big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2208 Backhand

The next day, Qin Mo received bad news again. Murders broke out again in many places.

Moreover, the word "天" was left at the crime scene.

It is now basically certain that it was done by the remnants of the Li family.

Moreover, those killed this time included not only men, but also women and children.

The youngest is still in swaddling clothes.

They left a message in the baby's cradle, "One life for another, this is just the beginning!"

In other words, they would kill as many people as the Li family members who died.

Soon after, people from the Ministry of War came over.

Although the Ministry of War no longer manages military affairs, the public security bureaus and city defense troops across the country are still managed by the Ministry of War.

The Minister of War, Cheng Famin, knelt on the ground and said, "Your Majesty, rumors are spreading around the capital, and people in many places are panicking.

I deserve to die for not maintaining peace in this place."

Qin Mo's face looked very bad. "These people are organized and premeditated. We must find them and kill them all. Otherwise, the situation will spread further and cause a great crisis."

This reminded Qin Mo of the news he had read in his previous life. One or two roaming bandits could cause big problems.

"Try every possible means and send out all the elite forces to find these people and kill them all! If the Public Security Bureau can't solve it, then let other departments unite and don't try to be too arrogant." Qin Mo said angrily.

"Yes, I understand." Cheng Famin gritted his teeth and said, "If I can't find these people, I will die to apologize!"

In peacetime, when such a major case happened, he, as the Minister of War, had an unshirkable responsibility.

After Cheng Famin left, people from several other departments came over to express their opinions.

Qin Mo met them patiently. The thing he regretted most was his indecision in the beginning.

If we had been ruthless from the beginning, there wouldn't have been so much trouble.

Sorry for the first time!

Qin Mo was very angry and even decided to take charge himself.

He called Xu Que over and said, "The real target of these people is me, so use me as bait to lure these people out."

"But the Emperor, will they be fooled?" Xu Que frowned.

"What's the point of killing civilians? The more they kill, the sooner or later they will be discovered. I have already notified everyone in the Gyeonggi region to pay attention to safety.

The army was also dispatched to patrol the streets. Anyone who dared to show his head would be killed!
If they can't do anything, they will definitely get angry and embarrassed.

If they move to another region, the effect will be greatly reduced, so they will not leave.”

Qin Mo tapped his fingers on the table. "We need to find a way to slowly leak out my information and whereabouts. We need to find someone who is similar to me. Only in this way can we lure the snake out of its hole."

"They won't come out in full force." Xu Que said, "I know these people. They just want to torture me on purpose."

"Old Queque, do you remember how I taught you?"

Xu Que was stunned for a moment, then immediately realized, "I understand."

"The enemy is cunning, but we can be more cunning than them." Qin Mo waved his hand, "Go down."

After Xu Que left, Qin Mo was not idle either, but called another person.

The man was wearing a mask and a black suit. "Any clues?"

"Reporting to the Emperor, I have found a clue. Give me two more days and I will definitely catch the big fish behind this."

"Who planned this case?"

“The remnants of the Li family, but there is no definite news on who they are.

But there is news that proves that the person behind this is related to Li Zhao."

"Impostors?" Qin Mo nodded. "Why didn't we find these people before?"

"They hid it too deeply. Over the years, the Li family has done a lot of things behind the scenes, and not much has been revealed. For example, many of the remnants of the dead soldiers are still alive.

It is not easy to find these people.

However, as far as I know, they have a roster that records the information of these assassins in detail.

Just find the roster and you’ll find them.”

"Go find them and arrest them as quickly as possible. I don't want to see any more innocent people die."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After the masked man retreated, Qin Mo fell into deep thought.

This person is from the Li family.

He was a chess piece planted within the Li family.

Qin Mo was soft-hearted back then, but that doesn't mean he didn't have means of restraint within the Li family.

And those people obviously knew that they were being monitored, so they used a lot of confidentiality measures.

Qin Mo actually knew some things a long time ago.

But he needed evidence to catch all these people in one fell swoop.

If you act rashly, not only will you alert the enemy, but you will also let the big fish escape.

This time, didn’t we catch the big fish of the counterfeit?

It's just a pity for those innocent people.

Qin Mo smoked silently. He wanted to see who the big fish was behind this.

Soon, this matter reached Qin Xiangru's ears, and Old Qin even went out of the palace in person to find Qin Mo to inquire about this matter.

Qin Mo did not hide anything and told the general story.

Qin Xiangru sighed, "Damn it, can't we just live peacefully these days?"

"Dad, don't get angry. This matter is still under my control." Qin Mo smiled. Everyone thought that the Jinyiwei was his trump card, but in fact, he had a deeper trump card than the Jinyiwei.

Does Li really think he is flawless?
That's impossible. There is nothing in this world that is completely airtight.

What's more, this involves so many people.

The reason why Qin Mo did not take action against Xinnan Road was actually to leave a way out for these people.

Only in this way can we force these people out completely.

If their thoughts are stopped, they will hide deeper.

Maybe he won't show up for more than ten or twenty years, and then he'll come out in another identity to harm others. That's not what Qin Mo wants.

"You." Qin Xiangru shook his head. "Forget it. I won't go back to the palace. I'll just rest here for two days. You can go fishing with me!"

Qin Mo smiled bitterly, "I don't have the energy to fish now."

"Can you catch these criminals if you go out?" Qin Xiangru glared at him, "Besides, you are the emperor. There are so many injustices happening across the country every day. Can you investigate them one by one?
Now that the arrangements have been made, we just need to wait for the results."

Qin Mo sighed. What Old Qin said was not wrong. The Ming Dynasty was so big, but the Central Plains was only so big.

How many injustices happen in this land every day?

Only a few can fall into his hands.

Those that did not fall before him were countless.

What he needs to do is to reduce the occurrence of these injustices as much as possible.

If I have to take care of everything, even if I have the ability to clone myself, I still won't be able to handle it! (End of this chapter)

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