big dry son-in-law

Chapter 217 Boldness!

Chapter 217 Boldness!

Li Yue actually didn't know what was going on. Before coming, Qin Mo didn't even let it slip.

"Idiot, can you really find out?"

"Don't worry, we can definitely find out!" Qin Mo snorted: "If these guys don't reach out here, I'll stand on my head and pee!"

"But, that's three years' worth of accounts!"

"Okay, just help me. Didn't you take the statistical form from me last time? This time, I'm teaching you how to calculate the accounts. From now on, I guarantee that no one can fool you!" Qin Mo took a picture. Pat Li Yue on the shoulder.

Not long after, Cheng Dabao and the others came and pulled a cart full of ledgers. Li Yue's scalp went numb.

"Idiot, all the account books for three years are here!"

Qin Mo suddenly felt nostalgic for his previous life, where all the bills could be entered into a computer.

"Okay, bring all the ledgers in, and you guys can come over and do it!"

Qin Mo was not afraid at all. He still had a killer weapon that he had not yet used, and that was Arabic numerals!
First, they were taught how to recognize Arabic numerals, and it took them half an hour to put what they had learned into practice.

Mainly because they all feel weird.

"Idiot, these Qin numbers are really weird!" Li Yong scratched his head fiercely.

"Okay, you can use it if you want. I have agreed. This is about the dignity of my brother. You all should be careful and make sure you don't make any mistakes!" Qin Mo's face was serious, and there were things placed in front of everyone. The short one also has a large number of account books stacked up.

Li Yue didn't say anything. He felt that this Qin number was indeed more useful and could save a lot of effort.

The next step is to set up separate accounts and calculate them one by one. Qin Mo will not do this kind of thing, he can just supervise it.

Soon, Qin Mo discovered the clues. Three years ago, salt cost 450 yuan per pound. Two years ago, it was 550 yuan. This year, it was [-] yuan!
The rate of inflation is faster than a rocket ride.

Qin Mo opened Qin's Haidilao and knew this area very well. The best salt he used was only [-] yuan per pound.

Will the Ministry of Accounts purchase the best?Isn’t that nonsense!
Qin Mo also knows how to purchase meat, chickens, ducks and geese. The average purchase price is two or three levels higher than what is available in the market.

Every time he found something wrong, Qin Mo would copy it down and then write down the market price.

If you purchase in large quantities, there will definitely be discounts, and there will be a lot of money in the middle.

People like these in the Department of Finance are having a bad time, crying and shouting that they have no money, while doing all kinds of greed.

There was no balance every year, and they couldn't even pay out their salaries. They didn't make any fuss, and they all ate to their fullest in private.

"These people are simply lawless!"

Qin Mo looked at the copied catalog and gritted his teeth!

"Idiot, what did you find?" Li Yue asked.

Qin Mo took a deep breath and looked at Li Yongmeng and others, "You all, look at this!"

Li Yongmeng and others looked at the catalog copied by Qin Mo and were furious, "These people are so audacious!"

Li Yue was also furious, "The palace is frugal on food and clothing, and the queen even brought the harem textiles to make money, but they are extremely greedy, and thieves at the border are knocking on the door. The soldiers are almost unable to pay their salaries. They still cry about poverty every day. Where do they come from?" Face!"

"Don't argue for now, Yongqiang, Dabao, Xiao Dou, the three of you go home first and ask your father if he is involved in this matter. Those who are involved will vomit out as much as they eat.

If so, don't participate in it in the future. You can't make enough money, but making money from the court is digging your own roots. " Qin Mo said.

Li Yongmeng said: "My father would definitely not do such a thing!" "Neither would my father!" The two brothers Cheng Dabao also said categorically.

Dou Yiai scratched his head, "Although my family can't be said to be poor, it's not rich either. My father will definitely not do such a thing!"


Qin Mo nodded. The hands of those leading soldiers should not be that long, otherwise his cheap father-in-law would have taken action long ago.


Several people worked hard to check the accounts, and just then, Li Yushu came.

Qin Mo asked in confusion: "What are you doing here?"

Li Yushu said coldly: "Can't I come to Badi's place to take a look?"

"No, I'm checking accounts and working. No one else is allowed in!" Qin Mo said.

"My father asked me to come here for inspection!" Li Yushu said angrily: "Does it mean that even my father's words don't work?"

Qin Mo curled his lips, "Okay, don't say anything, it will affect other people!"

Li Yushu finally let go of her grudge. After hearing Qin Mo's words, she almost left in anger, but thinking of the third sister's instructions, she gritted her teeth and said, "Father asked me to come over and help!"

"No need, just leave if you see that you're fine!"

"Father's order, do you think I am really willing to come?" Li Yushu sat next to Li Yue, but looking at Li Yue's account book, he was confused, "Eighth brother, what are you writing here?"

"Seventh sister, this is a unique algorithm taught to us by Hanzi. This is Qin's number. It's actually quite easy." Li Yue explained to Li Yushu in a low voice.

Seeing that Li Yushu was serious about her studies, Qin Mo didn't chase her away. Wouldn't it be faster to have more labor force?

After Li Yushu mastered Qin's numbers, Qin Mo asked someone to bring in a shorter one.

The group of people counted from morning to afternoon, and everyone was dizzy.

Qin Mo asked them to seal up all the calculated accounts. In addition to Li Yushu, Qin Mo also went to Taiji Palace to request an order to let Li Yongmeng and others live in Annan Palace.

They weren't picky either. They made a bed directly in the middle of the hall. The two fireplaces were burning brightly. Several people slept in them without feeling cold.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, go back first!" Qin Mo said to Li Yushu: "If you come again tomorrow, please be early!"

Li Yushu sat with a sore back and her mind was filled with accounts. Qin Mo didn't even say thank you, and suddenly became very angry, "I won't come tomorrow!"

Qin Mo doesn't care, he won't come if he doesn't come, "By the way, I have something to tell you, although saying this is a bit like a villain's heart judging a gentleman's belly!"

"What's the matter?" Li Yushu frowned.

"There are many problems with the accounts found today. Before I release all the accounts, I hope you don't tell anyone. My father-in-law can do it, and my mother can do it, but the Gongsun family can't. You should understand what I mean!"

Li Yushu was furious, "You mean, I will file a complaint against my uncle?"

"I'm just afraid you'll spill the beans!"

"Qin Mo, you are a bastard!"

Li Yushu's eyes immediately turned red, he cursed and ran away angrily!
At this time, Li Yue came over and said: "Idiot, why did you make my seventh sister so angry again? She sat here all day without moving. I can't bear it anymore. She didn't even say "tired", why are you still so angry? She shouldn’t be doing this!”

(End of this chapter)

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