big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2090: Carnivores are despicable

Chapter 2090: Carnivores are despicable
Li Zhao frowned, "What do you mean?"

"That's the literal meaning." Gawa said with a bitter smile.

Just when Li Zhao was about to continue asking questions, other people started to interrupt, and Li Zhao couldn't ask more questions.

Later, they proposed to have dinner, but Li Zhao was not willing to offend them. Although he would leave, the people in Gagong Village could not leave.

If you offend these people, you might as well give them eye drops.

At the dinner table, these people kept praising Li Zhao and flattering him.

The other implication is that he wants money and wants Li Zhao to invest.

Gargong Village now has a lot of debt that has not been repaid at all. Where can it invest?

But Li Zhao gritted his teeth and agreed to donate 500,000 yuan to the county.

The county magistrate who received the response was very proud and patted his chest and promised that he would definitely take care of the village.

Then there are various promises and subsidies.

Li Zhao was disgusted, but there was nothing he could do.

In the car, he asked Gawa, "What on earth is going on?"

"You bastard, these people are just jealous. When they saw the Kagong village rising, they came to pick peaches. Why should they?" Li Zhao sneered, "What are you doing in the countryside?"

“People in the township said they wanted me to take up a post in the township.”

This is still the Ming Dynasty. If we were in the Ming Dynasty, we don’t know what would happen.

I was so worried that I moved all the property and all the villagers in Gagong Village.

No wonder my uncle was so determined to innovate.

It’s different now, it’s a delicious food, and everyone wants to take a bite.

Some people, when they have a little power, try to embarrass the people to the greatest extent.

If the fundamental problem is not solved, it will be really difficult for these people to find a way out.

Their circles are different, and everyone they meet is people in the circle. Some people may come from poor backgrounds, but they have been brainwashed by the circle and have long been divorced from reality.

After finally staying up until the meal was over, Li Zhao made an excuse and took Gawa, who was pretending to be drunk, to leave.

"Don't worry about this matter. You must stay in the Gong Village. I don't recognize anyone in the Gong Village except you.

"A director is one level higher than the village chief. This is also a normal promotion. You"

The longer he stays at the grassroots level, the more he understands the difficulties of the grassroots people.

Thinking of this, Li Zhao hated this kind of dinner even more.

When Gagong Village was not developed, even dogs would dislike it.

It is said that at that time, merchants were just big fat sheep, and officials could harvest whatever they wanted.

"I don't know, it should be someone sent from above!"

"Then who will take over the position of village chief?"

I'm going to Tokyo to file a complaint. I want to see how courageous these monsters and monsters are. "If this were placed in Qianzhou, he could crush these people to death with just one word.

But not now.

At this moment, Li Zhao had sobered up, and he completely understood what Daming's problem was.

It is not just a problem of the Ming Dynasty, this problem may be a problem that has continued for thousands of years.

Some people are poor and kind-hearted, and some are rich and black-hearted.

These carnivores simply do not regard these ordinary people as human beings.

In their eyes, can people be dismissed with just a little benefit?
If it weren't for Gawa, would Gong Village be what it is today?

A director is like dismissed?

no way.

Unless Gawa has the idea of ​​​​going up, Gawa just wants to guard Gagong Village.

The village chief sent from above is here to pick peaches, and the profits are huge.

"Li Zhao, don't be impulsive." "Don't worry about this matter. I know it well." Li Zhao said: "Now that we have made a name for ourselves, if we are not here to stay, there will naturally be other places to stay for us. You can resign. Just leave it to me.

I promise you will be better than you are now. "

Gawa was a little worried, but he still nodded. He knew that Li Zhao would definitely not harm him.

The car returned to Gagong Village. The originally poor mountain village had a completely new look.

A wide cement road leads directly from the highway to the village.

Every household has access to water and electricity, and every household has purchased electrical appliances.

Life has been greatly improved.

There are many trucks and several cars parked in the newly built square in the village.

The village school has also been repaired.

Every villager is wearing new clothes and has a satisfied smile on his face.

After learning that Li Zhao was back, everyone stopped doing any work and immediately came to the village to greet Li Zhao.

"Instructor Xiao Li, welcome home!"

"Instructor Xiao Li, if you go, we will miss you so much!"

"That's not what it is, we all miss you so much."

Li Zhao was very happy looking at these familiar faces. He had been here for almost a year, and he had grown more than he had in Qianzhou.

It made him feel like he was in another world.

"Folks, how are you all?"

"Okay, good can't be better!"

"Instructor Xiao Li, I can't even dream of living like this!"

Everyone was talking about it, all praising Li Zhao.

Some elderly people even thanked Li Zhao from the bottom of their hearts.

Only they know what this young man has brought to the village.

Gawa smiled and said, "Quickly give way. Instructor Xiao Li has been out for so long, and the person he most wants to see is not you!"

Everyone also laughed and gave way to a path.

Laze stood there, "Li Zhao, welcome home!"

Li Zhao looked at Laze with a big belly and was stunned. He quickly ran over and hugged Laze, "You, when did you have it? Why didn't you tell me?"

La Ze also hugged Li Zhao tightly, "I had it the day you went out. I was afraid that you would be worried, so I didn't let anyone tell you.

The baby is now more than four months old! "

Li Zhao was overwhelmed by the huge surprise, and he hugged La Ze directly.

Raze's father asked: "What does it look like to hug each other in public?"

"Shut up, you don't see how prestigious your son-in-law is now. You dare to show off in front of so many people. Aren't you afraid that everyone will drown you with their spit?" Laze's mother reminded.

The Raze couple immediately shrank their necks. Fortunately, everyone's attention was on the young couple at this time.

"Abba, Amma, I'm back!" Li Zhao put down La Ze and took her hand to walk to La Ze's parents.

"Just come back." Raze's mother couldn't be more satisfied with her son-in-law.

Although Raze's father felt that his son-in-law was very important to him, he still subconsciously put on a show in front of outsiders and just nodded, looking aloof.

Li Zhao didn't care. He asked people to take out the money, and then said to everyone: "This time when I come back, in addition to unifying the business, there is one more thing, and that is to distribute money to everyone!"

The box was opened and it was filled with money.

When everyone saw the money, their jaws dropped.

"Oh my God, this is too much. I have never seen so much money in my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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