big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2098 You can be stupid, but you can’t be unfilial!

Qin Mo was really angry. If Qin Shuangshuang hadn't told him, he wouldn't have known it.

"Did your mother treat you harshly? Did your mother feel sorry for you?" Qin Mo tapped his heart with his hand and said, "If your mother hadn't been my sister, do you think I would have come all the way to teach you a lesson?"

Qin Mo thinks it doesn't matter if the child is stupid.

But you can't be stupid, and you can't know right from wrong.

Li Xin must have been bad and stupid before, but after his enlightenment, he is still a very good person.

Their family had paid so much for Li Zhao, and they had cultivated such a thing. It was good that Qin Mo didn't slap him.

Li Zhao knelt on the ground and slapped himself in the face.

The villagers in Gagong Village couldn't bear it, but this was Li Zhao's family matter, and besides, his uncle had come all the way to teach his nephew a lesson, so who dared to interrupt?
Gawa took a deep breath and said: "Uncle Li Zhao, today is Li Zhao's happy event. Look, how about I tell you anything later?
No matter what grudges there are between you, today is also a day for celebration by all the villagers in my village, you see."

Qin Mo didn't say anything, but just glanced at Gawa. Even though Qin Mo's eyes were invisible through his sunglasses, Gawa was so frightened by the powerful majesty that he didn't dare to speak.

Li Zhao has a good background, so his uncle must also have an extraordinary status.

It would be better not to make this call, which directly pissed Qin Mo off.

"Come here, kid." Fang Chun pulled La Ze over and said warmly: "Don't interfere in this matter. If you don't let your uncle vent his anger, Li Zhao will be in bad luck. It will be of no use to anyone." ”

For such a person, it is better not to interfere, lest good intentions lead to bad things.

Of course he knew that Li Zhao called him but didn't receive the call, but he only called once, and according to the person who answered the phone, he hung up after only two rings.

Li Zhao lowered his head in shame, "I know that without you, I wouldn't be who I am now. My grandparents love me so much, but it's all in vain. I feel ashamed of them.

Qin Mo looked at Raze. Her belly was originally covered by Nanfan's traditional clothes, but now she was kneeling on the ground, and her pregnant belly was obvious.

Now that I have grown up and have a family, I can't bear to see her find someone to rely on.

And my mother, who has endured my anger for so many years, even for my future, has been alone.

But in fact, I haven't gone back to see her for a long time, let alone call her. I haven't fulfilled my responsibilities as a child at all.

Qin Mo sighed. Even so, if Li Zhao was interested, he would definitely inform him.

"Fortunately, I still know where I went wrong and dare to admit it. If you keep silent today, I will kick you to death!" Qin Mo pointed at Li Zhao and said, "You remember this, this is the first time and also For the last time, if something like this happens again, don't tell me that your mother won't cut off the relationship between mother and child. I will definitely cut off the relationship with you. I will also ask your grandfather to cut off the relationship with you.

Raze became even more nervous when he heard this, "I, I"

He hurriedly stepped forward and helped Lazee up, "This bastard didn't even tell your family about your pregnancy. Do you think I can stop being angry?"

I am an unfilial son. You beat me well and scolded me rightly. "

Raze also knelt on the ground, "Uncle, for the sake of me and the child, can you spare Li Zhao first?"

La Ze felt sorry for her husband, but she didn't dare to be disrespectful to Qin Mo. She could only say, "He only found out about my pregnancy after he came back. I have been hiding it from him before, so I don't blame him."

Just pretend that there is no one like you in my family.

From top to bottom in my family, there are some who make mistakes and some who are stupid, but there is no one who is unfilial.

If you want to make this exception, I can make it happen for you! Li Zhao couldn't help but shook his head, "Uncle, I was wrong!" "

Upon seeing this, Gao Yao also said: "Okay, I have scolded and beaten, and the child has realized his mistake. Today is a happy day, so don't continue to lecture. If you still haven't calmed down, wait until after the wedding." Come and teach me a lesson, no matter how hard you teach me, no one will tell you anything!”

Qin Mo snorted coldly, he just wanted to lose face to Li Zhao. If a person loses face, he will never be able to see clearly his own heart.

"I made everyone laugh today because such a useless thing came out of the house!" Qin Mo bowed his hands to everyone.

Everyone around was laughing.

Especially people from the county town also guessed that Qin Mo had an unusual background.

After all, people in the state capital had leaked some information to them. Li Zhao had a good background. He was a big shot from Qianzhou and was extremely valuable.

So as Li Zhao's uncle, his status will only be higher and more terrifying!
Who dares to say anything wrong about such a person?
Seeing Li Zhao still kneeling there, Qin Mo kicked him again, "Go and apologize to the villagers. What are you still kneeling for? The wedding is not going to go ahead?"

Li Zhao hurriedly got up from the ground.

Raze hurried over to wipe the dust off his body.

Lacze's mother pushed her husband and said, "What are you doing standing there, why don't you go and receive Li Zhao's uncle?"

"He must have a great background. Look at his aura. Even the big shots in the city don't dare to speak."

"What are you afraid of? He has a big background. He is also Uncle Li Zhao. As long as he recognizes your daughter, can he still eat you?" After saying that, Laze's mother bravely walked over, "Oh, it's uncle Li." Here, I am Lazi’s mother. I welcome you to Gong Village. We failed to entertain you well. Please go inside quickly.”

Qin Mo looked at Raze's mother and was polite, and then asked Xiaoba to take out the gift he had prepared, "It's our first time meeting you, so please accept it with a smile!"

"It's fine if you come. You're so polite." Lacze's mother also accepted the gift with a smile, and even rubbed her hands on her clothes before accepting the gift.

Raze's father also bravely said: "Come, uncle, take a seat!"

Qin Mo nodded, took Laze's father's hand and said, "My father-in-law, this child of mine has made you worry."

"Hey, Li Zhao is very good. People in our Gong village like him very much." In front of Qin Mo, Laze's father also praised him strongly.

"It's good that I didn't cause any trouble to you." Qin Mo smiled, and then followed Raze's father to the main seat at the innermost seat of the church.

Fang Shun and Gao Yao pulled Laze to greet her and asked her if she had any reaction.

Laze's anxious heart was relieved and he concentrated on communicating with the two aunts.

Soon, the auspicious time came, and Laze and Li Zhao came to propose a toast one by one.

Because of Qin Mo's arrival, no one dared to drink wine from Li Zhao.

However, Gawa was brave enough to persuade Qin Mo.

But Qin Mo's drinking capacity was so good that Ga Wa didn't get Qin Mo drunk, but instead got herself drunk.

Seeing that Qin Mo's face was not red and he was out of breath, everyone smacked their lips, "With this amount of alcohol, it's not an exaggeration to call him a wine wizard!" (End of Chapter)

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