big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2114 Escape

Inside the cave, the three Cen Jing girls were also excited, "Look, it's a big ship!"

They saw Li Kui lighting up the smoke, but it was daytime and the sea breeze was strong. Although the smoke was large, it was scattered.

This made Li Kui extremely anxious, and he kept collecting firewood in an attempt to make the smoke even bigger.

"Don't go, look here!" Li Kui was particularly excited.

He was yelling and adding firewood to the campfire.

Unfortunately, the ship was too far away from them, and his little voice was quickly covered up by the sound of waves and howling wind.

The three Cen Jing girls rushed to Li Kui's side with the child in their arms. The four of them shouted in unison, making the child cry in fright.

But the ship had no intention of stopping.

Li Kui knelt on the ground in despair, his eyes empty, "Don't go, don't go, there is someone here!"

The three girls also cried. If the ship leaves, no one knows when they will encounter it next time.

Maybe it's three months, maybe half a year, maybe a year.

By then, I'm afraid it will be too late, right?
Li Kui laughed at himself, "I worked hard, but the result is that it's not useless!"

Cen Jing sniffed and held back her tears, "At least, we survived. Li Yan and others are trying to rebel, and they are definitely trying to do something wrong.

The great unification of tomorrow is the general trend and no one can stop it.

If we are still there, we will definitely suffer.

Even if we can't go back, it doesn't matter, as long as our family is safe and healthy.

We raised our children on this island, and a ship would always find us. "

"Yes, husband, you are our backbone. If even you fall, what will happen to us and our children?"

"That's right. Although our family is poor here, we still have enough food and clothing. We won't have the worries of the outside world, right?"

Li Kui took a deep breath to dispel the sadness in his heart, but at this moment, he found that the giant ship actually slowed down.

Looking carefully, a small boat was lowered from the giant ship, and the small boat was quickly approaching the island.

Li Kui's breath froze, and then he was overjoyed, "It's a boat, it, it, it stopped. Look, there is a speedboat approaching us quickly. We are saved, we are saved!"

The three women all looked in the direction Li Kui pointed, and there was indeed a speedboat approaching quickly.

"Great, we are saved!"

Li Kui stood up and jumped hard to let the people on the boat see more clearly.

Soon, the speedboat approached the shore, but everyone on the speedboat had guns. Looking at Li Kui and others, they all looked wary, "Who are you and why are you on this island?"

They spoke the official dialect of the Ming Dynasty, and the clothes they wore were printed with the dragon flag of the Ming Dynasty. As expected, this was a ship with an official name.

"I am Li Kui, a cadre with experience in New South Road. The court replaced a group of people before, but in fact some people did not die, but were detained.

I am one of them.

These are my wives. I took them to escape here from Xinnan Road. Can you send us back to Daming? After this is done, we will be grateful! "Li Kui said.

"Are you a cadre from New South Road?"

"Yes!" Li Kui said half truthfully, because he didn't know where this official ship came from and who was in charge.

If there happens to be someone from the Li family here, what he says next may very well bring death to him, so he must first find out the situation of the other party. "Is there any proof?"

"Yes, this is my ID!" Li Kui handed over the ID.

After a person checked it, "It is indeed a cadre who went to Xinnan Province for training."

"Come on, come up!"

Li Kui was extremely excited and carefully put his wife on the boat. As for the supplies in the cave behind him, it was no longer important.

The third child was still a little reluctant, "I really want to take all those supplies away."

"No, such a big ocean-going ship will definitely not lack food for us. They are still official ships and will definitely do their best to help us." Cen Jing said.

Li Kui had been asking people around him about the situation. After asking, he found out that it was a giant ship from Gaozhou and belonged to Gaozhou Yamen.

There is the base camp of the Qin Clan and the area with the largest number of Qin Clan supporters.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

But after getting on the ship, the crew and captain of the ship came over.

What surprised Li Kui was that the captain's surname was also Qin. After asking, he found out that he was also from the Qin tribe.

"Hello, I am Qin Chuyu. I will report your situation to Gaozhou now!" Qin Chuyu said.

"Well, Captain Qin, can you contact Tokyo or Xijing directly? I have some important news to report here." Li Kui said.

"what news?"

"I can't say until I contact them, this matter affects many people." Li Kui said, even if Qin Chuyu was from the Qin tribe, he did not dare to take it lightly.

Qin Chuyu frowned, "I can only report it level by level. Can you give me a rough idea of ​​what's going on?"

"No, and please don't expose my existence when you contact me, and don't mention that I escaped from Xinnan Road." Li Kui said sincerely: "Please, you are from the Qin tribe, you should have something to do Contact the top brass of the Qin clan, right?"

Qin Chuyu looked at Li Kui and said, "Okay, I'll try my best."

Immediately, he asked someone to take Li Kui and others to rest.

"Captain, these people have unknown origins, so be careful!"

"No, their identity is indeed correct. They are the New South Road cadres who were killed." Qin Chuyu took out a newspaper by mistake, "Look, there are their photos on it. Is this Li Kui exactly the same as in the photo?" ?”

"It's really him!" The crew members were all curious.

Qin Chuyu said: "The outside world thought they were dead, but they didn't expect that he was still alive. Not only was he alive, but he also brought three pregnant women across the river and sea from New South Island to come here. You should understand how difficult it is to be able to live and wander. At this point, they are lucky.

But what could happen that would make them desperate to escape? "

Qin Chuyu is the first generation of the Qin clan, and he is seven or eight generations separated from the Youzi generation.

It's pitiful to be a junior in the clan.

However, the Qin Clan has a training plan. As long as a Qin Clan member shows outstanding abilities, the Qin Clan Foundation will focus on training them.

He had good academic performance since he was a child. Because he was very interested in sailing, he passed the training program and became the captain of this giant ship at a young age.

He was keenly aware that Li Kui was not simple, and there must be a huge secret hidden behind it.

Thinking of this, he came to the cockpit and sent a telegram to Xijing! (End of chapter)

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