big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2109 Drifting 2

The reason why the third child reacted so strongly was because he was one month old, and she would give birth in three months.

Li Kui did not dare to be blind. Although the plan he made at the beginning was to drift along the ocean current, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

Just rafting on the inland river lasted two months.

I don’t know how long it will take to drift out to sea.

Although there is a risk of being caught on the island, he doesn't have that much left.

We can't let the third child give birth at sea.

"I-I'm fine," the third wife said.

"That's it." Li Kui smiled and held her hand, "Although I didn't give you a grand wedding, we are still in the same boat. Believe me, I will definitely take you back alive.

None of us will be missing! "

"Well, I believe you!"

We don’t have much medicine left, so we must have means to treat wind and cold.

"It's been too long. Instead of building islands, it's better to live in the vast tropical rainforest. It takes several months to go to sea, and it takes a year to go back and forth.

So, let’s not get our hopes up. Li Zheng asked again: "By the way, has there been any reply from Qianzhou?" "

Li Yan is desperate and has not yet found the whereabouts of Li Kui.

You won't starve to death if you live near the sea, but you won't survive without staple food either.

Construction takes time, and we also needed time in the past. Without two or three years, it would be impossible to build a territory.

He could only send people to the border to find informants to deliver the news.

So I thought, if it doesn’t work out, let’s leave now. "Li Yan couldn't sit still. He was worried every day now, fearing that Ming's team would come to the Black Dragon Department and shoot him dead.

Be self-sufficient.

These talents need to be mobilized. When we go to the island, we must build and develop.

"If they didn't capsize, now we see that they have entered the sea. It's almost impossible to find them in the vast sea.

In the long run, no matter how much supplies are prepared, they will not be enough for consumption.

"Not that fast!" Li Yan had a headache. He had a telegram here, but unfortunately, the telegraph machine broke down on a day of heavy rain, so the message could not be sent out.

I just don’t know what they are thinking.

"Don't worry, let's see how Qianzhou responds." Li Zheng was also a little anxious, but he did not panic, but said: "We have been preparing supplies. In addition to supplies, we also need talents. Hei Clan Although it is chaotic, there are still quite a few special talents.

Li Yan suppressed the anxiety in his heart, "You are right, if you are not prepared, a cold wind may kill you.

We also need to develop medicine. Medicine will definitely not work on islands. Therefore, at this time, we need to bring the seeds of medicine for planting.

Counting the time, it is estimated that Qianzhou has also received the news.

If they are used to the current life and let them become primitive people, no one will be able to accept it.

"I believe in you too!"

At this time, the Black Dragon Tribe.

No matter what Qianzhou says, whether we lose or win, we must be prepared for a long-term war.

In addition to planting and breeding, we also need to bring some livestock over.

But in this case, more ships need to be prepared.

And if we leave such a big battle, will it attract their attention?"

"Just accept it from outside. Can't we just go and develop another base?" Li Zheng said. Hearing this, Li Yan was also delighted, "This is a good excuse."

Just as Li Yan and the two were discussing how to operate, a subordinate came over in a hurry and said, "Chief, your letter."

Li Yan cheered up, "Where are you from?"

"Coming from the border," the man said.

Li Yan was overjoyed and hurriedly took the letter and checked the paint. There was no risk of opening it, so he opened it.

The letter is a secret letter, and there is a special method for borrowing and reading it, so even if it falls into the hands of others, it will be useless.

Li Zheng hurriedly took out the decryption book and compared it with the decryption.

Soon, the contents of the letter were parsed.

The letter said that Li Yan should not worry, take down the entire Xinnan Road, and then wait for their orders and let them attack when the time comes.

When Li Yan saw this, he cursed: "Arrest all the people in Xinnan Road and send them to the border, there is not enough for those people to kill.

They have artillery planes tanks, what do we have?
It's useless even if you risk your life to fill it. "

"Don't be impatient, keep looking down!" Li Zheng said, and then continued looking down.

Apart from some comfort, there was no substantive expression, not even material assistance.

Li Zheng's heart dropped, "It's over, it seems that everyone in Qianzhou has too much to worry about now. We have already reported to them for support, but now half a year has passed, and not even a bullet has been asked for.

These people are so mean. "

Li Yan punched the document and cursed: "Isn't this just leaving us waiting to die?" '

"No matter how much we say, it's useless. Since Qianzhou won't give us support, then we have to find a way on our own. Give the order, gather all the things that can be taken away, and let's leave as soon as possible.

If the imperial court reacts, we won't even have a chance to escape. "Li Zheng took a deep breath. Once the fighter planes are dispatched, it will be a precision strike. What is a precision strike? It means that the plane flies overhead and the shells fall on the roof of his house. At the moment of the explosion, everyone within a radius of dozens of meters will be destroyed. People will be destroyed." It turned into a puddle of mud in an instant.

Li Yan also nodded.

At this time, it was Li Kui's fifteenth day at sea.

He has experienced the terror of the sea.

If his ship hadn't been a sea-going ship and there were big rocks weighing down the cabin, it would have capsized long ago.

But even so, he was too scared.

Although the weather is calm now, no one knows whether there will be a violent storm next moment.

If there is a tsunami, they will be dead.

He looked at the chart, held the compass, and calculated their position.

"A few hundred miles away, there is an island that must be passed by the waterway. If we hurry, we can reach it within half a month. I hope everything goes well."

I don’t know when Li Kui got into the habit of writing a diary. He wrote down the process along the way. Every time he finished writing, he would hide the diary and put it in a sealed plastic bag. If The ship really crashed and everyone died, and he hoped that his diary would be picked up by someone destined to do it.

Perhaps, their journey along the way can also be seen.

Cen Jing said: "Are you cold? Otherwise, come in and take a rest!"

Li Kui shook his head. It was already winter, and the cold wind was blowing on the sea. Even wearing a big coat, he felt cold.

The only way to warm up is by rapidly rocking the paddle.

"It doesn't matter, I have to lower the net and catch a net of sea fish for you. You are now in the third trimester of pregnancy and need more nutrition!" (End of Chapter)

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