big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2106 Internal strife

"How dare he? How could he do that?" Li Yan looked at the collapsed tunnel and roared, "Does he not care about the feelings of his fellow tribesmen at all? Does he really want all of us to die without a burial place?"

"Don't worry, I've already sent people to chase him. He dragged three pregnant women, so he won't be able to get far. After we chase him back, we will kill him as soon as possible to avoid future troubles." Li Zheng said.

"Then what if we can't catch him back?" Li Yan looked at Li Zheng with red eyes, "What will you do?"

"Then" Li Zheng was stunned. He knew that since Li Kui could dig such a long tunnel, he must have made a thorough plan. Otherwise, he would not have escaped rashly.

"It's better to notify them as soon as possible and let them be prepared. Once Li Kui escapes, they will find him as soon as possible and kill him.

He had three pregnant women with him. The target was too big and easy to find.

If we can't find it, we'll just wait to die. "Li Yan panted. He climbed to the top of the mountain, and then the bright light from the thunder and lightning could clearly see a sliding trace.

This place is several hundred meters away from the Black Dragon Department and Li Kui's home.

It can be seen that Li Kui had the idea of ​​​​escape a long time ago, and he only hated himself for not taking action in advance.

If this scourge had been eliminated earlier, there would not have been such trouble.

Blood splattered all over him.

Moreover, it is summer and the vegetation there is dense, making it difficult for us to enter. "The patrol team knelt on the ground and begged.

It was getting colder, and the entire Black Dragon tribe knew about Li Kui's escape.

Li Zheng also looked solemn.

He was so angry that a boat that could accommodate four people must be quite big. It could be hidden for such a long time with such a large volume.

Li Yan drew out his knife and slashed the patrol leader to death.

Li Kui and his wife were nowhere to be seen.

He didn't think that Li Kui had prepared it recently, because he had been paying attention to Li Kui recently, so it could only be prepared in the early stage, when there was no quarrel between them.

"Report to the leader, we found their footprints at the foot of the mountain. They should have hidden a boat at the foot of the mountain and escaped by boat." said the patrol team.

Li Zheng covered his face, "It's been a few hours, and I still don't know when they escaped. If they left after dark, then five or six hours have passed now. There was a heavy flood last night and the water was fast.

"Trash, a bunch of trash, all trash!" Li Yan became murderous, "Such a big ship is hiding under our noses, what do you patrols do for food?
You actually have the nerve to say, you are seeking death! "

What do the people on the patrol do for food?
"Chief, please forgive me. We don't know that the ship is hidden there. On weekdays, we patrol around the area. The place is full of dense shrubs and vines, so we can't see it at all.

The tribesmen were mobilized in full force, and Li Zheng also sent people to the tribes below to let them follow Li Kui.

In other words, this ship has been hidden under his nose for more than half a year.

Li Yan is sitting on wax.

If the ship hadn't capsized, they would probably have gone hundreds of miles away at this moment. How could they pursue them?
Moreover, the water system here is developed, and you don’t know which tributary he is taking. Once it merges into the mainstream, it will be extremely difficult. "

The people around were dumbfounded, seeing Li Yan trembling with fear and kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

Li Zheng didn't want Li Yan to kill innocent people indiscriminately, so he secretly drove away these people, and then said to Li Yan: "With mental calculations and unintentional intentions, these people have a fixed patrol route. Li Kui must know their patrol route, so he hid the ship." Under the eyes of everyone.

Think about it, if he was not sure, how could he do such a thing.

And he must have planned his escape route. If the ship was hidden too far, the tunnel would be too far, and he would definitely not be able to escape with three women. "I just want to find Li Kui, not for you to explain to me later." Li Yan grabbed Li Zheng by the collar and said, "Aren't you a military advisor? Aren't you very smart?" He has always said that Li Kui is a stupid guy, but now, hasn't he been tricked by that stupid guy?
Let me tell you, if Li Kui escapes back to Daqian, we will all die. Qin Mo will not let us go.

When Li Anxiang went to Ross, what was the situation in the country at that time? How many people wanted to execute Li? Even the people were one-sided.

It's Qin Mo who saves face and doesn't want to bear the title of a murderer.

But in fact, hasn’t Ross become Ming’s territory?
Everything they worked so hard for was a wedding dress for Ming Dynasty. Don’t you know?
If you ask me to calm down, I want to calm down too.

Do you think I don’t want to sit here drinking tea and point out the world in a calm manner? "

Li Zheng's face was also ashen. He never expected that Li Yan would treat him like this.

He pushed Li Yan away, "You are angry, I don't share your common understanding, including what you said today, I don't have to take it to heart, but I have to tell you.

If you make me angry and leave, you will really be alone.

We have been in the same boat for so long. You should know who I am.

I also hope that you will weigh the impact of your own words.

If your life is not life, other people's life is not life.

Do you think I'm playing house with you here?

I am also here to accompany you at the risk of beheading your head and confiscating your home. "

Li Yan tapped his chest and said, "You must speak with conscience and reason. What's the difference between you and the mad dog on the roadside?

Even if you kill all of us, can you still find Li Kui?
Okay, yes, I made a mistake, but why did you also make a mistake?
You put all the blame on me alone?

Or do you really think of yourself as an emperor?

Li Yan, let me tell you, even if the Black Dragon Tribe really becomes the Black Dragon Kingdom, you will never be the fucking emperor.

Everything you do is also a wedding dress for others.

Think about it yourself. "

After Li Zheng finished speaking, he left with a cold face.

Li Yan also gradually calmed down, looking at Li Zheng's back in a daze.

Once upon a time, they were brothers who had stood together through thick and thin, but at this moment, they were at odds with each other.

Even if they reconcile, they can't go back to the way they were before, there will definitely be cracks.

Especially what Li Zheng said, even if he worked hard, even if the Black Dragon Tribe became the Black Dragon Kingdom, he would not be able to become the emperor.

This sentence hurt myself deeply.

If this is the case, then what is the purpose of staying here and risking beheading?
For the sake of the so-called glory of the Li family, for the sake of recovery?

Damn Li's glory, damn Guangfu Daqian! (End of chapter)

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