big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2091 Inspection

Chapter 2091 Inspection
"Instructor Xiao Li, is this money all for us?" a middle-aged woman asked in disbelief.

"Yes, the money is a dividend. It will be divided according to the performance of each household. The village chief of Gawa has already calculated everyone's cents and performance these days. Next, the village chief of Gawa will allocate the money." Li Zhao looked at Gawa and said.

Although Gawa had handled a lot of money before, this was the first time for him to have so much cash. He swallowed and calmly said to the others: "Go to the auditorium and distribute the money uniformly."

Immediately, everyone supported Gawa and Li Zhao to the auditorium.

It took more than an hour to divide the money, with some getting nearly 20,000 yuan and as little as seven or eight thousand, mainly because there were few people in the family. On average, everyone was about the same amount.

Counting the money earned before, the current per capita household income in Gonggong Village is 10,000 yuan.

This is amazing.

If this leaked out, it would immediately make headlines in the state capital.

Li Zhao and Gawa immediately became pioneers in poverty alleviation.

However, Li Zhao and Ga Wa decided to hide it and make a fortune in silence.

What Li Zhao promised back then has now been fulfilled.

However, even if that day comes, the whole village must unite to the outside world.

All in all, we want to build a brand that belongs to Gongcun. A valuation of over 100 million is just the beginning. In the future, a valuation of one billion or tens of billions will not be a problem.

Li Zhao pressed his hands and then said: "Next, the cooperative society will develop more products and open up a larger market. In the second half of the year, in addition to wealth water, our main focus will be wealth wine and wealth drinks.

Li Zhao nodded. It was also the style of those people, which reminded Li Zhao that the strongest fortress can only be broken from the inside.


When that time comes, it won't matter whether I'm here or not. By then everyone must have achieved financial freedom.

Only by studying can we get rid of ideological poverty.

Wait until the business gets bigger.

Everyone was excited as they took the money.

"Who dares not to support me, I will kill him!"

"That's right, any bastard who dares not to support you two will be killed by me."

Can you do it? "

I hope you will remember what I said. No matter what time, there should be no internal strife, but external unity.

"What belongs to our village belongs to all villagers, and no one can take it away."

There will be many people watching.

It is no exaggeration to say that with this money, they have become well-off. They can now take off their reputation as the poorest village.

"The money has been distributed. I hope everyone can continue to support my work and the work of Gawa Village Chief!" Li Zhaodao.

So next, in addition to wealth, he will also ask everyone to learn.

Otherwise, so much money would be unbearable.

"Yes, everything today is the result of the hard work of our whole village."

Otherwise, they would not know how to spend it while guarding the golden mountain.

It's not that Li Zhao is unfounded, but that these people have this habit.

After leaving the auditorium, Li Zhao did not go back to the dormitory, but returned to Raze's house.

A new house for the Raze family was also built.

Many people in the village have built new houses, which were built with Gawa's support. There must always be the first group of people to practice first and lead the others.

At this rate, next year, every household in the village will be able to live in a small villa.

Thinking of this, Li Zhao was very happy.

When that day comes, it's time for him to leave, right?

"Abba and Mom left the biggest room to us." Laze said, "Look at the mattresses, they are all the latest Simmons!"

Li Zhao lay on the bed, smelling the fragrance of Laze, "When the child is born and the cooperative business is brought to the Central Plains, I will leave. When the time comes, I will take you with me, and of course my parents. Also took it over.

If they don't want to go, let them live here and we will come back to visit them regularly. "

"So fast?"

"Now that I have made a name for myself, people in the city have noticed me, and in the next two days there will even be people from the state coming to inspect.

According to the rules of experience, I have done what I should do. I have two choices, either to stay here or to go back. "

"Then you can't stay here?"

"I'm sorry Raze, I really can't stay here." Li Zhao said.

Laze sighed, "I understand."

"Don't worry, before I leave, I will arrange things in the village. In two days, several volunteer teachers will come to take over your work. I will even arrange a few permanent teachers to let the villagers Pay a salary, so you don’t have to worry about your children being left alone.”

Laze nodded, actually feeling a sense of decline in his heart, "I suddenly felt quite lost, as if I was no longer needed."

"Of course not, it's just that the person who needs you now is me, not them anymore." Li Zhao smiled, "Of course, if you follow me over there and you still want to continue working, I will too." Support you!"

"Then can I still be a teacher?"

"Of course!" Li Zhao smiled.

The couple chatted as if they wanted to finish all the things they had missed these past few days.

Two days later, the leaders of the state came here to inspect. To Li Zhao's surprise, the person who came here was actually a senior official from the state, and this person also knew him.

He pushed the others away, and when he met Li Zhao alone, his attitude was very humble, "I didn't expect King Qian to be training with us."

"Don't make any noise about this matter. I will leave quietly after I have experienced it." Li Zhao looked at the nervous leader and said: "Don't be nervous, just think of me as a grassroots cadre in your state. Don't treat me like a cadre." Become a god."

"Yes, you are right!" Although he said this, he was still very nervous. The Twelve Kings were no longer strong, but King Qian was definitely strong, just like King Nanfan.

They are all relatives of the royal family.

"Are you dissatisfied with my work?" the man asked.

"I have no dissatisfaction. The development here is pretty good, but if it's not enough, I'm not satisfied!"

The visitor raised his voice and said, "You tell me, I will change it right away."

"Actually, it's not a big deal." Li Zhao smiled and told Gawa's story.

The senior official cursed loudly, "You bastards, they can do this kind of thing. Don't worry, Lord Gan, I will definitely deal with it seriously."

"You also know that my wife is a villager in Gagong Village. I also hope that Gagong Village can be managed by its own people. It is not easy here. I don't want anyone to come and take things they shouldn't and say they shouldn't. the words said.

Of course, when the GCP village rises, it will definitely feed back the state capital, build more industries, provide more jobs and pay taxes. Just do whatever we want and don’t treat them differently. "

"I have written down everything you said, and I promise you that as long as I am here, this will never happen."

(End of this chapter)

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