big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2102 Planning an escape!

He sat in the back hill and thought for a long time, and finally made a decision.

Even if the Black Dragon Tribe occupied the entire New South Road, it would be unrealistic to fight against the imperial court on its own.

They were far weaker than the imperial court in all aspects.

Once the matter is exposed, not only will he die, but Li's life will inevitably be ruined.

Many people don't know the truth about New South Road, and it's too innocent to drag them into this.

Li Kui thought a lot. He didn't want to be someone's pawn, let alone hurt those innocent people.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, it is foolish courage to go to the tiger mountains.

In the case of great disparity in strength, if you still provoke a strong enemy, you are seeking death.

All three-year-olds know that persimmons are soft when picked.

He thought of the people who had plundered from the Central Plains, and he wanted to make a fuss out of these people.

Judging from the strictness of Li Yan and Li Zheng's tone, this person's status must not be too low, so he must be a former royal family and must have royal blood.

For example, tell the reformed Duke.

Now these three women are his wives.

But now, surrounded by the Ming Dynasty, they seem to be free, but in fact they are imprisoned in one place. Materials from the outside cannot come in, and they cannot develop inside.

The tribe has about 100,000 people, and there are also some small tribes scattered around, with about 70,000 to 80,000 people scattered here and there.

As for King Qian, it should be impossible.

Many people analyzed that it was because of the incident at Baihumen that Daqian went astray.

At first glance, there are more than when the Ming Dynasty was founded, but don’t forget that the Ming Dynasty had a strong output at that time, and it was backed by Xijing and separated from Daqian by 30,000 miles of ocean. If it hadn’t been exposed, it would have been ten or twenty years. None can be found.

But he didn't know if there was any trace of reforming the Duke behind this.

If he was involved in this matter, he would definitely die miserably.

This also gave Ming Dynasty enough time to develop.

It's just that he doesn't know who the whole person is, and even if he eliminates it through elimination, it's impossible.

Li Kui sighed and immediately went down the mountain.

As long as some people can be let go, and the news can be leaked to the court to let the court know the truth, the Li family can be preserved to the greatest extent.

Li Kui thinks so.

Only then did Daqian become weak, which was caused by several palace changes.

If there had been no Emperor Longjing and Prince Jian had been the emperor, there might not have been a Ming Dynasty. The world is still dominated by Daqian, and Daqian would not have launched three or four palace coups in just twenty or thirty years. .

"Back!" As soon as Li Kui returned home, three women gathered around him. One of these three women was her girlfriend, and two were women trafficked from the Central Plains.

But it's useless to say this now.

Counting other tribes, the entire Black Dragon tribe has a population of about one million.

After all, it was Li Anxiang's departure from Ross that gave these people their ambitions, just like the time when Emperor Longjing launched the White Tiger Gate Incident and let future generations follow suit, which caused the misfortune of the Daqian royal family.

And all three of them are pregnant.

This was also specifically requested by Li Yan. If they were not allowed to get pregnant, the next step would be to deal with him.

With the six of them, Li Kui has more ties.

"Well, I just finished my work!" "Li Yan sent someone over to bring tonics. Come and try them too!"

Li Kui was not in the mood, but went back to his room to rest early.

The Black Dragon Department has electricity, but the power supply is insufficient and there are frequent power outages. Fortunately, because of his relatively high status, the family can still use an electric fan in such a hot weather.

"What's wrong?" His eldest wife Cen Jing asked.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little tired and want to go to bed early." Li Kui gently stroked her belly and asked, "Have you ever thought about going home?"

Cen Jing was stunned for a moment, then looked around, "You are crazy. If word of this gets spread, Li Yan and the others will not let us go."

"There is no way out here." Li Kui hugged her and pressed his face against her bulging belly. He felt that the little life in his belly was kicking his face hard. His eyes gradually became firm, "The trend is irreversible. , the imperial court is invincible, I must find a way to send you away.

If you stay here, you will die sooner or later.

I can't let you and your children live in such a dangerous environment. "

"Don't be stupid." Cen Jing's face turned pale with fright, "The Black Dragon Department is thousands of miles away from the Ming Dynasty. Without ships and enough supplies, we can't leave here at all. Even so, we still need navigation charts and It requires a helmsman and an experienced sailor.

Moreover, it is summer and the sea is very dangerous. "

"I understand, but the more dangerous it is, the more we have to leave. In four or five months, you will give birth. I must send you away before the baby is born.

Only in Daming can you and your children live happily. Li Kui said: "I know you are afraid, but believe me, I will definitely find a way to protect you." "

"What about the two of them? The third child is not in good health. I'm afraid she won't be able to bear the long voyage. If she gets sick on the way, we can only fight hard!" Cen Jing said about everything that might happen on the way to escape.

"If you don't want to leave, you have to leave. Even if you die, you have to leave." Li Kui took a deep breath, then walked to the wardrobe aside and moved the wardrobe hard. A hole in the ground suddenly appeared in Cen Jing's sight.

"This, this is."

"I started making preparations a long time ago. You know, I like to go to the back mountain very much. This tunnel leads to the back mountain.

The hole is not big. I dig three to five meters every day. After so long, it can be considered as clear. "

There are no sewers or other works underground in the Black Dragon Department, so digging is not laborious.

And the soil is soft and there is no granite.

"Those Central Plains people include doctors, nurses, and sailors who are very experienced. It doesn't matter if they don't use nautical charts, because the nautical charts are all firmly imprinted in their minds.

Drugs, I will find a way to get rid of them.

There is some food in the tunnel, enough for us to escape and ascend to heaven.

You must not say these things to them that I told you today.

I will tell you when the day comes that we leave at night. As long as we get on the boat, we can survive.

do you understand? "

Looking at his nervous wife, Li Kui hugged her tightly, "You are everything to me. No matter what, I will protect you. Even if I die, I will protect you!"

Cen Jing took a deep breath and hugged him silently.

Early the next morning, Li Kui tried to find a way to contact those people.

These people were chosen because of their strong desire to survive.

He knew that there were internal forces involved, so he couldn't act blindly.

If there is a problem, he will flee immediately.

He only hated Li Yan for being such a bastard. If none of his three wives were pregnant, the four of them would have been able to escape no matter what! (End of chapter)

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