big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2107 Retreat

Li Yan smoked a cigarette and forced himself to calm down. If Li Kui could not be found, if he really reported on him, then the soldiers from tomorrow would definitely come.

With the strength of the Black Dragon Division, they could never be Daming's opponents.

And if Ming Dynasty knew the truth, he would definitely send troops to quell Xinnan Road.

They left just to let New South Road consume itself and then achieve the purpose of reshaping New South Road.

Look at the sky.

It was originally very developed, with a population of tens of millions.

Now, they are not even one-third of what they were at their peak. Just like this, they are still killing each other and fighting among themselves.

When the time is right, when the Tomorrow Soldiers arrive, even if all these people are wiped out, so what?
What was lost was some irrelevant rebellion, but Ming Dynasty gained a clean land.

In this clean land, they can do whatever they want, and a large number of Qin people will thrive there. In the end, the celestial phenomena will completely become those of the Qin people, not those of the Celestial People.

The same is true for New South Road.

Once again, he came to the door of Li Zheng's house and knocked on the door.

Once Ming Dynasty sends troops, we must think of a way out for ourselves. "

Li Yan took a deep breath and was slightly angry. However, thinking of what he had just said and what he had done, he hurriedly handed over his hands and said, "A Zheng, I just said something without thinking through my brain, and I offended you. I hope you can forgive me."

So we not only have to tell Qianzhou, but we also have to prepare ourselves.

Li Zheng nodded and stopped preaching.

Li Yan was delighted and walked in immediately.

He put out the cigarette and made a decision.

After hearing this, Li Zheng opened the door, but still said coldly, "Come in."

"The sky is huge, where is the escape route?" Li Zheng said.

"Yes, what you said is true. I promise I won't do it again." Li Yan said.

Li Zheng stood expressionless inside the iron gate, but had no intention of opening the door, "What's the matter?"

"Open the door and let me in!"

"If you have anything to do, just talk outside." Li Zheng said calmly. Others were afraid of Li Yan, but he was not afraid at all. If Li Yan dared to kill him, he would definitely die.

The only ones there are two black women as nannies.

Seeing that Li Zheng was indifferent, Li Yan said again: "I promise, this will never happen again. Please believe me and give me a chance."

Li Zheng's family is not big. Compared with the luxury of Li Zheng's family, his family's display is simple, and there are not many women in the family.

Li Zheng dismissed the two female nannies from the Black tribe, poured a cup of tea for Li Yan, and said in a slower tone, "I'm actually saying all this for our own good. Li Yan, you are the leader and a member of the army." Brain, if you also lose your mind, is there any hope for our Black Dragon Division?"

Because his wife and children are in Tokyo.

At this time, Li Yan said: "A Zheng, what you said today has awakened me. If Li Kui really wants to report, he will definitely not return to Tokyo. He will definitely go to other places. As long as he contacts the Ming army, they will be the first to do so." The two capitals were informed of the time by telegram.

"There are always places that the Ming Dynasty cannot find. The more remote the place, the better. We can take some people to establish tribes in those uninhabited places. As long as they can survive, don't you think so?" Li Yan said.

"I think we can take advantage of now to persuade those in Qianzhou to send troops. After all, King Qian is no longer here anymore, and the Duke of Gai is old and his health is not as good as before. Now is the best opportunity. Once King Qian comes back, then There will be no chance again." A sharp light flashed in Li Zheng's eyes.

"What you said makes sense, but it is not up to us to decide what those people in Qianzhou decide. We still have to prepare for our retreat." Li Yan said: "If one day they fail, we must survive , isn’t it?
As you said, even if the Black Dragon Tribe becomes the Black Dragon Kingdom, I am not the emperor. If this is the case, then why should we go all the way?
If they really succeeded, then we would be the heroes and there would be no need to escape, right? "

Li Zheng thought for a while, then nodded heavily, "What you said makes sense!"

"Then let's do this?"

"Okay, but where do you plan to choose as your base?"

Li Yan took out a world map and said: "There are many uninhabited islands on New South Road, some of which have not even been developed. Let's choose some remote places, far away from the waterways.

First send some people to establish a tribe there, and then train all the people plundered from the Central Plains.

When the time comes, we will take the Black women there to breed.

Twenty or thirty years from now, you and I will have become old and decrepit, and maybe even dead.

Even if the court knew, as long as everyone kept silent, who would know?

At that time, we will just be regarded as immigrants from the Central Plains living in New South Road. "Li Yan said.

When Li Zheng heard this, he thought it made sense, "Okay, let's do this."

And at the same time, on the turbulent river.

Li Kui was exhausted. It rained heavily last night and the water in the tributaries swelled. He struggled to balance the boat in the heavy rain.

Fortunately, this ship was a battleship and was wrapped in iron. Otherwise, it would have fallen apart under the violent collision.

He was taking a boat outside, and the three women were scooping water in the cabin. After working all night, the three women were exhausted.

Drinking cold water, this dry food is just a meal.

"Fortunately, you were careful and these grains were not soaked, otherwise they would not have been stored for long."

In the cabin, there were a lot of fresh water dry food, dried fruits, and even a lot of instant rice, which were left behind after the Ming Dynasty army withdrew.

As a cadre with grassroots experience, Li Kui must have channels to obtain these.

These supplies were all left behind by him for a rainy day.

Because he had already smelled the news at that time, when he came here later, he planned to save enough supplies for him for a year or two.

Although some were consumed, these supplies were still enough to feed their family of four for a year and a half.

In addition, these days, he deliberately reserves and does not have to worry about things.

As for fresh water, he has distillation equipment on board and can also collect rainwater.

There are also fishing nets on the boat. If you go into the sea, you can catch fish.

There are also some precious medicines on the ship, which he had prepared before, which are enough to deal with some emergencies.

After the boat merged into the main river, Li Kui could no longer hold on and sat down on the deck.

Cen Jing took out a portion of self-heating rice, "Let's eat some rice first!"

Li Kui nodded and wolfed down a portion of beef rice bowl. He was immediately resurrected with full health, "How is the third child?"

"She is a little seasick and has already fallen asleep. She is weak and cannot be too tired!" Cen Jing sighed. (End of chapter)

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