big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2113 Drifting 6

"Don't worry, there are more than enough for me to fight. In short, no matter what, you won't be short of food." Li Kui said.

He was grateful for his plan to come to the island. If he were still on the ship now, he wouldn't be able to cope with it now.

But now there is no need to worry. They have a solid cave, which is spacious and bright, and can protect them from wind and rain. No matter how the sea wind roars outside, it cannot blow them at all.

Not only that, they also have a large bed that is soft and can accommodate a family, making it very comfortable to sleep on.

They have more than a dozen goats, more than 20 wild boars, more than 30 pheasants, and a pond of seafood.

There are wild fruits everywhere, so don’t worry about vitamins.

There are also potatoes, a nutritious staple food, available for them to eat.

Although there are not many medicines, there is no need to worry about some common diseases in the past year or two.

Cen Jing also has some medical skills and can identify some medicinal herbs. While she can still move around, she has prepared a lot so that she can use them in critical moments.

He put the child down and said, "No, it's still too little. I want to hunt more pheasants."

There were enough goats and wild boars, one of which was enough for their family to eat for many days, but there was no need for too many pheasants, one for a day, and these were simply not enough.

Three wives, at least ninety should be prepared.

There should be enough pheasants on the island.

If you can't eat them all, you can raise them and let them breed. This kind of pheasant has a strong reproductive ability, and maybe you can eat pheasant eggs in the future.

Li Kui picked up his gun and ran outside.

The second child said: "He's as if he's been given a shot of chicken blood now, and he's all energetic."

"All this is because of this child." Cen Jing looked at Li Dao, "By the way, the child doesn't have a nickname yet. How about giving him a nickname?"

"Just call him Goudan!" said the third child: "It's easy to make a living with a bad name. We are on the island now and don't know when we can leave. I hope he can grow up healthy."

"Then let's call them Goudan." Cen Jing had no objection. In fact, except for wealthy families in their hometown, ordinary people in their hometown named their children very casually.

Soon, Li Kui came back from hunting a dozen pheasants, put all the live ones into the chicken coop, and slaughtered the dead ones on the spot.

The family ate with mouth watering. They didn't look like they were in trouble at all, but they looked like they were here to enjoy life and travel.

After more than half a month, the second one started.

Li Kui was not as panicked as before. Although he was still clumsy, he was no longer nervous.

The second child was in good physical condition, and it only took an hour for the baby to come out.

It was a daughter, she was pink and tender, and Li Kui couldn't put it down.

She named the child Li Rui and her nickname was Xinxin.

With two children, Li Kui is even more motivated.

He felt that these two children were gifts given to him by God, so he liked them very much.

However, the most difficult thing is when the children wake up at night.

Fortunately, the nutrition is sufficient, so there is no need to worry about the child not having enough food.

Even more than can be used up.

Another half month later, the third child was born. Perhaps because of eating well and sleeping well, she actually felt better than before.

However, on this day, Cen Jing took action.

Everyone is busy.

Fortunately, everything was safe.

He also gave birth to a son.

Li Kui named him Li Xiang, and his nickname was Tiezhu.

So far, all three children have landed safely.

Except Cen Jing and the second child are both in confinement, the third child is taking care of the three children as much as possible so that they can have more time to rest.

However, Cen Jing may have a physical problem and lack of financial resources, so he often asked Tie Zhu to borrow food from his second and third mothers.

Fortunately, they are enough.

Li Kui is trying every means to improve the quality of life of his family. In order for Cen Jing and Lao Er to have a good confinement period, Li Kui built two separate rooms next to the cave for them to rest.

When the child is not hungry, he sleeps in the cave while the third child watches.

When you're hungry, pick her up and feed her.

The children are very successful and thrive, and all of them are white and fat.

The three girls also feel sorry for Li Kui. They basically raise him single-handedly and don't let him stay up late at night. After all, Li Kui now has to do almost all the menial work and cook.

After finally surviving until everyone was out of confinement, Cen Jing and the three of them discussed taking turns taking care of the children. When they were free, the other two would assist Li Zhao in his work.

Although Li Zhao disagreed, he couldn't win over them, so he acquiesced.

Li Zhao looked at the date on the stone, "We have been living on the island for three months, and we haven't found a ship passing by yet. Have they given up on this route?"

"Don't think too much. It's winter now. I think there should be merchant ships passing by here soon." Cen Jing comforted.

In fact, these days, when they have nothing to do, they will stare at the sea.

This stare lasted for three months. Apart from wind waves and seabirds, there was not even a trace of a ship on the sea.

To be honest, not only Li Kui was desperate, they were also a little desperate.

Especially now that they have children, only by returning to a civilized society can their children have a future.

So these days, Li Kui is building ships.

He cut down the wood and left it on the beach to dry out in the sun.

Then fix it around the boat to increase the boat's ability to withstand wind and waves.

Moreover, you can carry more supplies.

Have more places to move.

Li Kui didn't want to take risks, but they couldn't sit still and wait for death if there was no ship.

He calculated the time and realized that it would take at least a year to build a ship.

And this year, he had to work non-stop.

He didn't have the tools at hand, so he could only use mortise and tenon structures to connect them and fix them with wooden nails.

Soon, a framework was put in place.

Afraid of instability, he used ropes made from tree bark to fix the joints and wrap them around several times before continuing the construction.

For Li Kui, this is not a useless effort. Even if there are ships in the future and he doesn't need them, he can still leave them on the island for use by those who come after him.

This is the driving force that supports him. People cannot have no hope, otherwise, they will be numb puppets.

Li Kui looked at the wall again. This was the fourth month since he came to the island, and the eighth month since they left the Black Dragon Division.

In a few months, it will be a year since they left the Black Dragon Division.

One year is enough to change a lot.

He didn't know if those people from the Black Dragon Division had succeeded.

I don’t know if those people in Qianzhou have already taken action.

But Li Kui just wants to leave here.

Just then, he heard a loud noise.

At that moment, the ax in his hand fell, and he looked at the big ship slowly approaching on the sea in disbelief.

He was shaking with excitement.

"The boat is a big boat. Quick, make a fire!"

Li Kui always had a pile of firewood beside him, and he was always ready.

He hastily lit a bonfire and covered it with a large number of leaves.

Then billows of smoke rose into the sky.

He stood on the beach and kept shouting, "I'm here, here" (End of Chapter)

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