big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2097 Wake him up

The children in the village took the candies. These candies looked like high-end goods and were better than those brought to them by the village chief from the city.

"Is your instructor having a wedding? Can we go over and have a glass of wine?"

"Yes, there are many guests coming today, including those from villages and towns, and even those from the state capital."

With that said, these children enthusiastically pulled the group to the village hall.

At this time, tables were already filled outside the auditorium, and sumptuous food and drinks were served.

However, after the poisoning incident, Li Zhao specially arranged for people to guard here because he was afraid that someone would cause trouble.

"Thank you!" The man smiled and then found a seat to sit down.

Gao Yao said: "I didn't expect Li Zhao to do so well here."

"This kid has a pretty good mind, and my teachings to him are in vain!" Qin Mo smiled. He had actually been paying attention to Li Zhao, especially everything he did in Gong Village.

This kid used it for less than a year, and he turned decay into magic in Gagong Village. It is indeed very good.

"What, my nephew is getting married, and I, the uncle, can't come?" Qin Mo smiled, and then took out a big red envelope from his words, "This is the red envelope prepared by me and your aunts1"

"What a handsome groom, instructor Xiao Li. My daughter is also very good-looking. If you don't mind it, how about I become your third wife?"

In this way, the industry can be expanded.

Li Zhao smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your kindness. I appreciate it!"

However, he would never accept a gift.

"Instructor Xiao Li, congratulations, you must have a drink with us today!"

Fang Shun and Gao Yao hurriedly followed, while Xiaoba followed Qin Mo.

Not only that, Li Zhao also prepared souvenirs for these people that were produced independently by Gargong Village.

With that voice and that figure, a person suddenly appeared in Li Zhao's mind.

Faced with the villagers' jokes, Li Zhao responded with a smile. There were many leaders from towns and cities, and Li Zhao did not neglect them either.

As he said this, he took out another stack of red envelopes and said, "This is the red envelope your grandparents prepared for you, and this is what your mother prepared, and this is what your cousins ​​prepared for you."

Just as I was thinking about it, I saw a tall man wearing sunglasses walking over, "Instructor Xiao Li, congratulations."

It can be seen that people in the village love Li Zhao very much, and this love comes from the heart.

He has also thought about it. When everyone in the village moves to the city, this place will serve as the No. 1 production base.

Then the villages in the city will serve as the second production base.

Now that the Dawa family's matter has been resolved, there is no need to worry about anyone making trouble.

Qin Mo stood up and walked towards the crowd.

His eyes widened in disbelief, "You, you, why are you here?"

Li Zhao was instantly stunned by this familiar voice.

At this time, he saw Li Zhao surrounded by people.

When people come to send blessings, you can't drive them away, right?

There are also things prepared by your father-in-law and brothers-in-law.

Because you are experiencing it, he will not come. "

There were many red envelopes, but Li Zhao felt embarrassed.

"Uncle, I, I."

"Now that the red envelopes have been given out, it's time to get down to business!" Qin Mo stepped up and kicked Li Zhao to the ground.

Li Zhao fell to the ground, and everyone around him was stunned. Immediately afterwards, the villagers from Gagong Village rushed over, blocking Li Zhao behind him, and then glared at Qin Mo one by one, "Who are you? How dare you Making trouble in Gagong Village.”

"I'm telling you, people from the Public Security Department are here. If you make trouble, I'll arrest you!" People from the city also scolded Qin Mo.

Li Zhao was sweating profusely, "Everyone, it's not what you think."

Raze was not idle at home at this time, but went out to receive guests. Although the wedding had not started yet, etiquette must not be violated.

When Laze saw her husband being kicked to the ground, she was also extremely anxious.

The Dawa incident has just ended, so why is someone causing trouble again?

"Li Zhao, how are you?" La Ze pulled Li Zhao up and then glared at Qin Mo, "Who are you? We don't know you at all!"

Qin Mo looked at the girl wearing Nanfan's unique clothes with interest.

Seeing her big belly, he also laughed, and then took out a red envelope from his arms, "Your name is Raze. This is a red envelope given to you by your elders."

"What elders? I don't have any elders like you."

"Laze, he is my uncle, my biological uncle!" Li Zhao patted the dust on his butt and said to everyone with an embarrassed look on his face: "Everyone, this is my uncle, don't be nervous."

A biological uncle?
Laze was stunned.

The people around were also dumbfounded.

"Even if you are your uncle, you can't just kick someone, right?"

"It's my nephew's happy day, nothing like this!"

When Qin Mo heard this, he walked up to Li Zhao and kicked him again, "You didn't call me on the wedding day. In your eyes, do you still have me as your uncle?

If you don't invite me to the wedding, do you still think of me as your uncle?
Do you know that your grandmother knew about this and called you a white-eyed wolf?

I'll kick your feet, and you'll bear the pain. Even if you're unhappy, you'll have to endure it. "

With that said, Qin Mo looked at everyone, "Just tell me whether I should kick him or not!"

Everyone was silent.

My mother-in-law is eldest.

When an uncle teaches his nephew a lesson, who dares to say anything wrong?

Moreover, Li Zhao didn't notify his uncle about his wedding. He should be beaten!
Lazi also looked embarrassed.

Li Zhao looked even more ashamed. He knelt in front of Qin Mo, "Uncle, I was wrong!"

"I hope you really know you were wrong, instead of me kicking you in the foot, so you know your mistake." Qin Mo snorted coldly: "Do you know how hurtful what you did is, in your eyes There is simply no way we know.

I tell you, I am worthy of you, worthy of your father, and worthy of everyone.

What qualifications do you have to show off to me?

Your grandfather said, let me come over and give you a few hard slaps.

I didn't slap you, I already saved you face. "

Li Zhao's eyes turned red and he slapped himself in the face, "It was my fault, I should be hit!"

Raze also knelt on the ground. Although she didn't know what Li Zhao had with his family, she felt very uncomfortable seeing him like this. "Uncle, no matter what, today is our big day. If anything happens, can you come back?" Let’s talk about it at home?”

Qin Mo shook his head, "He is no longer a child. If he is wrong, he is wrong. If I don't wake him up in front of everyone today, he will think that others owe him."

To be honest, Qin Mo was deeply hurt when Li Zhao refused to call him.

The coldness of the Li family once made Qin Mo doubt himself.

Why did he swallow his anger back then?

Isn't it just for them?
"I'm telling you, it doesn't matter if you don't call me, but if you don't call your mother, are you still a human being?" (End of Chapter)

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