big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2103: Riot

"Elder Li, the leader is looking for you!" A Hei tribe soldier came over. Thanks to the teachings of the Ming Dynasty, these Hei tribe people also spoke the Ming dialect. They had long discarded their own ethnic writing.

Li Kui nodded and came to Li Yan's residence, which was also the most luxurious place in the Black Dragon Department.

"Li Yan, are you looking for me?"

"There is a riot in the Sixth Tribe, please take people down to suppress it." Li Yan said.

"When did it happen?" Li Kui frowned.

"I just received the news today about what happened a few days ago. I don't know what the situation is. It is said that the son of the leader of the Sixth Tribe gathered some old people to rebel. I hope you will lead troops as quickly as possible to guard these people. ”

"Can you get me some guns?" Li Kui said: "If I have guns, I can suppress them as quickly as possible!"

"I'll give you twenty guns and two hundred rounds of ammunition." Li Yan said.

"Too few. There are 20,000 to 30,000 people in the Sixth Tribe. If the rebellion succeeds, these twenty spears will not be used at all. Moreover, if I remember correctly, the Sixth Tribe has guns, although not many.

Moreover, the Black Dragon Department is already able to produce muskets independently. Can't you give me some more? "Li Kui said dissatisfiedly. These days, he has been fighting in various places and escaping from death several times.

"Give me more armor. Those people are too good at using poison arrows. Once they are hit, they will escape death!" Li Kui was not afraid of their weapons, but afraid of the poison used by these black people.

But Li Yan was still picky and fussy.

As far as he knew, the Black Dragon Department had no less than sixty fully automatic rifles and thousands of grenades.

For these black people, it is absolutely crushing.

"Then I'll give you thirty more muskets. The tribe doesn't have many guns now. You have to be considerate of me," Li Yan said.

"Okay!" Li Yan nodded.

"I'll give you five hundred vine armor, go down!"

Soon, Li Kui left.

The main reason is not the people, but the terrain.

A trace of calmness flashed in Li Kui's eyes. When the Ming army left, they still left some good things behind, including fully automatic rifles and some grenades.

As soon as he stepped forward, Li Zheng came over, "How are you doing? Is there any problem?"

These fully automatic rifles, coupled with homemade blunderbuss, are enough for the Black Dragon Tribe to sweep across New South Road.

Moreover, the power of black powder grenades is a bit low, but it is also easy to make.

There is a unique tree sap here that can secrete highly toxic substances, and there is also a poisonous frog that can secrete neurotoxins. Mix the two toxins together, not to mention bleeding and sealing the throat. If you are attacked, you will be dead in the fastest five minutes. If you die suddenly, you will lose combat effectiveness in half an hour.

After all, Li Yan was still on guard against him.

It can be made of iron or pottery, even if the stone is hollowed out.

"Give me some medicine too!"

"I don't see it yet. I asked him to lead the army. If anything goes wrong, my people will kill him immediately!" Li Yan said calmly.

After Li Kui fought with these people for so long, he finally understood why the Black rebels hid in the tropical rainforest and sacrificed so many people to destroy them.

These people hide in the virgin forest, lie on the trees, and blow poisonous arrows out of nowhere. You don't even know how you died.

Some rainforests are full of swamps. Once you fall into it, you will definitely die if no one can rescue you.

Li Kui is an elder after all. If he is killed for no reason or executed for rebellion, it will shake people's hearts.

They are not the Black Clan, but controlling the Black Clan is inherently difficult.

Once there is no unity, it will soon be broken down one by one.

"Then his wives, do you need them?" "Send someone to watch them. As long as there is nothing wrong with them, don't disturb them." Li Yan said.

Li Zheng nodded and murmured: "Li Kui, Li Kui, you must not contradict us, otherwise, we can only say we are sorry."

Soon, Li Kui dispatched his troops and led his troops away.

As soon as Li Kui left, Cen Jing became nervous.

Li Kui told her not to show anything wrong and just do whatever she does on weekdays.

There's someone watching outside.

If possible, bake some dry food to give them more confidence when escaping.

"Sister, why are we baking so many cakes?"

"Eat." Cen Jing said: "There is too much rain in Xinnan Road. If we don't get more dry food, the food cannot be stored. Do you think this is the Ming Dynasty? The conditions are so good."

"Sister, I, we want to go home." The second child said.

"I, I also want to go home." The third child looked very sad. "Here, I can't get any treatment at all. If this continues, not only will something happen to me, but the child will also be unable to bear it."

Cen Jing's face changed, "What are you talking about? This is our home. You can just say this in front of me. If you say it outside, you won't know how you will die."

"Sister, they are rebelling. The court will find out sooner or later. Once they find out, we will be dead. We can die, but the child is innocent." The third child said with red eyes.

"This is Xinnan Road, far away from the Ming Dynasty, and we are pregnant, how can we escape?
Even if you don't catch it, you will be dragged down, and you will die on both sides.

Even if the court finds out, so what, the worst we can do is not resist.

Moreover, the child is innocent, and the court will not be so cold-blooded.

You were all arrested, you just need to tell the truth. "

Both women fell silent.

Yes, they were all arrested.

They hated it at first, but now they have accepted the fact.

"Then we have no chance to leave?"

Cen Jing wanted to tell them that there was a tunnel to leave under the cabinet at home, but she couldn't tell them. She had to stay calm and wait for Li Kui to come back. When the time came, their family would run away together.

Thinking of this, she said: "Let's bake pancakes. Li Kui likes the pancakes I bake the most."

Soon, Li Kui led his troops to the vicinity of the Sixth Tribe.

He first asked people to check the surroundings to see if there were any traps set up around them.

Although these black people have been educated, their hunting skills have always been very good, and the wildness in their hearts cannot be eliminated in a few decades.

After confirming that there were no traps, he led the people slowly toward the sixth tribe's camp.

Wildness is one thing, but they are also educated and are wise savages, which makes them more difficult to deal with and more cunning than before.

If you underestimate them, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

Li Kui had a scar on his chest and almost died.

So this time, he was extra cautious.

Wearing rattan armor and a helmet, he carefully climbed up a tree and waited for dark.

Only with a night attack could he win this battle! (End of chapter)

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