big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2095 Poisoning

Li Zhao knew what he was talking about, smiled, and then said to the villagers: "Thank you everyone for speaking out. Come drink early tomorrow!"

After everyone left, Li Zhao breathed a sigh of relief.

Raze's father said: "Son-in-law, don't be afraid of people like this. If their family still dares to come and make trouble, just tell me and I will chop them to death with a knife!"

"Abba, it is against the law to kill someone."

"They bullied my son-in-law, and I will admit it even if he goes to jail." Raze's father said.

This time, Raze's mother surprisingly did not scold him. Instead, she said: "Be careful with this family, don't let their family come up with any bad ideas again."

Li Zhao nodded. This family has been forced into a corner. It is very likely that they will jump over the wall in a hurry. Li Zhao has to guard against it.

At midnight that night, Dawa sneaked into the village secretly.

He had already learned about what happened during the day, and said angrily: "I have told you before, this Gawazi and Li Zhao are a den of snakes and rats, they are on the same side, how could they care about us.

If they don’t want to make it easy for me, I won’t make it easy for them either. "

No matter what, we also go to the city. "Dawa said.

She felt that Li Zhao was right and she deserved it.

"You bitch, why are you so nagging? If you don't, I will beat you to death today!" Dawa grabbed Rajen's hair, "It's all your fault, if you hadn't reminded me and angered Li Zhao , will I do this?"

"No, I earned this money and I must keep it in my hands."

Without the money, Rajen felt that all her hard work these days was in vain.

"Dawa, stop, don't strangle him to death." Dawa's father said.

"If you don't have ten thousand or twenty thousand at home, give it to me!" Dawa said.

"Stop talking nonsense and give me money!" Dawa said impatiently.

Dawa slapped Rajen hard on the face and slapped her to the ground, not caring about her pregnant belly.

Rajen said with a bitter face: "I told you not to make trouble a long time ago, but you didn't listen. Now that the village is making so much money, we could have gone to the city.

When we have money, wouldn’t it be the same to buy a house in the city and live in it for Dawa?

"Abba, what are you afraid of? Didn't our family have so much money after receiving dividends? Are we still afraid of not having a place to go?

Rajen had no choice but to give him all the money. After getting the money, Dawa didn't even keep it and left directly.

Not only does it block your own escape route, it also adds an extra burden.

"Dawa, forget it, let's stop making trouble. We can still stay in the village now. If they really push us and drive us out, where can we go?"

"You are such a beast!" Rajen regretted it so much now. Yesterday, Dawa solemnly promised that he would change in the future, but today his true colors were revealed.

Dawa's face was gloomy and terrifying, "I am your man and the head of the family. Just listen to me."

Dawa let go of his hand and looked at Rajen, who was gasping for breath, "If you don't give me money, I will go to your house and kill your parents and brothers!"

It's better now. With no source of income, we can only rely on court subsidies to survive. "

Rajen shook her head and said nothing.

Rajen's neck was choked so hard that she couldn't breathe. She struggled desperately, "I was wrong, let me go!"

How does this make her live?
Seeing her parents-in-law's disgusted eyes, she really wanted to die.

"It's all your fault, Sangmenxing. If it weren't for you, our family wouldn't be like this!"

"That's right, why don't you just die?" Dawa's parents said harshly to each other.

He got up from the ground and dragged his tired body away.

But at this time, Dawa got the money and became evil, and it was Li Zhao who harmed him.

If he continues to be in the village, he can become a master. With so much money coming into my account every month, it is not impossible to become a millionaire in the future.

But now, Li Zhao has dashed all his hopes.

He wants revenge on Li Zhao and everyone.

He sneered and took out the rat poison powder he bought in advance.

Then secretly came to the village hall.

Tomorrow, Li Zhao's wedding will be held here, so many dishes are placed here.

Some cold dishes have been prepared, and all he has to do is sprinkle the rat poison evenly on them.

However, the door was locked, so he could only find a ladder and climb in through the upper window.

Jumping from the window, he fell and almost died.

It took him a long time to recover.

Just when he was about to poison, the auditorium suddenly lit up.

Dawa was so blinded by the light that he couldn't open his eyes. The next second, a group of people rushed over and pressed him down.

Before Dawa could react, Gawa walked up to him and picked up the rat poison scattered on the ground. He was filled with anger and fear, "Gawa, what is this?"

Gawa also reacted. He was so scared that he forced himself to calm down and said: "Gawazi, I, I am here to give gifts." '

"Oh, who would come to give gifts at night?"

"I didn't dare to go back to the village. I was afraid that instructor Xiao Li would scold me, so I came over in advance and gave the gift money."

"Do you think we are fools?" Gawa kicked him in the face, knocking out several teeth in his mouth, then grabbed his hair and slapped him hard several times, " This is rat poison, you really want to kill us, are you human? "

"No, no, this is not rat poison!"

"Isn't it rat poison? Then take it and show it to me!" Gawa unscrewed the lid, put the rat poison to his mouth, and was about to stuff it down.

"No, no, no, this is rat poison, it will kill you if you eat it!" Gawa was so frightened that she almost peed.

The merchant said that a small amount of this rat poison can kill hundreds of rats.

It is even easier to poison an individual to death.

"Are you admitting it now?" Gawa was very disappointed. If Li Zhao hadn't reminded him, the whole village would have suffered.

He walked to Li Zhao and asked, "What should I do?"

"What else can we do? Call the police to report the case and ask the comrades from the Public Security Department to come over and take action!" Li Zhao said.

While he was speaking, the men beat up Dawa.

Dawa screamed in pain, which soon attracted the villagers.

Seeing that she couldn't hide what happened, Gawa simply opened the door of the auditorium and told what happened.

At this time, the whole village cursed Dawa, and some young people even went to take action.

If it weren't for the fear that the angry villagers would beat Dawa to death, Gawa would not care at all.

But even so, Dawa lost half of his life.

Then, Rajan and Dawa's parents came.

When he learned that Dawa had poisoned him, he knelt on the ground and begged.

"Gawazi, I only have one son. Please, let him go. Our whole family will leave the village tomorrow!"

"Gawazi, please do it, don't let my white-haired person give away the black-haired person!" (End of Chapter)

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