big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2111 Drifting 4

"It's an island, it's an island!" Li Kui was overjoyed. He didn't know where the power came from. He picked up the oar and rowed non-stop.

The third child said negatively: "Isn't it a mirage?"

For more than a month at sea, they encountered mirages many times, and each time they returned disappointed.

"Try it, what if it is true?" Li Kui said excitedly: "This time I feel it must be true!"

Cen Jing also picked up the oar and started rowing together, "Pull quickly, no matter whether it is true or not, we must go and see."

They longed for land too much.

I rocked on the boat every day, feeling top-heavy, and when encountering strong winds and waves, I always felt like I was about to throw the baby out of my belly.

The second child also tried his best to help.

However, as the saying goes, if you look at the mountain and run to death, you will die.

It seemed to be close at hand, but Li Kui and the others worked hard for two or three hours before they rowed the boat to the shore.

The gravity of the ocean currents and the sound of waves hitting the coast made Li Kui tremble all over. "It's an island, it's a real island. It's true, we are saved!"

He knelt on the deck and burst into tears.

It has been more than four months since he escaped from the Black Dragon Department. Who knows how he has survived these days.

He also lost two or three times of weight from a strong man.

But at this moment, when I saw the island, all these efforts paid off.

"Our direction is correct, it's really an island." Cen Jing said happily.

Li Kui hurriedly rowed the boat, then held the rope, plunged into the sea, and then dragged the boat to the shore, but he did not dare to drag it too close for fear of running aground.

After anchoring, he carefully took the three women off the boat.

The moment they stepped on the land, all four of them had red eyes.

Especially the third child, who cried the saddest, "Finally stepped on the ground."

"Yeah, it's not easy." The second child choked up.

Only they know the sadness of this journey.

Li Kui was like a wild horse running wildly on the beach.

"Hermit crabs, there are a lot of hermit crabs here, and the temperature here is also high. Look, there are many coconuts on the island. We no longer have to worry about fresh water."

He caught a lot of hermit crabs and picked up a lot of coconuts from the ground. He broke them open and dug out the coconut treasure inside, and delivered them to the three women as if they had found a treasure.

He carried the supplies from the ship, picked up the knife and entered the jungle. He wanted to find a place that was sheltered from the wind and could observe the ships coming and going on the sea to build a treehouse and give his wives a shelter.

Soon, he found a cave on the east side of the island. This cave was relatively large, providing shelter from wind and rain, and he could also observe the sea surface.

It's an excellent place.

He removed the stones from the cave and got a lot of sand and gravel to fill the pit, while the three women had a barbecue on the beach.

There are dead branches everywhere on the island, so they no longer have to worry about firewood.

Moreover, after leaving the sea area, the temperature here has risen, and they have taken off their heavy cotton-padded jackets.

But at night, the temperature here will drop.

They boiled a lot of hot water and took out the food that needed to be cooked in the cabin.

After Li Kui finished repairing the cave, he saw a feast full of food.

There are everything that flies in the sky, runs on the ground, swims in the water, and grows on trees. The four of them feasted happily.

Then I took a quick hot bath.

There is no one on the island, so they don't need to care about other people's opinions.

After changing into clean clothes, Li Kui took the three girls to the cave. "From today on, this is our temporary home. You guys decorate this place. I will go to the top of the mountain to see the whole island and set some traps." Let’s see if we can catch some prey.”

"Please pay attention to safety and be careful of poisonous snakes." Cen Jing said.

"Do not worry!"

Li Kui went out with his rifle and bow and arrows on his back. He didn't come back until evening, and he came back with a full load. "This island is not small. There are many wild animals on it. I encountered a herd of wild goats. There are also a herd of wild boars here. Don't take it easy." Enter the island.

Just stay on the periphery. "

He put down the goat and a small wild boar weighing several dozen kilograms and panted.

Cen Jing handed over a coconut distressedly, "Drink some water and slow down!"

“With these prey, our life here will be better and better, at least we won’t have to worry about grease.

I'm going to dissect these things. I'll eat some of them in the evening. If we can't eat them, we'll smoke them into dried meat. "

After Li Kui decomposed the prey, he put the internal organs into the trap, and some into bamboo baskets to lure fish.

There are a lot of spices in the cabin, and the most indispensable thing on this island is spices.

Li Kui even discovered wild potatoes, and he roughly knew where he was.

He should have been here when he was changed into a prince or a county boy. He also found some traces of human activities on the island, but they were left behind a long time ago.

In other words, this is a channel. After the child is born, if they don't wait, they can leave along the channel.

Of course, now that the three girls are about to give birth, he will not leave.

Once you leave, dragging three milk babies with you is too difficult.

In the evening, the four of them sprinkled the lamb legs with nature and the roasted wild boar legs with chili powder, and everyone's mouths were full of oil.

"Happy, it would be nice if I could have a bottle of wine at this time." Li Kui said.

"There is no wine, but there is coconut. However, we can try to make coconut wine. I remember there is wine lees in the cabin."

"Brew more, and the alcohol is a bit low. Then I will find a way to purify the coconut wine and prepare more alcohol, so that you will not have any alcohol to use when you give birth in the future!" Li Kui said.

The four of them were eating and chatting.

The third child's mood also improved, and during the conversation, there was no longer any bitterness or hatred in the past.

Although her legs are still swollen, she is now able to walk on land, and the edema has somewhat eased.

After eating and drinking, Li Kui built a stone bed inside the cave, filled the gaps with sea sand, and built stones on the outside. Finally, he laid a thick mat on it and slept on it. It doesn't feel crowded or cramped.

Li Kui lit another bonfire at the entrance of the cave to drive away snakes, insects, rats, and ants. He planned to build a door outside tomorrow to block wind and rain, and to make it easier to transport the boiler from the cabin.

He has made plans to live here for a long time.

For this kind of ocean route, the shipping time of ships going out to sea is measured in years.

Maybe there won’t be a ship for two or three months, or maybe not for a year.

So we can’t just live life in peace, we must live a life on the island in a lively and colorful way.

In addition, he is also planning to raise more goats and wild boars in captivity, and even plans to farm the land for sustainable development! (End of chapter)

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