big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2110 Drifting 3

"Sister, please step over here. Third sister seems to have a fever."

Hearing this, Cen Jing hurriedly entered the cabin, touched her third sister's forehead with her hand, and exclaimed: "It's so hot!"

Li Kui also entered the cabin, "Have you taken your temperature?"

"39°, high fever!" said the second child.

"Quickly, use medicine to lower the temperature. There is a dry wax chicken in the cabin. I will bring up a fish and stew it together for her to eat." Li Kui was very nervous. They have not been sick these days. You know, in Getting sick at sea can be fatal.

Fortunately, Li Kui had prepared a lot of medicines, but if these medicines were used, they might cause some harm to the children.

"No, don't, the medicine is not good for the child!" The third child was even dizzy from the fever, but he was still thinking about the child.

"No, children, let alone adults, can't bear such a high temperature." Cen Jing, who knows some medicine, said: "There are some medicines that pregnant women can use. Don't worry, they won't cause harm to children. "

Cen Jing said: "Maybe it's because the temperature difference at sea is too big. It's hot during the day, cold at night, and the wind is strong. That's why Third Sister caught a cold. In addition, we have been on the boat these days and haven't exercised. Look at her feet. They are all a little edematous.

After taking medicine first, I gave her massage to cool her down.

Fortunately, there is a shortage of everything on the sea, except for fish.

Then stew the wax chicken and fish together.

It wasn't long before he caught some big fish.

Li Kui was very nervous. This was not the Ming Dynasty. There were experienced doctors for treatment and a variety of miraculous medicines available.

Once it cannot be cured, it is very likely that one child will be born and two children will be born.

Coupled with the fact that she could only huddle up in a small and cramped cabin every day, her overall condition was in poor condition.

The third child nodded, perhaps because of the physical inconvenience caused by the late pregnancy, which also caused his mood to drop more and more.

Cen Jing also said: "Second sister is right. We are a family, so we shouldn't care about these things. If you relax and recuperate, you will not be in a good mood, and it will not be good for the children."

But fortunately, Cen Jing and others understood and comforted her, so she didn't feel so uncomfortable.

In the afternoon, the chicken soup was simmered, and the third child's body temperature gradually returned to normal.

Li Kui said: "Don't think too much, you have never been a burden. It's my fault that I didn't take good care of you, so you have to suffer with me.

Keep insisting, as long as we find the island, we will be saved. "

In other words, he must find the island within a month.

The coal is only enough for one month at most.

Looking at Cen Jing and others, she said with red eyes: "I'm sorry, I'm just a burden. I've been here for so long and I've been worrying you all. I can't help you at all."

There is still some dry firewood on the ship. Once these dry firewood are used up, coal will have to be used.

After eating, she felt a lot more energetic.

He punched the deck angrily, then forced himself to calm down, put the tattered fishing net in the water, and started fishing.

"Don't think too much, we are a family and we should be in the same boat!" the second child comforted.

Close the cabin door, heat up the iron stove, don't let the wind blow in, and you'll be fine if you break out in a sweat. "

Li Kui walked out of the cabin and sat on the deck. In fact, he was also very uncomfortable. That kind of comfort was not only physical, but also psychological.

The sea is beautiful and endless as far as the eye can see, but it is bottomless. If he lowers his head and looks down, he will feel a deep sense of fear.

He read the newspaper and it was a deep sea phobia.

He even regretted for a time why he left the Black Dragon Department. If you muddle along, maybe it will be the same.

But now, he has no way back. No matter what, he will take his three wives and escape.

Not only for themselves, but also for the innocent and unsuspecting members of the Li family.

Perhaps it was because he hadn't taken a shower for too long, and he felt sticky all over, but he didn't dare to jump into the cold sea water. If he was also sick, then the burden of steering would fall on Cen Jing.

Li Kui looked at the three women. They already had a strange smell on their bodies.

Although they change clothes frequently, women need to be clean more.

Thinking of this, Li Kui said: "Boil some water and wipe your body. It will also make you feel better."

"No, there isn't much firewood left." Cen Jing shook his head and said, "The weather is getting colder and colder. I don't know how long it will take to find the island."

"It's just a shower. It can make everyone feel better and save a little money. If this keeps going on for a long time, people won't be able to bear it anymore, let alone finding the island." Li Kui showed a rare machismo, filled a pot of water, and then The stove in the cabin was lit.

The kettle was placed on the iron stove, and the temperature in the cabin quickly rose.

Li Kui had to open the cabin door a little to let in the cold air.

After the water was boiled, Li Kui brought some cold water and mixed it, "It's a little bit less, but there's not much drinking water, so we'll make do with it."

"That's enough, the three of us can just wipe it with towels." Cen Jing said with a smile.

The second and third children also showed joy on their faces.

They haven't showered in a long time. Women always like to be clean more than men.

Even, in order to reduce the burden, the three women took the initiative to cut their hair short, just to save water.

When they came, they had stored enough water for four people for a month, but now they don't have much left.

Fortunately, there is a simple water purification equipment on the ship, plus the seawater distilled by the boiler for heating, the fresh water obtained every day is enough for four people.

Soon, after the three girls simply freshened up and put on clean clothes, their spirits improved.

Li Kui smiled and said, "It's so beautiful. When we get to the island, I will give you a good bath."

Cen Jing pushed half a basin of water in front of Li Kui, "There is still some left, you can wipe it too."

Li Kui didn't show any pretense. He wiped it quickly, took out a new cotton-padded jacket and put it on. "I feel completely comfortable!"

All four of them smiled similarly.

Even if there were strong winds, heavy rains, and strong waves, they could not scare the four of them.

In the next few days, Li Kui encountered big storms again, but fortunately he survived them all.

Once again, it was the most dangerous. He was thrown off the boat. If it weren't for his excellent physical fitness and good luck, he would have been buried in the sea long ago.

He was lying on the deck, and the three women were all wearing life jackets, and they were all terrified.

This storm came and went quickly. After the dark clouds left, it suddenly became cloudless.

Li Kui panted and said: "I almost died, God is really blessing me!"

Cen Jing hugged him and was so frightened that she shed tears.

At this moment, the second child pointed forward and said stumblingly: "Look, what is that, that, that..."

Li Kui frowned, looked in the direction of her finger, and suddenly became excited! (End of chapter)

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