big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2201 Preferring boys over girls

The door was kicked open.

Soon after, a young man came in angrily from outside, saw Chen Rui, pointed at her nose and said: "Because you are a daughter and I am a son, I will be the head of this family in the future, and I will be your backer in the future, so you have to curry favor with me.

It doesn't matter who you marry. I've found a good family for you.

Although my brother-in-law is married for the second time and has a baby to take care of, he is rich and sincere to others. Although he is a little fat, a man relies on his strength.

My brother-in-law also said that once this thing is done, he will take me to do business.

Then I can become a millionaire too.

When I become rich, won’t our parents’ lives be better?

You can hold your head up high in your husband's family now.

I know you just want to marry that guy.

I tell you, it's impossible.

If you keep talking like that, I'll get someone to break his arms and legs."

"You, you," Chen Rui said angrily, "Do you really have to force me to death before you are satisfied?"

"Silly girl, you did all this for him, but where is he? Does he know? He gave up on you a long time ago!" Seeing that Chen Rui refused to give in, Chen's mother changed her strategy, "If he really had you in his heart, he would have come here by now. It's not worth it for someone like you."

Chen Rui's eyes dimmed.

She couldn't refute this statement.

She wrote many letters to Li Wansheng, but received no reply. She even went to look for him in person, but he avoided her.

Today is the last chance.

If he doesn't come again, perhaps there will be no chance in this life.

"Okay, it's okay for her to go out like this without makeup or new clothes. She is so beautiful, she will look good even in linen clothes." Chen Rui's brother grabbed her and pulled her out the door.

Chen's mother pushed him from behind.

Soon, Chen Rui was pushed out.

"Hey, here comes the bride!"

"It's so pretty."

When people around saw Chen Rui, they couldn't stop praising her, saying that Sina was blessed.

When Chen Rui saw the old man who was ten years older than her, had a big belly and was accompanied by a boy, she almost died of anger.

"Go, that's your bride, go and call your stepmother!" The fat man touched his son's head.

The boy walked up to Chen Rui and said, "You're the one who made my dad spend a million to marry you. You're so expensive! My dad only spends a few hundred yuan each time at the Fragrant Courtyard!"

After these words were spoken, everyone around them looked strange.

The Ming Dynasty no longer allows brothels to open, but there are still some people doing business secretly.

This Fragrance Courtyard is one of the best.

"Don't talk nonsense, kid. I'm just supplying goods to the Fragrance Garden!" The fat man explained to everyone with a smile.

Everyone nodded continuously, "Children are naive and definitely don't understand these things!"

"You are such a decent person, and you have such a big business, how could you possibly patronize the Fragrance House!"

Chen Rui felt sick after hearing this. But the fat man saw that she was very satisfied, and then he took out a big gold bracelet from his arms, "This gold bracelet is my gift to you. If you don't like it, we have more at home. We don't have much of anything at home, but we have a lot of money.

It will all be yours then."

Mother Chen couldn't stop smiling.

Chen Rui's younger brother took the gold bracelet and put it on Chen Rui's hand, "Look how generous my brother-in-law is!"

"No, I don't want it!" Chen Rui refused to accept it no matter what.

"Are you dissatisfied because it's too small? I have a big gold necklace here!" The fat man took out another gold necklace, which was shining brightly and weighed at least one tael.

He walked up to Chen Rui and was about to pull her hand, but Chen Rui dodged him, "Don't touch me!"

The fat man looked unhappy. "We're already engaged, what's there to be embarrassed about? I spent a million and gave you so many gold items, but you didn't even let me touch them. Are you trying to embarrass me on purpose?"

Chen Rui said, "I don't like you, and I don't want to marry you. Take your gift and leave my house!"

The fat man's father slammed the table and said, "Is this the daughter of the Chen family? She took my money and my things, but turned around and ignored me?"

This time, not only the matchmaker was panicked, but even the Chen family was panicked.

"Mr. Chen, please say something." It seemed that the deal was about to be done and the matchmaker's money was about to be received. It was a huge sum of money, tens of thousands of yuan.

Father Chen was also furious, "My dear relatives, I didn't teach my daughter well. Don't worry, since I have accepted your things, my daughter must belong to your family.

If she doesn't marry, I will sever the father-daughter relationship with her and make her lose all reputation. I want to see who dares to marry her in the future!"

“I only believe what I see.”

Chen's father felt embarrassed, so he walked up to Chen Rui and slapped her, leaving a slap mark on her face. "Rebellious daughter, do you have to make me lose face in front of everyone to be happy?"

Chen Rui was extremely sad. "I won't marry. Even if I have to be a nun for the rest of my life, I will never marry this disgusting man!"

The fat man was also furious, "Bitch, who are you calling disgusting? I've played with a lot of people like you. If I had money, I could change them every day.

Damn it, you really think you are a chaste and virtuous woman. Do you think I don’t know that you have been played with by others a long time ago?

I tell you, if you push me too far, your whole family will suffer!"

Chen's mother also kept persuading Chen Rui, and Chen Rui's brother kept apologizing with a smile, "Brother-in-law, don't be angry, she is clean, my mother has checked it, if she is not clean, we will return the money to you without asking for anything!"

The fat man sneered, "Stop talking nonsense, either let her come over and kiss me now, or cancel the engagement. If you, the Chen family, don't give me an explanation today, I'll make you pay!"

Everyone around was silent, especially Chen's relatives, who kept trying to persuade him.

After all, there are many benefits to being a relative of such a rich man.

These people pushed Chen Rui forward, and Chen Rui's brother even pressed her head forward. Just as her mouth was about to touch the fat man's face, a voice suddenly came from outside the door, "Stop it!"

The sound attracted everyone, and everyone looked towards the door at the same time.

Then I saw a tall young man standing there, and behind this young man, there were quite a few people standing.

When Chen Rui's brother saw the person coming, he was also furious. "How dare you, Li Wansheng, come and cause trouble? Today is my sister's big day. Do you want to die?"

As he said that, he rushed forward, but he was restrained by the people behind Li Wansheng in a few moves.

"Ouch, it hurts so much, let me go!" Chen Rui's brother was pressed to the ground, wailing constantly.

"You bastard, let my son go. What do you want to do? You are breaking into a private house. I am going to report you to the police." (End of this chapter)

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