big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2112 Drifting 5

Life on the island is not lonely. At least Li Kui lives a fulfilling life every day, either hunting in the mountains or fishing in the sea.

They built sheep pens, wild boar pens, and even dug a fish pond specifically to store seafood.

He also found a clean water source and enclosed it to prevent wild animals from excreting in it.

After finding wild potatoes in the jungle, I kept some for eating and the rest for planting.

After the staple food, drinking water, and shelter were all taken care of, Li Kuicai breathed a sigh of relief.

He carved a date on the stone wall. Today is their thirtieth day on the island.

And the third child is about to give birth.

Cen Jing and Cen Jing are making preparations before giving birth. After all, their due date is approaching.

However, their bellies are very big, and their movements are becoming more and more inconvenient, so they can only do what they can.

They collected a large amount of coconuts and made coconut wine. Li Kui used coconut wine to distill the alcohol, which was enough for use.

The remaining coconut wine is for drinking.

After all, Island Mountain is boring and doesn't offer much entertainment.

If it weren't for the company of his three wives, Li Kui would have felt like he was going crazy.

However, Li Kui became nervous when he thought about the upcoming child.

He not only wants to ensure the nutrition of his wife, but also the health of his children.

Fortunately, before sailing, he had prepared a lot of children's clothes and supplies in the cabin, as well as some baby medicine.

These are all safeguards.

However, he still had to return to a civilized society to raise his three children. Otherwise, they would most likely die young, which Li Kui could not accept.

Just as Li Kui was counting the days, Cen Jing's voice came, "Husband, come back quickly, the third child's amniotic fluid has broken!"

Li Kui was startled and immediately ran back.

Soon, he heard the third child's cry of pain.

The second brother was holding her hand, "Don't be nervous, take a deep breath, while you still have the strength, eat more to replenish your strength.

When you give birth to a baby later, you have to use more force.

Husband, hurry up and prepare hot water, get the scissors for cutting the umbilical cord, and prepare iodine and alcohol.

The children's clothes are also ready. "

"Okay, I'll get ready right away." Li Kui was already in disarray at this time. The third child was in poor physical condition. He was worried about whether the third child could support the master. What would he do if he was exhausted?
Do I need a caesarean section?

He has only read some books and has no practical experience at all.

Cen Jing saw her husband's panic and said, "Don't worry, if it is really dangerous, I will use the knife. No matter what, I will ensure the safety of their mother and son."

Li Kui nodded, then brought hot water, prepared alcohol and a small amount of iodophor, and then gauze and children's clothes.

As the third child's pain became more severe and the labor pains became shorter and shorter, Cen Jing said: "Quick, prepare to deliver the baby. The ten fingers have been opened, so it's time to give birth."

Li Kui was also nervous and sweating on his forehead, "Don't worry, we are all here."

"Okay, don't cause trouble here and get out first!" the old man said.

Cen Jing also said: "No, he has to stay here to help. Moreover, when the children are born later and there is no one to help, what will happen? He has to learn how to deliver babies."

Li Kui took a deep breath and then said: "It's okay, I can hold on."

He had killed countless enemies on the battlefield, but at this moment he could not see his wife's blood. His face was ashen and he felt very distressed.

It turns out that it is so dangerous for a woman to give birth. "Hurry up, the child's head is coming out." Cen Jing said: "You have to work hard and don't stop, otherwise you will be in trouble when you are exhausted. Hurry up!"

"Oh, it hurts!" the third child cried loudly.

"Don't cry. Hold back your tears. Once you cry, all your strength will be gone. Grit your teeth and work hard. Hurry up!" Cen Jing said angrily.

At this time, she couldn't let the third child yell and waste her little energy.

She had heard of many pregnant women who died of exhaustion because they didn't know how to save their energy, and then ended up killing one and two others.

This is not the Ming Dynasty, and there are no caesarean sections.

If you make one wrong move, you will lose two lives.

The third child held her breath and her face turned red. She held Li Kui's hand tightly, veins popped up on her forehead, "Ah"

Along with a cry, the third child also felt relaxed all over, and the sharp pain went away as quickly as it came.

"Okay, great, I've given birth. Get the scissors quickly, cut off the expectations and get the placenta out!" Cen Jing said.

The second child and Li Kui were operating in a hurry.

Cen Jing said to Li Kui: "Don't close your eyes, open your eyes and see clearly how I operate. In the future, when I and my second child have children, you must operate it."

Otherwise, our lives and the lives of our children will be in danger. If you don't want your wife to die, cheer up. "

Li Kui gritted his teeth and said, "I understand."

He took the child who was covered in amniotic fluid, then picked up a warm towel and wiped the child's body, "It's a boy, very handsome, just like me!"

Li Kui grinned, but tears flowed out while smiling.

He became a father, he had a son.

Most importantly, the birth of his son brought hope.

"Give the child a name." Cen Jing said while observing the condition of the third child.

"Just call it Li Island!" Li Kui said: "I hope we can leave the island smoothly!"

"That's a good name." The third child smiled weakly. She was really too weak. After saying this, she fell asleep.

The second child was startled, thinking something had happened to her.

After checking her pulse, Cen Jing said, "She's just too tired. Let her have a good rest. Make chicken soup and drink it when she wakes up." '

There are not only goats and wild boars on the island, but also pheasants.

These things are all great supplements.

Li Kui caught a lot of them.

He reluctantly handed the child to Cen Jing, and then happily went to kill the chicken.

Soon, he made chicken soup. This chicken soup was boiled with pure coconut milk, and ginseng was added to it, which was very tonic.

After the third child woke up and drank two bowls, she also regained some strength.

"Sister, thank you. If it weren't for you, I'd be afraid."

"Thank you no matter what, we are all a family. When my due date is next month, I will have to rely on you to help me!" Cen Jing touched her head, "What you have to do now is to do a good job in confinement and raise children." Good health. It is said that confinement is a woman’s second chance to grow. Maybe you can correct your frailty. "

"That's right, I've prepared a lot of good things, and I guarantee that you and the child will be well raised." Li Kui held the child in his arms and assured his wife.

After hearing this, the third child smiled and said: "You should also leave some for the two sisters!" (End of Chapter)

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