big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2209 Qin Chuan in Danger

At this time, on the other side, Qin Chuan and others were touring the Central Plains to canvass for votes.

Before they go to the grassroots to gain experience, they also need to tell their ideas to the people across the country as much as possible.

This is a very important job.

On this day, when Qin Chuan was about to leave after the parade, gunshots suddenly rang out at the scene.

Qin Chuan suddenly felt a pain in his left arm. He looked down and saw a bloody hole in front of him.

He was shocked.

Immediately, the faces of the guards around him changed drastically. They quickly protected him behind them and picked up their shields to block in front.

"There is an assassin, quickly, protect His Highness and get him away!" Everyone was facing a powerful enemy.

The scene was in chaos.

Although Qin Chuan was nervous, he did not panic. "Quick, maintain the scene, do not let a stampede occur, and quickly evacuate the crowd."

"Your Highness, leave this matter to us. You'd better not show up and return to the car."

A group of people escorted Qin Chuan into the car.

This car is a specially made bulletproof vehicle that can even defend against small-caliber howitzers.

The glass is also specially made and cannot be penetrated by ordinary guns.

It is also resistant to high temperatures and has strong sealing. Even if there are toxic fumes, there are special oxygen cylinders and gas masks under the table mat.

"Hurry, His Highness has been shot. Give him emergency treatment first and send him to the hospital immediately." The personal bodyguard said nervously.

The people from the Public Security Bureau cleared the way ahead.

Any problems that occurred on site have been notified immediately.

The place Qin Chuan came from was Lingnan, which was also where Qin Mo lived back then.


If the news of him being attacked by an assassin in Cangwu gets out, the whole Cangwu will be in trouble.

The local officials in Cangwu were so frightened that they trembled all over and rushed to the hospital with a large group of people.

"Is your highness okay?"

"Everyone keep quiet. Your Highness has been shot and is undergoing surgery in the operating room. You must arrest the assassin immediately.

We have notified Tokyo immediately, and Tokyo will then notify Xijing."

Qin Chuan's secretary said: "This is a very serious problem. Your Highness was shot in Cangwu. This is the palace where the emperor used to govern Lingnan. If this gets out, will Cangwu still be developed?

Do you still want the future of millions of people?"

The local official was so frightened that his face turned pale. He kept saying, "Don't worry, we will arrest this person as soon as possible."

Qin Chuan is the eldest son and the legitimate son. If something happens to him in Cangwu, he will be to blame and it will be useless to commit suicide to apologize.

Moreover, Cangwu has developed very well in recent years. Although it is inland and not close to the sea, as the place where the emperor made his fortune, it can also be regarded as the place where the dragon rose.

Cangwu also has the city of Little Tokyo, which is so prosperous that it even surpasses many coastal cities.

But it was precisely because of this that Qin Chuan's shooting seemed so abrupt.

If not handled properly, Cangwu’s future will be worrying.

All officials will suffer.

An hour later, Qin Chuan was pushed out of the operating room. Although the bullet did not hit a vital part this time, it hit a blood vessel, causing excessive bleeding.

Even after a blood transfusion, he looked very weak.

It almost hit his heart. Qin Chuan was terrified.

Looking at the officials who gathered around him, Qin Chuan said, "I'm fine. Are the local people okay?"

"Your Highness, the people are safe and sound. We are doing our best to hunt down the assassin. Don't worry, I will bring him to justice no matter what!" said Cangwu's chief.

Qin Chuan nodded and said, "Go down first. I want to be quiet."

"Yes, I'll take my leave!" After everyone left, the entire hospital was heavily guarded.

Qin Chuan was afraid that it would affect ordinary people's medical treatment, so he asked them to leave.

"Your Highness, how do you feel?"

"The anesthetic has worn off, and it hurts a little." Qin Chuan sighed, "This is not going to end well."

Just then, another person ran over with a satellite phone, "Your Highness, it's the Emperor calling."

Qin Chuan also hurriedly asked someone to help him up, "Quick, bring the phone over."

After answering the phone, Qin Mo's voice came from inside, "Is the injury serious?"

"My dear Emperor, it's not serious. I was just shot in the arm. I just need to rest for a few days. You don't have to worry." Qin Chuan forced a smile.

"It almost hit the heart. Is it a minor injury?" Qin Mo's face looked very ugly on the other end of the phone. The matter was more serious than he thought. These people probably sent a lot of people to kill these princes who were canvassing for votes. "Stop the tour and have a good rest. After the injury is healed, go to the grassroots to gain experience. Don't tour anymore.

I will give you an explanation about this matter."

"Grandpa Emperor, I'm fine, grandson."

"This matter is a bit complicated, more complicated than you think, so, listen to me, as long as you make achievements, others will see it." Qin Mo said.

Qin Chuan sighed secretly, "Yes, Grandpa Huang, by the way, Grandpa Huang, regarding the assassination of me here, I hope that the people and officials of Cangwu will not be implicated.

They don't want this either.

It would be inappropriate to implicate them because of me!"

"You kid..." Qin Mo laughed in silence, this matter was not as simple as he thought. To put it simply, it was a problem of public security. To put it more seriously, it was a lack of protection and dereliction of duty.

This is no small matter.

If there was no cost for making mistakes, no one would care.

Resources are limited. If you don't cherish them well, the court will take back the resources that you have allocated to others.

"I know what's going on. Just take care of your injuries and don't think too much."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Chuan said depressedly: "Now it's good, Grandpa Huang, I won't be allowed to tour."

"Your Highness, the Emperor is also worried about your safety," the secretary consoled.

"Forget it, I don't want to think too much about it. This is Cangwu, the place where the emperor was born. I was shot here, which shows how serious the problem here is.

It's not without reason that Grandpa Huang asked me to leave." Qin Chuan thought for a moment and said, "We will take a plane back to Tokyo tomorrow morning. If I continue to stay here, it will cause trouble for the people of Cangwu."

The princes of the Qin Dynasty did not feel that they were superior to others. They knew from a young age not to trouble the local people or cause them trouble.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it. This is the first sentence in all Ming Dynasty textbooks.

At this time, Tokyo.

Qin Xiangru also knew that Qin Chuan had been shot. He was so angry that he didn't even have the heart to fish. "These bastards deserve to die!"

"This revenge comes really fast." Qin Mo smoked a cigarette and said, "I have called off the parade. Let them all go back. The Central Plains is not safe anymore. At least, it is not suitable for them to come out before these people are caught."

"It's not just the Central Plains. Xijing must be in turmoil too." Qin Xiangru dropped his fishing rod and said, "We must solve this problem in our generation. Otherwise, there will be no peace!" (End of this chapter)

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