big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2104 Escape from Death

The group of people waited until midnight, when the bonfire dissipated and everyone in the sixth tribe went back to rest, then they got down from the tree.

Li Kui whispered to his side, "Surprise from behind and catch them off guard."

In fact, he has always been a fan of Qin Mo. He has memorized all of Qin Mo's battles and analyzed them thoroughly.

The essence of war is to win with less and win more.

They would never have imagined that they would touch him from behind and go straight to Huanglong.

"Have you seen the house in the middle? That is the house of the leader of the Sixth Tribe. After entering, don't be reluctant to fight. Kill the leader directly. As long as you kill the rebels, the rebellion of the Sixth Tribe will naturally be put down." Li Kui said.

"Yes, elder!" The group nodded, and then cautiously touched the back of the Sixth Tribe.

However, the Sixth Tribe is not stupid. Even in the dark, there are still many people patrolling.

So in the first half of the night, Li Kui had been observing the pattern of their handover. Only in this way could he penetrate the gap between their handovers and catch them off guard.

After the group of people reached the back of the tribe, Li Kui whispered: "Don't say anything, charge with power, the firearms battalion is at the front, knock down the patrollers.

"Quickly, charge forward!" Li Kui shouted loudly.

Li Kui knew very well that they had to launch their first wave of counterattack. Only in this way would they be unable to cause effective damage.

These people were all trained by Li Kui. Although there were less than two thousand in number, they were all elite.

Li Kui was tired of this kind of fruitless killing.

Killing is meaningless if it is not to protect the country.

Soon, he led his men to the leader's room in the middle, but when he opened the door, there was no one inside.

So there is no room for him to be careless.

However, Li Kui's speed was too fast, and he led the commando to charge.

He is not an ambitious person.

Commando forward! "

The air smelled of blood and burning kerosene.

He had to leave New South Road during the rainy season along the river.

Others fired rockets and threw oil bottles.

An ominous premonition arose in Li Kui's heart.

Gunshots, shouts of death, and screams.

Think of this.

The people of the Sixth Tribe have taken up arms and begun to fight back.

And he was at the back of the commando team. He had to protect himself. Once he was injured, his escape plan would be postponed.

Everyone cooperated tacitly, no one said a word, they just charged towards the tribe with weapons in hand.

When the first shot was fired, the entire Sixth Tribe was alarmed.

That's why he chose to leave New South Road.

He touched the bed, but there was no warmth at all.

In other words, no one lives in this house at all!

"Quick, we've been fooled, retreat quickly!" Li Kui shouted loudly.

He quickly exited the room, but by the light of the fire, he saw a large number of people surrounding him.

Li Kui didn't dare to hold back. Holding a sword made of fine steel, he took the lead in charging and cut through the road forcefully.

Then the commando team surrounded them, and Li Kui also rushed out of the encirclement.

But most of the people he brought stayed inside.

Li Kui's eyes were red. Although he didn't like the Hei tribe, it would be fake to have no feelings after living together, training together, and going through life and death together for so long. "Go, go quickly, retreat!" Li Kui shouted loudly.

The people behind him are chasing him.

Li Kui didn't dare to look back.

I don’t know how long they ran from dusk to dawn. Everyone was exhausted, but fortunately, they finally broke out of the siege.

He took out the dry food, trimmed it on the spot, and counted some people. It turned out that less than a quarter of the people survived.

This battle failed miserably.

This was Li Kui's first defeat since the battle, and almost the entire army was wiped out.

"Elder, let's run quickly. I suspect those people are still chasing us."

Li Kui nodded, took a sip of water, and continued on his way.

After running wildly for three days, they returned to the Black Dragon Department.

And the news of the defeat also spread.

In the leader's camp, Li Kui said: "I was betrayed. Someone spread the news in advance. I led people to rush to the leader's house of the sixth tribe, but there was no one there.

When I reacted, large troops had surrounded us. "

Li Yan frowned, "Are you sure?"

"Look at the injuries on my body, I almost died inside." Li Kui said dissatisfied: "Do you think I would make fun of my own life?"

Li Zheng said: "That's not what Li Yan meant. It's just that we have been planning for so long, and you sent the troops at night, so it is impossible for anyone to know.

Even if someone betrays you, it should be yours. "

"What do you mean?" Li Kui grabbed Li Zheng's collar angrily, "Are you saying that I am guarding myself?"

Li Zheng struggled to get away and said angrily: "You have lost the battle and are you still so brutal?"

"I was betrayed, otherwise, I would have definitely defeated the Sixth Tribe in this battle." Li Kui was so angry that he looked at the indifferent Li Yan, "Okay, okay, since you all think you are mine, then I There is no need to explain, I handed over the military power, and from now on, I will not lead the troops.

I have fought so many battles, won so many battles, and gone through life and death for so long, but in exchange for this result, I admit it! "

Li Yan saw Li Kui getting angry, glanced at Li Zheng, and hurriedly came out to smooth things over, "Don't be impulsive first, you already said it was a mole, so our top priority now is not internal strife, but to find this mole.

You just came back and you are very tired. Go back and rest first. If you have anything else, we will talk about it after you have a good rest. "

Li Kui snorted, glared at Li Zheng fiercely, and then left without looking back.

After Li Kui left, Li Zheng said: "His life is really tough."

"It doesn't matter if you are lucky. In this battle, all his men were killed. The remaining ones are useless, so don't worry about them.

If he dares to do something small again, I don't mind doing it again. "Li Yan sneered.

The conspirators were them, and he was the one who ordered people to release the news of Li Kui's expedition in advance. This allowed the Sixth Tribe to make preparations in advance.

The reason for doing this is that they decided to eliminate the unstable factor Li Kui.

But Li Kui was so determined that he came back with only a slight skin injury.

But it doesn't matter anymore, his undefeated record has been broken, and the people in the tribe are laughing at him now.

This is the result they want.

If Li Kui is obedient and becomes a qualified thug, Li Yan won't mind sparing his life.

But if he doesn't obey, then he can only be sent to the West.

Li Zheng smiled faintly, "Didn't he say that he wanted to hand over his military power? Then as he wishes, his military power will be cut off. I want to see if he can still jump up and down!"

Li Yan echoed: "Great kindness!" (End of this chapter)

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