big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2203 Buying Out Relationship

"My nephew is in love with this girl, and I don't mean to ruin your happiness. If she was willing, we wouldn't be here at all."

Qin Mo was not willing to use his power to pressure others, but to make the matter clear, "I will compensate you three times for all the expenses here.

Do you agree or not? "

"Bah! Does our family care about that little bit of money?" Wang's father cursed, "You have lost our Wang family's face, don't even think about having an easy life!"

Wang Baiwan's face was uncertain, and he immediately pulled his father and said, "Dad, that's enough. I accept this matter. I agree to your conditions."

Everyone around was stunned, not understanding why Wang Baiwan gave in so easily.

Even Chen's father was anxious, "Son-in-law, you, you."

"Don't call me son-in-law. Since she doesn't want to marry me, let's take all her things away." Wang Baiwan urged his family to pack up.

Soon, he left with the father and son.

After they left, Wang's father asked angrily, "What are you afraid of them doing?"

Wang Baiwan smiled bitterly, "Dad, come on, we can't afford to offend that man."

"What's his background?"

“I saw his people had guns. They were able to carry guns for protection in Tokyo. Is this kind of person something that people like us can offend?

They were reasonable and didn't argue with us. They gave us triple the compensation and we let the matter go.

Let’s not even think about looking for anyone.

It's useless to find someone like this."

Wang Baiwan pointed at the car and said, "Look at that car. It looks very ordinary, but in fact, it was custom-made by the imperial court. Only officials above the third rank can ride it. Think about it, a third rank official, is that someone we can afford to offend?"


Wang's father was stunned and began to get scared. "Then I just scolded them, won't..."

"No, this kind of person won't bother with us common people." Wang Baiwan sighed, "This time, we are just unlucky. Let's go back and keep a low profile in the future to avoid any disaster!"

In fact, there are some details he didn't mention, which is that the two men wearing sunglasses look very similar to the people on the banknotes.

He didn't dare to think, and couldn't even think.

And the man reminded himself not to ask about his identity, perhaps he was reminding himself.

Thinking of this, he broke out in a sweat and drove away in a hurry.

As soon as Wang Baiwan left, Qin Mo said, "Now that he's gone, can we sit down and talk?"

"Boss, what do you say?"

Father Chen looked unhappy, and then snorted coldly: "You have angered my son-in-law away, what is there to talk about.

Also, you have ruined my daughter's reputation. If you don't give me an explanation today, I will never let you go!"

"That's easy!" Qin Xiangru swaggered and sat down in his seat, "Come on, sit down and talk."

Those people also let go of Chen Rui.

Li Wansheng also rushed over immediately, "Rui Er, I'm sorry for making you suffer."

Chen Rui just kept hitting him, "I almost married someone else. If you hadn't come, I would have hated you for the rest of my life!"

Li Wansheng felt ashamed and said, "It's my fault!"

Chen Rui's brother was so stunned by the money and gold items on the ground that he couldn't move his feet. He found a pair of scissors from somewhere and started to verify the authenticity of the gold items.

After Qin Mo took his seat, he asked someone to bring the property certificate and the car keys. "This is the property certificate. If you don't believe it, go and handle the transfer now. The locations of these properties are all good. There are some in the old city and some in the new city. The value should be more than 10 million.

There is also a car here, it’s not expensive, only about one million.

Just think of me as an elder giving my child some blessings. I don’t know if this is enough!”

Father Chen looked at the thick stack of birth certificates and couldn't take his eyes off them. "This..."

Mother Chen also swallowed hard, "Are you really Li Wansheng's uncle?"

"My real uncle, not my cousin!" Qin Mo said, "Our child doesn't want to rely on family connections, he wants to be self-reliant, and our family has many rules, we don't allow children to show off outside.

If it weren't for this incident, we wouldn't have come forward.

The two children are very close to each other, and as their parents, we don’t want them to miss each other.”

All the relatives of the Chen family were drooling.

So much money, such a wealthy relative, and it’s obvious that he’s not a simple person.

If you curry favor with someone, won't you be successful in the future?

They all wished that Li Wansheng was interested in their own daughters.

Father Chen took out his pipe and started smoking. "You can agree to it, but you have to find a stable job for my son."

"Dad!" Chen Rui was anxious, "Aren't you forcing me?"

Qin Mo raised his hand, "It's a small matter, it can be solved with just one sentence, but, this is the only chance, I will not care about it in the future."

"Don't agree so quickly. I haven't finished yet. This job needs high pay, little work, many benefits, plenty of rest, and a future." Chen's father opened his mouth loudly.

The people around were all shocked when they heard this. You are not marrying your daughter, you are making a wish.

They gave so much real estate as a betrothal gift and promised to find a stable job for your son, but you still think it’s not enough.

To be honest, with such conditions, what girl can't he marry?

Does it have to be yours?
Chen Rui's appearance is indeed outstanding, but she is not to the extent of being stunningly beautiful. She just stands out among ordinary people.

Li Wansheng was also a little anxious.

Qin Mo said, "It's a small matter. There is a position in a cultural unit. It's easy to do and pays well. It's a formal job. The future is good. Of course, there is no guarantee of promotion. It depends on his hard work."

Qin Mo would never put him in any lucrative position, and would never give him any power.

Just let him retire in his vacant position.

"That's what you said. If you lie to me, I won't marry you!"

"I've given you tens of millions, would I still lie to you?" Qin Mo shook his head, "But I've also agreed that after I give you the money, this girl will be part of our family from now on, so you don't need to butt in on me anymore, okay?
If you can't do it, forget it.

With my child's conditions, it would be easy for him to marry the daughter of a high-ranking official, let alone a princess.

And the relationships in my family are beyond your imagination.

If you ask for too much, our family will want this child, and you won't have any temper at all!"

Father Chen looked unhappy, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Wang Baiwan didn't even dare to run away, which shows how powerful this man is.

Anyone who can easily come up with so many assets must be at least a billionaire.

There are only advantages and no disadvantages to doing business with a billionaire.

"Okay, from now on, Rui'er will be your family member, and our family will never ask any questions." Father Chen said, "But I want to transfer the ownership and deposit the money in the bank now."

"Please!" Qin Mo gestured, "Accompany them to do the work."

When Chen Rui heard what her father said, she was completely disappointed. (End of this chapter)

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