to my wife, and she has known of your existence and has agreed.

She also said that as long as you agree, come over in person. "

(End of this chapter)

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