big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2115 The irritable Qin Youde!

This place is closer to Xijing, and the Qin people are all over the world. After so many years of multiplication, they have grown from a few thousand people to millions.

There are many talents in the clan.

As satellites were launched into space, it became easier for them to communicate and sending telegrams became more convenient.

Soon, news came back from Xijing Pier.

Qin Chuyu asked people to guard here, and then found Li Kui, "Brother Li, I have contacted Xijing. Can you tell me what the secret is now?"


Seeing Li Kui's hesitation, Qin Chuyu said again: "I am from the Qin clan and you are from the Li clan. I won't mention the origins of our two clans.

I also know very well what the current situation is in New South Island.

The secret you mentioned must have something to do with those people in New South Road.

I think it's nothing more than rebellion, or they made some evil plan against Ming Dynasty, right? "

Seeing that the other party guessed the key in just a few words, Li Kui laughed at himself and said, "Yes, you are right, it is true, but what I am about to say is too shocking and involves too many people."

"You're talking about Mr. Li, right?"

Li Kui looked at Qin Chuyu with complicated eyes, "Are all Qin people so smart?"

"It seems that I guessed it right!" Qin Chuyu smiled and suddenly became serious. When it comes to the Li clan, it is not a trivial matter. No wonder Li Kui is so nervous.

"There are only two of us here, you can rest assured to tell me." Qin Chuyu said.

Li Kui took a deep breath, "Then let's start from the beginning!"

Twenty minutes later, Qin Chuyu said with complicated eyes: "This matter involves too large an area and we cannot contact the dock. I want to contact the clan directly and ask the adults in the clan to report it.

You did the right thing. If you had not escaped, the Li family would most likely have been completely wiped out.

You also know that Li Anxiang took away so many Li clan members from Longyou, and there was a mass killing in the country.

The Supreme Emperor missed his old friendship and did not take action. He only killed some of the masterminds and let others go.

Those people are still living well until now.

The Supreme Emperor was merciful, but he also used up his old feelings for Mr. Li.

If you are cleaning up things behind my back, this matter will definitely be blamed on all the Li clan members.

It's hard to say whether the Supreme Emperor will miss his old love this time.

One mistake and the entire clan could be wiped out.

You have to understand that now the people of the Ming Dynasty live and work in peace and contentment, and the officials govern the Ming Dynasty. There is no better era than this.

Moreover, when Daming took over the baton from Daqian, it was a peaceful handover without too many killings.

Do they have to be killed completely before the ambition of those people will disappear? "

Li Kui said in a low voice: "So, I escaped, but I guess it will be difficult for me to cleanse myself of the sins I have committed.

It doesn't matter if I die, but I don't want the innocent people in my clan to die. "

How many people are there in the Li clan?

No less than the Qin people.

How innocent those people are.

"If you make up for it, you will be fine, and you are not bad at heart. I can see it." Qin Chuyu said, "I will report it to the clan right away."

He patted Li Kui on the shoulder and left quickly.

Soon, he contacted the clan, but the person he contacted was the Xijing Qin clan.

At this moment, Qin Youde has retired. Although he has not taken over the position of clan leader like his father, he is still the elder of the clan and controls the character of the clan members.

He is extremely strict. The rules of the Qin clan were still the same back then, and they have not changed to this day.

This also leads to the fact that the Qin people behave in a low-key manner, and very few people use their identities as Qin people to bully the weak with guns.

Because, once discovered, not only will they be expelled from the Qin clan, but they will also be severely punished.

After being punished by clan law, they must also be punished by national law. Very few people can survive the double blow.

I have dealt with a lot of people over the years, so this has made many people fear the clan law from the bottom of their hearts.

It is precisely because of this harshness that the Qin people are better and more self-disciplined from generation to generation.

"Uncle, there is news from the sea!"

Qin Youde is not young anymore. He is more than ten years older than Qin Mo, and he is close to eighty now.

He was still a little deaf, "Ah, your wife has given birth?"

"No, it's news from the sea. It's the Gaozhou No. 2 giant ship. The captain is Qin Chuyu, a junior of our Qin clan. He has activated the emergency communication within the clan." The man had to stand in Qin Youde's ear. said.

"Oh, it turns out he's a junior boy." Qin Youde nodded, but when he heard the emergency communication, he was stunned. "Did he encounter some danger at sea and ask for help from the clan?"

"No, he sent an encrypted telegram. I will have someone decipher it in front of you!" the person said.

"Encrypted telegram?" Qin Youde frowned. Generally speaking, emergency communications are simple and clear, stating their needs straightforwardly.

Encrypted telegrams will never be sent via emergency communications.

There is only one thing in this situation, and that is that the other party has encountered something big and doesn't want too many people to know about it.

Because the telegram will pass through the hands of several people, if it is an encrypted telegram, it will be sent to Qin Youmo as soon as possible after printing it.

And it had to be translated in front of him.

Because the content of the telegram was very long, the translation work took almost an hour, and the full text was almost more than a thousand words.

"Uncle, something big has happened. Look quickly!" The man handed over the translated emergency report.

Qin Youde also put on his reading glasses immediately and started to read carefully.

After reading it, he almost stopped jumping, "I know that those people in the Li family are determined to destroy our Ming Dynasty.

The Emperor treated them so well, gave them the best, and kept thinking of old friendships. How many opportunities did he give them?

They actually dared to jump out and cause trouble. "

After cursing, he added: "Are you sure there is no translation error?"

"They are all translated according to the book, and there will definitely be no mistakes. However, it remains to be discussed whether what this little guy said is true!"

"I'm going to see His Majesty right now. Remember, this matter will be classified as the highest secret in the clan. If you reveal even a single word, you are the only one I will ask!"

"It's the uncle clan!"

Qin Youde took the secret report and the translated content and hurried to Fengtian Hall.

At this time, Tianxin was reviewing the memorial.

After being emperor for six or seven years, he never had a day off.

No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't imitate his father's cool and freehand style.

If it is a father, he can work for one or two hours in the morning, and the rest of the time is his own.

There will be as much work as oneself.

"Your Majesty, King De is here!"

"Oh? Uncle King De is here. Please invite him in!" Tianxin put down the memorial in his hand. Qin Youde was a rare visitor and rarely entered the palace on weekdays.

Soon, Qin Youde came in, "Your Majesty, I have something important to report!" (End of Chapter)

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