big dry son-in-law

Chapter 218 I’m going to kill them

Chapter 218 I’m going to kill them
Qin Mo scratched his head, "Okay, if I can't get her to come over tomorrow, I'll just tell her I'm sorry!"

Li Yue wanted to say a few words for Li Yushu, but Qin Mo didn't listen at all, "Do you really hate my seventh sister so much?"

"Actually, I can't say that I hate her. I don't like her bad temper. Can't you just talk to me?" Qin Mo sighed, "Okay, don't interfere in the affairs between us. I will handle it myself, even if I can't do it to you. Brother-in-law, we are still brothers!"

After saying that, Qin Mo took off his clothes and got into bed.

This was also the first time for Li Yongmeng and others to stay overnight in the palace, and everyone was a little excited.

Especially Chai Rong, he never dreamed that he would be able to live in the palace one day.

So a few people chatted very happily, and Li Yue also joined them. In fact, these days, he has integrated into them and can be regarded as a member of this small team.

It's a pity that he can't directly say that he wants to fight, otherwise he will definitely scare these people away.

"Fool, fool"

He turned around and saw that Qin Mo was already sleeping and snoring, "Damn, this fool, he just slept when he said he wanted to!"

He sat up and tucked Qin Mo into the quilt. The voices in Annan Palace gradually became quieter, and the wind and snow outside became louder and louder.

On the third day, the group got up.

Empress Gongsun specially rewarded breakfast, and several people finished eating and were full of energy.

Li Yushu walked over with a cold face, and before Qin Mo could speak, he said, "My mother asked me to come, otherwise, I wouldn't come!"

Her eyes were a little swollen, whether from crying or not sleeping well, but Qin Mo looked like they were red from crying.

He also felt a little sorry in his heart, "Well, I said something harsh yesterday, don't take it to heart!"

Li Yushu cried for a long time yesterday, thinking that she would never pay attention to Qin Mo again.

But when I woke up the next day, I couldn't help but come over. When I heard Qin Mo's words, the dam in my heart collapsed instantly.

But she still said arrogantly: "I don't take it to heart at all. You think too much. I can't take the words of a fool to heart!"

Qin Mo didn't bother to talk to her anymore, and then began to settle accounts.

Although there are many large vehicles, they cannot sustain the efforts of several young people working day and night.

Outside, discussions have already started.

"How's their investigation going?"

"What can I do? Nothing was found. Last night, they actually stayed in the Annan Palace. It's outrageous. How can any foreign minister live in the palace?"

Not only people from the household department, but also people from other departments were watching Qin Mo's joke.

Although Li Shilong has been quiet these past two days, he is still slightly uneasy and doesn't know how these children are doing during the investigation.

If you lose this time, don't mention the use of the humble family again in the short term.

"Your Majesty, the empress is here!" Gao Shilian whispered beside Li Shilong.

"Your Majesty, I am here."

"Niannu, it's snowing heavily today, why did you run out again? What if you catch a cold?" Li Shilong quickly stepped forward to help.

"It doesn't matter. The month is still young, so it won't affect your actions. When the month gets older, I will be careful!" Empress Gongsun enjoyed Li Shilong's thoughtfulness very much.

"Yu Shu has been helping Qin Mo settle accounts these two days. Does Your Majesty know?" "Yes!"

"This child doesn't mean what he says. In fact, he still cares about Qin Mo. Now I just don't know what Qin Mo thinks. There was a misunderstanding before. He seems to have a grudge in his heart!" Queen Gongsun said.

"If he dares not be nice to Yu Shu, I'll beat him to death!" Li Shilong snorted.

"Your Majesty, please stop putting pressure on that child now!" Empress Gongsun said: "I heard from Yu Shu yesterday that there are still problems with the account, and they are big problems. Those people are too blatant and go too far. They even cheated. Take my concubine.

Your Majesty, you must punish me severely and make the decision for Qin Mo and Duke Qin. You are too bullying.

I can't bear to scold my son-in-law myself, but they bully me every day! "

"I know it well. After the accounts are settled in one go, I will deal with them one by one so that they can't eat and walk around!" Li Shilong was waiting for Qin Mo to settle the accounts. Although this kid is stupid, he is still very reliable in his words. , I didn’t expect that he actually figured out something!
"Let me tell you, our family Qin Mo is not only great at poetry, but also good at arithmetic, he can also do business, and he is also a good cook. Not to mention a minister of the Ministry of Revenue, he is not a problem even if he is a prime minister.

This means that our Daqian has not set up the position of prime minister, otherwise when Cheng Qian comes up, he will definitely be the mainstay! "

Li Shilong also nodded in agreement, "This kid is too lazy and has no ambition. He only thinks about sleeping, making money, and cooking every day. He doesn't do anything serious. If I don't force him, no one will force him in the future. "

"Your Majesty, it's normal that he is still young, uncertain, loves to play, and loves to be lazy. When he gets married to Yu Shu, he will be more stable in his work!" Anyway, in the eyes of Queen Gongsun, Qin Mo has all the advantages and she likes him. Incredible.

The two were chatting when the palace official announced, "Your Majesty, Madam, Qin Mo wants to see you!"

"Let him in quickly!" Li Shilong said.

"Father-in-law, I figured it out!"

Qin Mo quickly ran into Tai Chi Palace with a stack of paper in his hand, "Queen Mother, you are here too!"

Seeing that Qin Mo's head was covered with snow, Queen Gongsun quickly ran over and helped him sweep away the snow, "You kid, you don't know how to hold an umbrella. You don't know how to wear the cloak that your mother gave you, and your face is red from the cold! "

"It's okay, mother, I'm so skinny!" Qin Mo smiled naively.

Li Shilong asked: "What are you holding in your hand?"

"I found this out. Just take a look and you will know." Qin Mo handed the paper in his hand to Li Shilong.

Li Shilong took it over and took a look. He was a little confused at first, but when he saw the two completely different prices and the price difference, he immediately realized, "Are these price differences something fishy?"

"Yes, father-in-law, many of the things they buy are very poor, and the price is [-]% or more higher than the market price. And if the quantity of these things is large, the discount will definitely be lower, so what I calculated is not final price.

My father-in-law can send someone outside the palace to check the price and we will know. I have calculated that in the past three years, almost 450 million taels have been embezzled by these people.

Where the things were purchased, you will know who has embezzled the money and whose pocket it has flowed into! "

"What?" Li Shilong was shocked by this figure, "450 million taels? One year's worth of taxation for three years?"

You know, Daqian's tax revenue this year is only 500 million taels.

The main reason is that Daqian mainly collects physical goods and relatively little silver.

He and the queen lived frugally and could not even pay out their salaries. He felt guilty and often thought of ways to subsidize them.

Well now, they've all squandered a year's worth of taxes.

Li Shilong was furious, "I'm going to kill them!"

(End of this chapter)

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