big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2202 Uncle, help me!

Seeing her son in pain, Chen's mother began to threaten him in a timid way.

The Qin Demon raised his hand and the guards released the man.

After letting him go, the kid was still shouting, "If you dare to do this, I won't let you off. Do you know who my brother-in-law is?

You are courting death!"

Qin Mo looked at this guy and suddenly understood why Li Wansheng was unwilling to come over.

Chen Rui couldn't help but shed tears when she saw Li Wansheng. "You're willing to come?"

Li Wansheng was also full of shame, "Rui Er, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

The fat man felt provoked when he saw Li Wansheng, and he flew into a rage, "Who the hell are you? Today is my big day, and you dare to cause trouble?"

Qin Xiangru put his hands behind his back and walked forward. "If the girl doesn't want to marry you, what's the point of forcing her to marry you?"

"You old fool, what do you have to do with this? This is my wife that I spent millions to buy. Don't say I forced her. Even if I beat her, who would dare to say anything wrong?

You think I'll be afraid because there are so many of you, right?
I advise you to leave quickly. If you make me angry, you will suffer the consequences!"

Qin Xiangru shook his head. They were wearing big sunglasses, so no one could recognize them. He said, "Marriage is free now. Even parents cannot interfere too much."

"You old thing, what do you have to do with this?" Mother Chen said angrily: "Besides, this is our family affair, is it your turn to butt in?"

As she spoke, she tapped Chen Rui's head with her hand, "You damned girl, you want to piss me off to death, right? I gave birth to you and raised you for nothing."

Chen's father was even more emotional, picking up a stool and rushing over, "Get out, this is my house, if you dare to force a marriage, I will smash you to death!"

"Don't hurt him!" Qin Mo said.

Soon, several nimble guards hugged him.

Father Chen was imprisoned and was very angry. "Li Wansheng, you are a poor man without a father or a mother, and you dare to come to my house. What qualifications do you have to marry my daughter?

I tell you, even if you really marry my daughter, my Chen family will never recognize you as a son-in-law, so just give up on this idea."

Being without a father or a mother not only hurt Li Wansheng, but also made Qin Mo's face darken.

Li Wansheng opened his mouth and said, "Uncle, I am sincere to Rui'er. Although my job is not decent, I am still supported by the government. Besides, our company has recently increased the salary. I have enough salary to support my family."

"Fuck you, with your little money, you think you can compare with my brother-in-law?" Chen Rui's brother mocked, "That's one million. With your salary, you can't earn that even if you don't eat or drink for 20 years, right?
If my sister marries my brother-in-law, she can avoid decades of detours and live the life of a rich wife earlier.

When I have nothing to do, I play mahjong and do some beauty treatments. It's much better than marrying a pauper like you.

My sister has been bewitched by you.

She doesn’t understand now, but she will definitely be grateful to us in the future.”

Although what these people said was unpleasant to the ear, Li Wansheng was powerless to refute them. Who made him poor?

The fat man crossed his arms and said arrogantly: "Did you hear me? If you know what's good for you, get out of here and don't make yourself miserable here."

People like you should only find someone you deserve.

Don't you even consider your own status? How dare you snatch a woman from me, Wang Baiwan? Are you qualified?"

The people around immediately started to laugh.

It seemed as if he was laughing at Li Wansheng for overestimating his own abilities.

"So what? I just want to marry Li Wansheng, even if I have to eat coarse food, that's my own choice.

But you want to sacrifice my happiness and find a wife for this prodigal son, I will never agree to it even if I die. You can threaten me with death, and I can die too.

At worst, one life for another, I will pay you back what I owe you!" Chen Rui struggled hard, but still failed to break free.

Li Wansheng clenched his fists, angry at his own incompetence.

Chen Rui's love is as precious as gold. If he hadn't come, he would have watched her get married and would never forgive himself even if he died.

For the first time, he looked at Qin Mo for help, "Uncle, help me!"

Qin Mo nodded, then stepped forward and said, "One million, right? I'll give you two million, and this girl can marry my nephew!"

When these words were spoken, everyone around was stunned.

The fat man couldn't help laughing. He knew Li Wansheng and knew that he didn't have much family background. "What are you bragging about? If this guy had so much money, would he be guarding a tomb on the mountain?
Boy, I'm telling you, I know your leader. If you don't get out of here, I'll make sure you don't even have a job!"

Qin Mo shook his head. "Can you shut up? You don't even have the awareness of doing business. Don't you know that the one who bids the highest gets the upper hand? If you can't afford it, then don't talk nonsense!"

The fat man sneered, "I can't afford it? I can give him several houses and storefronts in my house. Do you know how much they are worth? At least three to five million. Counting the betrothal gifts and gold items, that's six to seven million."

"So, has your house been transferred?"

"I said, we'll transfer the ownership once we get the certificate." The fat man sneered.

"Well, I have some assets here, three villas, a manor, ten shops, two million in cash, and gold items."

Qin Mo clapped his hands, and then someone came in carrying several large boxes.

"Here are two million, count them yourself!"

The box was opened, revealing neatly stacked banknotes.

Everyone present was confused.

The fat man was also dumbfounded.

Even Chen's father stopped talking.

Wang Baiwan's father sneered: "Who knows whether this is real money or fake money?"

"Little brother, giving counterfeit money is a crime. Do you think I would take the risk?"

"Who are you calling little brother? You have no manners. I can be your father, and you call me little brother?"

Qin Mo did not explain. Wang Baiwan was only about sixty years old, indeed not as old as him. So he was right to call him "little brother".

Chen Rui was staring blankly at the money on the ground. The relatives around him were all drooling. They had never seen so much money in their lives.

Chen Rui's brother didn't dare to shout anymore, "Well, even if the money is real, who knows if it came from a legitimate source!"

"My money is not legitimate, but this fat guy's money is legitimate?" Qin Mo shook his head and asked someone to open a few other boxes, which were filled with all kinds of gold items, each one more luxurious than the other.

The gold bracelet that Wang Baiwan took out is the youngest of the younger brothers.

When everyone saw it, they gasped, "Oh my god, so much gold!"

Wang Baiwan was not stupid either. He reacted at this moment and looked at Qin Mo. "Who are you? Can you tell me your name?"

"You just need to know that this boy is my nephew. As for who I am, that's not important." Qin Mo said calmly: "Let's go. I won't pursue what you said before!" (End of this chapter)

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