big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2200: Inspiring Generals

Li Wansheng was stunned. "This is inappropriate. She, she is already discussing marriage with someone else!"

"Has her marriage been settled?" Qin Xiangru asked.

"Not yet, but her family forced her to do so. But she..."

Seeing Li Wansheng stuttering, Qin Mo said unhappily, "Is it because someone is waiting for you, but you don't have the courage to go to their house and propose marriage?"

"Who said I don't have the courage to propose? It's really because I'm too poor and the other person's parents look down on me." Li Wansheng said unconvinced.

"Then are you willing to let the girl wait for you?" Qin Xiangru said: "If she can't wait for you, she might really get married. By then, even if you regret it, it will be useless."

Li Wansheng said irritably: "This is a matter between her and me, so please don't interfere."

"What if I insist on intervening?" Qin Xiangru asked, "What can you do to me?"

"I, I can't do anything to you!" Li Wansheng said dejectedly.

“Listen carefully, boy, this is an opportunity, if you really love that girl, you will endure it even if you have to accept our favor.

If you reject our kindness just because you don't want to owe us a favor, then that girl is nothing in your heart and is not as valuable as your face."

"Provoke me!"

"I'm not trying to provoke you. I'm just stating the facts. How cruel is it to let a girl's hopes be dashed?" Qin Xiangru said, "Of course, the decision is in your hands. If you don't want to, just pretend I never mentioned it.

If you want to be alone, we can't force you to do so."

Seeing Li Wansheng's tangled face, Qin Mo couldn't help but said, "Silly boy, you are still tangled here. If you continue to tangle, your beloved girl will get married.

I've heard that the girl is getting engaged today, if you don't go, there will really be no hope."

When Li Wansheng heard this, he could no longer sit still. "She, she compromised?"

"No, I heard her parents locked her in the room and didn't allow her to come out."

"It's a new era now, how can there still be such old-fashioned parents!"

“Although the Ming Dynasty does not believe in the orders of parents or the words of matchmakers, some things are not easy to carry out.

Even if the people below take action, the girl will completely break up with her parents. Is that the result we want?
But if the girl makes the wrong choice in the end, then are we doing good things or being accomplices?"

"This..." Li Wansheng was stunned. This was indeed a difficult problem to solve.

"Are you leaving or not? If you don't leave now, you won't have a chance when we sleep together." Qin Mo said.

Li Wansheng hesitated for a while and said, "Let's go. No matter what, let's try one last time!"

He talked to the old man and then went down the mountain.

At this time, in Taipingfang of the capital city.

This is the old city area of ​​Beijing. The houses are relatively old and the people living here are not very wealthy.

In order to preserve these old buildings, the imperial court deliberately avoided this place when building the new city.

Of course, this place is not backward, but the land price is too high and it cannot be demolished at all, and the local residents are unwilling to relocate.

You know, this place is close to Qianjing Center, located around the Third Ring Road, and the price per square meter is over 50,000.

It’s easy to demolish one or two million.

In the current Ming Dynasty, being a millionaire still has very high gold content.

At this time, the Chen family was holding a wedding. Outside, there was a lot of noise and friends and neighbors came to send their blessings. But in the boudoir, Chen Rui refused to change into new clothes. "Mom, I told you that I will never marry that guy outside." Chen's mother was so angry, "You dead girl, do you have to be so stubborn? Today is such a big day, all the elders are here, do you really want to embarrass us in front of everyone?"

Chen Rui said sadly: "Is my happiness not as good as your face?

My younger brother is not rich, but he will never let me go hungry, and he is a very kind person. "

"What kind of future can Li Wansheng have? Can you enjoy happiness by following him? Why marry a gravekeeper, who is so lifeless? Isn't that unlucky?

He has so many old men to support, let alone you, it’s hard for him to even support himself.

My family has raised you for so long, and you just went to be someone's slave?"

Chen's mother tapped her forehead angrily and said, "Your future husband is a demolisher in the new city. He has seven or eight houses and four or five storefronts. With the rent, you can live the life of a rich lady.

Isn't it better than marrying that poor boy and living as a slave?

They also agreed that when the time comes, the two houses and the two gatehouses will be transferred to your name. Then, you won't have to worry about food and clothing anymore.

The betrothal gift can also be used to find a wife for your younger brother.

You know how much it costs to marry a new daughter-in-law nowadays. All the girls in Beijing are too picky. They won’t even look at a girl who has no house, no car and no career.

You, please be kind and put on your clothes and makeup. If you really can't do it, can I kneel down for you?"

Chen Rui was extremely helpless, "I knew it was like this, saying that he loves me is just to find a wife for his brother.

Are you marrying off your daughter?

You are selling your daughter!"

Mother Chen said angrily: "I raised you to this age, shouldn't you do something for this family?

I tell you, today, you have to get married whether you want to or not.

If you dare to resist, I will go to that poor boy's workplace and cause trouble. Not only will I make him suffer, I will also make him lose his job and leave him to starve."

Chen Rui looked at her angry mother and trembled with anger. "Why do you have to target him?"

Mother Chen crossed her arms and sneered, "I'm not targeting him, you forced me to do it. You want to be someone else's slave instead of enjoying your good life.

You are young and ignorant, and you think love can satisfy you.

But when you grow up, you will definitely regret it.

When you have a child, you can't continue to live in a dormitory on the mountain with those stinky men, right?

Your children have to go to school, and the nearest school is ten miles away.

How can a good child be raised by relying on that poor boy?

I would rather you hate me now than regret it for the rest of my life.

Now, put on your clothes immediately, or I will have to force you."

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and Chen Rui's brother's impatient voice came from outside, "Are you done? What took so long? The procedures outside are almost finished. It's time to go out and meet the relatives and elders.

By then, outsiders will think that our family is uneducated.

Hurry up, Dad is urging you."

Chen Rui got angry when she heard this, "If you have the ability, you can marry a wife. If you don't have the ability, you can stay single. Why should I sacrifice my happiness to fulfill your wish?" (End of this chapter)

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