big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2105 Escape on a rainy night!

Li Kui returned home tiredly. Cen Jing and the other three were already waiting. They couldn't help but cry when they saw Li Kui covered in injuries.

Li Kui said: "Go and prepare some delicious food for me. It's just some skin injuries. It will be fine in two days."

The second and third children hurriedly went to serve the food.

Cen Jing said: "If you have three strengths and two weaknesses, how can the three of us survive?"

Li Kui looked around and said, "Li Yan and Li Zheng wanted to kill me. This time I led troops to suppress the rebellion, but someone betrayed me in advance.

I know very well that they cannot betray me, so there is only one possibility: their people betrayed me.

They wanted to use the Sixth Tribe to get rid of me. "

Cen Jing's face turned pale with fear, "Then, what should we do?"

"Now that I'm back, they won't do anything too outrageous. They will definitely take back my military power and make me obedient. If I do anything wrong, they will definitely kill me.

Or, the three of you are here to blackmail me.

"Okay!" Cen Jing nodded.

This day happened to be a thunderstorm night, with heavy rain.

Cen Jing was not surprised, but the second and third children were very shocked.

Of course, this is only possible if you go to the edge of New South Road.

As long as he leaves the Black Dragon Department, he will have a way to find labor.

It is said to be recuperating to the outside world, but in reality it is seizing power.

Li Kui has been preparing for several days.

It's raining heavily outside, and the Black Dragon Department has begun to suffer from waterlogging.

You bring the food first, and we'll leave in the next two days! "Li Kui said.

Li Kui called his three wives over, moved the wardrobe, and exposed the tunnel entrance.

Li Kui was also very happy.

This played right into Li Kui's plan.

Moreover, Li Zheng, a bad boy, actually asked him to help guard the people plundered from the Central Plains.

"Husband, this is"

He could only prepare the supplies needed for escape and then ask them to draw a sea map. He could only take one step at a time.

"This is the escape passage, leading directly to the back mountain. Let's go quickly and leave the Black Dragon Department. I have hidden a small boat not far from the foot of the mountain, and I have all the supplies ready." Li Kui said: "Don't you want to escape? I'll take you away now."

The next day, as he said, Li Yan ordered him to have a good rest and leave the military power in his hands.

Soon, after Li Kui had eaten his fill, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep, sleeping straight into the night.

There are still some people in Xinnan Dao who are loyal to the Ming Dynasty. As long as these people are found and promised that they can rejoin the Ming Dynasty, they will definitely give up.

However, Li Kui can no longer take them away. The goal of taking them away is too big.


"Really, you three go up first, and I'll come from behind." Li Kui said.

Cen Jing said: "The thunderstorm tonight is just enough to cover up the sound of our departure."

She bundled the dry food, tied it to her body, and then went down into the tunnel.

The tunnel is cramped, but enough for one person to pass through.

After the three of them went down, Li Kui moved the cabinet horizontally, then took out a special cover to cover the hole.

If no one had moved the closet, they would never have noticed anything strange underneath.

Several people were walking through the cave, and the rain had seeped in.

Fortunately, Li Kui reinforced the passage with wooden boards and sticks, otherwise, there would be a risk of collapse at any time.

But even so, they had no choice but to crawl in the water. And as more water seeps out, the water level gets higher and higher.

"Don't be nervous, we'll be at the exit soon." Li Kui kept cheering.

I don’t know how long it took, but just when the three pregnant women were about to be unable to hold on any longer, they felt the circulation of air.

"Come out!" Cen Jing came out of the tunnel, and then Lightning looked at the Black Dragon Department below, feeling like he was reborn after a disaster.

"Go quickly, be careful of the patrol." Li Kui came out from behind and pulled the second and third children.

The entrance to the tunnel is only two to three hundred meters away from where the patrol team patrols daily, so it is easily discovered.

So can't stay.

The four people carefully descended the mountain, and then the bright light from the lightning came to the stream at the foot of the mountain.

By this time the stream had turned into a river and the water was flowing rapidly.

Cen Jing asked anxiously: "Where is the ship?"

"Don't be nervous, I've covered it with branches and shrubs." Li Kui got into a dense shrub and then opened a path, "Come in quickly, it's right here."

The three women entered one after another and quickly found the small boat.

The moment the four of them stepped onto the boat, Li Kui cut off the rope, and the boat drifted with the current like a runaway horse.

He could only rely on experience, drive carefully, and be careful of capsizing at all times.

Once you fall into the fast current, you will die.

At this time, the Black Dragon Department was suffering from severe waterlogging.

The patrol discovered the road subsidence and informed Li Zheng immediately.

Li Zheng was woken up and was very angry, "Can't we wait until tomorrow to discuss the collapsed area?"

"Elder, the collapse of that place is wrong. A long passage has appeared. We think there is a problem!" said the patrol leader.

Li Zheng frowned and could only hold back his anger and get up.

When he arrived at the place where the patrol leader said, Li Zheng was stunned because a collapse about one meter wide and dozens of meters long appeared in front of him, and the collapse extended from the inside of the Black Dragon Department to the outside.

He followed the collapse and found that the passage was hundreds of meters long.

The other end spreads towards the back mountain.

He suddenly realized something and ran back quickly, only to find that the other end of the collapse was pointing directly at Li Kui's home.

His heart skipped a beat, and after thinking for a moment, he walked to the door of Li Zhao's house and knocked on his door, "Li Kui, wake up, I'm Li Zheng."

Bang bang bang!
His hands were numb, but unfortunately there was no movement inside.

"You're not going to sleep to death, are you?" the patrol leader asked.

"Quick, kick the door open!" Li Zheng said.

The patrol leader was stunned for a moment, and then kicked him hard for more than ten times before kicking him away.

Li Zheng looked at the kicked-in door and the fallen stick behind the door, and understood immediately. He pushed open the door of Li Kui's house again, turned on the lights in Li Kui's house, and found that their home was empty.

A gust of cold air rushed from the soles of Li Zheng's feet to Tianling Gai, "Oh no, something big has happened. Go and report it to the leader!"

He asked people to stay here and quickly ran to Li Yan's house.

At this time, Li Yan was working diligently and was interrupted by Li Zheng. He was very dissatisfied and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Don't fucking sleep, Li Kui took his three women and ran away!"

"What did you say?" Li Yan was stunned. "How could he escape?"

"He dug a tunnel and escaped. I have already asked people to chase him along the tunnel!" Li Zheng couldn't help trembling. "If we let him escape to Tokyo, you and I will be finished. Not only you and I will be finished, but the Li family will be finished." When disaster strikes, you and I will be sinners!"

Li Zheng's words scared Li Yan so much that he withered. He didn't even have time to put on his clothes, "Chase him to the ends of the earth and chase him back!" (End of Chapter)

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