Chapter 219
Empress Gongsun also frowned, "These people cry out about poverty every day, but secretly they are full of food. They are really stupid!
I cannot let them go easily! "

Empress Gongsun was also very angry. She scrimped on food and clothing, took everyone in the harem, and made money through textiles, just to reduce the pressure on the treasury.

But no matter what, there are still 2 people in the palace.

The daily expenditure is only 3000 taels. You can’t be full and hungry, right?
More than 400 million yuan is enough for the palace for two years.

"Come here, call Li Cungong, Li Anji, and Li Daoyuan to this palace. If you don't give these people any color, do you think the palace is empty?
All the money I saved through frugality went into their pockets! "

Qin Mo didn't expect Queen Gongsun to react so violently. It was also the first time he saw Queen Gongsun angry.

"Let me handle this matter. You are pregnant now, so you can't get angry easily!" Li Shilong said while winking at Qin Mo.

Qin Mo immediately understood and also advised: "Mother, these people do not need your help. I know you want to support me and vent my anger, but I have lost face and I have to take action myself so that they will not dare to do it in the future." You’re looking down on me!”

"What Qin Mo said makes sense, let us handle this matter!"

The two of them took turns to persuade, and Queen Gongsun finally calmed down, "Okay, I won't get involved in this matter, but I can't just let it go. These people must be punished severely.

The harem does not interfere in politics, but we cannot let them bully us! "

Li Shilong nodded, "Don't worry, I won't make it easy for these people."

Qin Mo couldn't help but said: "Father-in-law, don't you read the account books?"

Li Shilong said with some embarrassment: "I knew they would take some, so I usually turn a blind eye as long as they don't go too far, but I didn't expect them to be so bold!

Moreover, the Account Department allocates money to other departments, and all it gives is the general ledger, without details, so I have no way to investigate! "

Qin Mo finally understood that the root cause was this.

Even if Li Shilong wants details, they will complete the project for him. What Li Shilong can see is what they want to see for Li Shilong.

"These hateful people must be killed!"

Qin Mo said.

"All killed?"

Li Shilong smiled bitterly, "Who will do the job if you kill them all? Although the people from the aristocratic family are greedy, they are knowledgeable. Although the poor family also has talents, they are uneven and have no effect at all in a short period of time.

Moreover, the connections between those aristocratic families are too deep and they will definitely crowd out the children from poor families. This is fine for a short time, but who can bear it after a long time?

Either get out or blend in, this is an endless cycle with no solution! "

"An infinite loop, I don't think so!"

"Do you have any idea?" Li Shilong's eyes lit up.

Empress Gongsun also said: "Qin Mo, my mother knows that you are smart and have the best ideas. Now your father is in trouble. We are a family, so you have to help!"

Qin Mo understood the meaning of Queen Gongsun's words. From father-in-law to father-in-law, he was closer than before.

"Mother, haven't I been helping my father-in-law?" "Yes, yes, my father knows that you have been helping, but this time it is extra important!" Li Shilong also changed his mind.

"Hey, actually there is a way, that is to set up a separate Ministry of Finance. When the taxes are collected, my father-in-law will directly control it!"

"Call Father!" Li Shilong corrected.

Qin Mo nodded reluctantly, "To put it bluntly, I just hold the money bag in my hand, but this money does not mean that my father can use it however he wants. We must clearly distinguish between internal funds and treasury. Internal funds My father can do whatever he wants with the money.

But the treasury is not good. If my father is used to using it, it will be very troublesome if there is a disaster in the local area and he cannot get the money.

And if you develop a habit, future emperors will definitely do the same, and then you will be in big trouble. "

Li Shilong believed that, indeed, if the emperor put money into the treasury, something would definitely happen.

A wise emperor would definitely not do this, but who can guarantee that future generations will have one or two arrogant and lewd masters?
So this head cannot be opened.

"Keep talking, Gao Shilian, pour tea for Qin Mo!" Li Shilong ordered.

Gao Shilian poured tea for Qin Mo and said in her heart: "Our eldest nephew is really capable!"

Qin Mo said thank you to Gao Shilian, and then said: "Whoever wants money in the future must get a detailed list and put the detailed list on the table. If there is no problem after seeing it, my father will approve it!"
But I estimate that these people will definitely drive up the unit prices, but it doesn't matter. A price bureau will be established under the Ministry of Finance to control the unit prices of items in various parts of the capital. There should not be large fluctuations. Once it occurs, it will be profiteers who drive up the prices and they will be directly punished. That's it.

With this price bureau, items and prices in various places have a basis. They are trying to fool around, but that is impossible! "

"Okay, this is a great plan!" Li Shilong was overjoyed. The finances were independent, and the Price Bureau controlled the prices of goods in various places. In this way, the court could regulate and control, and it would not be so easy for them to deceive themselves.

"Father, please don't be happy yet, just listen to what I have to say!" Qin Mo said: "It's not impossible to use a poor family member, but you must have a completely feasible plan.

If there is no plan, it is useless to just call for the help of the poor family. Even if they tolerate it and let their father use it, in a few years, those poor people will become part of the aristocratic family.

Even if some people can maintain their original intention, there may be only a few people who maintain their original intention. "

"You are right, it is too difficult to maintain your original intention." Li Shilong sighed, "Then, do you have any solution for this matter?"

"Well, there is a way!" Qin Mo smiled naively. He wanted to scare people from these aristocratic families and make them tremble when they saw him.

"Good boy, I know you have many ways, tell me what you can do!"

"I can't tell you this method for the time being. I'll talk about it after I work it out!" Qin Mo gave in, but made Li Shilong anxious. "Idiot, don't let me know. Don't you want to worry your father to death?"

"Qin Mo, please stop trying!" Queen Gongsun was also worried.

Qin Mo scratched his head, "Actually, it's nothing. To put it bluntly, it's about education. Children from poor families are too poor to study, and there are no books to study.

Even if there are books to read, it is of no use. Most of them are donated by aristocratic families. Without teaching materials, they can educate them how they want.

For example, if a family that is hostile to Da Qian educates its children to be hostile to Da Qian, do you think these people will serve the court or take revenge on the court when they grow up? "

(End of this chapter)

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