big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2096 Poor

The old couple knelt on the ground, crying and begging for mercy.

Although Li Zhao felt sorry for them, he was just pitiful.

"You two need to understand that if we were not present today and ate these rat poison-smeared foods tomorrow, the whole village would be flooded, and that would cost thousands of lives.

If I spared him today, I would be sorry for the people in the whole village, and even more sorry for my own conscience. "

Li Zhao said coldly: "In the past, when he targeted me, it was a personal grudge between us, but now it is no longer a personal grudge, he is committing a crime.

It is because of parents like you that Dawa is where he is today. "

Rajen also knelt on the ground, "Instructor Xiao Li, all the mistakes are our fault. Give Dawa a chance. The child in my belly cannot live without his father."

This sentence aroused the anger of the whole village.

"Your child just lost his father, but our whole village almost lost our lives."

"Call the police and send this bastard in to eat peanuts!"

As for Rajen and her family, they were kneeling here with their children, but Gawa ignored them.

Feeling Raze's trembling, Li Zhao quickly said: "You must be tired, go back and rest."

Every adult should pay for the mistakes he or she has made. "

As for those poor children, Li Zhao just pitied them because they were not born into a good family. If such children did not get a good education, it would be difficult to predict their future.

He first asked people to report the crime, and then asked all the young men in the village to stay here.

"If it doesn't work today, then tomorrow." Li Zhao said: "No matter what, I will definitely hold a beautiful wedding for you. As for the Dawa family, we don't need to be soft-hearted anymore.

The crowd was furious, and Gawa knew that this matter could not be dismissed lightly.

Such a big time is not something that the county can decide on. It might be better to report it to the prefectural government office.

People from the Public Security Department came very quickly. Not only a few people came overnight, but even the top brass from the Public Security Department came.

"I'm not tired, I'm just scared and angry." Lazi said: "Today is our wedding. Now all these dishes are inedible, and our wedding has ended up like this."

Rajen passed out due to excessive sadness, and the old couple did not fare much better.

Who doesn’t want a once-in-a-lifetime wedding to be a glorious one?

After finishing this work, it was already dawn.

La Ze nodded, she did fall asleep, and finally rested under Li Zhao's gaze.

After receiving the call, the Public Security Department also paid special attention to it. After all, the superiors had told them to focus on Gagong Village.

Definitely take a shot.

But now that something like this happened, it was hard for Laze to accept it.

Li Zhao knew very well that once this matter was confirmed, Dawa would be dead.

"Please." After Li Zhao sent the Public Security Department away, Dawa was also taken away.

After understanding what happened, the Public Security Department said: "Don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter, and this scumbag will be dealt with according to national laws."

Thinking of this, Li Zhao sighed.

Although Li Zhao was tired, he still had many things to deal with.

For example, vegetables coated with rat poison must be destroyed to prevent them from being eaten by humans and animals, so Li Zhao had people dig deep pits and bury them.

There were also calls from the Sheriff’s Department staff.

Before dawn, people from villages and towns came, and then leaders from the county came to express their condolences.

Moreover, just as Li Zhao thought, he alerted those in the prefectural government office.

He immediately called me to express condolences and said he would come down to guide the work. Li Zhao was also unwilling to make this matter a big deal, so he hoped that his superiors would cover up the poisoning.

After all, it's not a good thing to spread the word, it's embarrassing enough.

When something like this happened in the place where he trained, it was because he, the instructor, failed to do a good job and did not teach well.

This is not Madonna Li Zhao, but this is how the instructor's job is.

Poverty alleviation is only one part of it. What they really want to get rid of is their poverty mindset.

Those in the state government office also expressed their approval and promised that Li Zhao would definitely get this thing done.

As for Dawa, he will definitely be strict and he will definitely eat peanuts.

After dealing with these people, it was already afternoon.

Li Zhao was also exhausted.

Fortunately, now that Gongcun has money, he only needs to make a phone call to ask employees in the city to buy supplies on his behalf.

Towards evening, the supplies were delivered.

The villagers were still very enthusiastic and worked overtime to help Li Zhao.

Li Zhao was also grateful.

At night, Li Zhao lay on the bed. Although his body was sleepy, he tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

Raze, who had slept enough during the day, asked, "What's wrong with you? Aren't you sleepy?"

"I'm wondering if I should leave Gongcun Village early. After all, if I stay, I won't be able to play a big role. If I leave Gagong Village, I can hire a professional manager to take care of the industry. I just Just do it remotely," Laze said.

“But what if there’s a problem with the manager?”

"Don't worry, the person I hired must be trustworthy." Li Zhao smiled and looked at Raze, "I will tell you who I am after tomorrow."

La Ze held Li Zhao's face and said, "It doesn't matter who you are. The most important thing is that you are my husband and the father of my future child. That's enough!"

Li Zhao laughed, then hugged Raze and said, "Go to sleep."

The next morning, Li Zhao got up early. According to local customs, they could not meet before getting married.

So Li Zhao was invited to Gawa's house.

"Chief Gawa, we are in trouble!"

"What's so troublesome? It should be. Besides, Gagong Village hasn't been this lively for many years." Gawa smiled.

Li Zhao also dressed very smartly.

Just as Li Zhao was taking care of everyone, an ordinary car parked quietly in Gagong Village.

Two men and one woman got out of the car.

These people are all dressed very casually, wearing boss's sunglasses, and their original appearance cannot be seen.

But even so, it is difficult to conceal their temperament. At first glance, they are people from a big place.

"This is the Gagong Village?" The visitor looked at the Gagong Village. The leading man held a photo of the Gagong Village in the past. It is hard to imagine that a year ago, this place was still a shabby beggar's village. .

But now, it's no worse than those wealthy villages in Tokyo.

The children in the village were not afraid of strangers, but asked them where they were from and whether they were here to inspect the village.

The man took out some candies from his arms and said with a smile: "We are wealthy businessmen who came from Tokyo for inspection. I heard that the Zhifu water in Gonggong Village sells very well, so we came here specifically to inspect and see if we can discuss cooperation."

"Oh, then you came at the wrong time. Our village is holding a wedding banquet today, and no one will receive you!" (End of Chapter)

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